Access to benefits at small businesses might be declining

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Access to benefits at small businesses might be declining [by Michael Kinsman] As a small-business owner, Barry Dorrity knows that he has to watch every penny closely.

That’s one of the reasons the operator of the

pay an average of $7.40 per hour in benefits

worker builds skills and gains experience, he

Genesis Mold tool and die shop in San Diego

to their employees, or equivalent to about

or she comes to expect some sort of pension.

keeps his overhead low with a small staff.

29 percent of their compensation costs. It also reports that access to benefits such as

But few companies can offer defined-benefit

Currently, only Dorrity and his son are em-

health insurance, sick pay, vacation pay and

plans, which pay workers a fixed monthly

ployed at the machine shop.

pensions is more restricted at small busi-

amount upon retirement. So when small

nesses. “If you’re a small business, you have to do

businesses do offer pension plans, they are usually defined-contribution plans, or 401(k)

that,” Dorrity says. “You have to learn to cut

“There are signs that access to some of

plans that offer an employer match if work-

corners, or you’ll go out of business. I can’t

these benefits is declining,” the SBA report

ers set aside their own money in the plan.

really afford to have employees.”

warns. “While there is little evidence that the share of workers with access to paid leave

Not only does this typically cost small

The cost of employee benefits and the where-

benefits has changed significantly, health

employers more, it also requires that the

withal to offer them are sizable problems

insurance is not as available as it was prior

individual workers manage their own invest-

for all small businesses, according to a new

to the 2001 recession.”


survey by the Small Business Administration. In 1999, 67.9 percent of workers in private

“The nice thing about a 401(k) or something

That study laments that small businesses

companies with more than 1,000 employees

like that is that it is portable,” Shaw said.

find themselves at a competitive disadvan-

had access to health insurance, compared

“But it is costly and requires more effort on

tage with larger companies that can offer

with 54.2 percent for companies that em-

the part of the worker.”

broader benefits packages for less cost per

ployed 25 to 99 workers, and 32.9 percent for


companies with fewer than 10 workers, the

The benefits dilemma is vexing for all

SBA reported.

companies. They need to find the right mix

And because economists continue to predict

of benefits to attract and retain the workers

a shortage of workers in the second half of

Three years later, the percentage of workers

this decade, the disadvantage is sure to grow

in large companies with access was down to

more important for small businesses.

64.3 percent, while companies that employed

Yet, Dorrity says, the smallest companies

25 to 99 workers covered 50.4 percent, and

struggle to provide even a basic benefit such

“Small businesses compete for the same

companies with fewer than 10 workers cov-

as health insurance.

labor pool that large and medium-sized

ered 31.5 percent.

businesses compete for,” said Michael Shaw,

they need. No one wants to overspend.

“Guys I know who have offered benefits to

assistant state director of the National

“Every four years, we survey our members

their workers for years are starting to find

Federation of Independent Businesses, a lob-

about benefits,” the NFIB’s Shaw said. “For

out that they just can’t afford them anymore,”

bying group for small business.

20 years, the cost of health care benefits has

he said. “That tells me I’m not the only one

been at the top of the list of their concerns.

that feels this.”

“More than two-thirds of all jobs are created

More importantly, it’s becoming increasingly

by small business. It’s not a healthy situation

important to them.”

when they can’t afford to offer the benefits they need to compete.”

Small companies also wrestle with the cost

The SBA study reports that U.S. business

of retirement plans. Shaw says that as a


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