LawCrossing Feature
All about Document Review With the progress in information technology, document review has become a separate industry and with the amendments to the e-discovery rules in 2006 to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the need to understand and use document review software has become compulsory for every attorney. The more we depend upon electronic documents through the entire lifetime of documents and archiving, the more information become accessible to all parties to a lawsuit, and the greater need arises for an attorney to be fully focused in document review processes.
Earlier, in May 2012, the head of Greenberg Traurig had
process has been thoroughly dissected by the industry,
to apologize to the open court for failing to produce
and modern document review consists of the following
important evidence that was not noticed by the lawyer
handling the case. The important document was a part of an email attachment. The lawyer who was
Separate important documents from non-respon-
responsible, apologized and fumbled that she could not
sive documents and eliminate non-responsive
remember … and the opponents filed a suit related to
documents from the pile before setting out to
‘discovery’ and cried fraud and misrepresentation. Not
a palatable situation for any law firm. But the situation
would not have happened in the ordinary course
Tag all documents that are marked “privileged” or “confidential” or bears the names of counsels.
of events if the rules and principles of meticulous
document review and archiving were followed.
Categorize documents into “responsive,” “confidential,” and “privileged” at the very least. Some important documents may also be tagged with
So, in law practice, a document review is no more the simple ‘quality control’ and proofing and tallying of law
other alerts like “hot doc.” 4.
and facts. The entire document review process has
mon categorization so that documents related
become collaborative, and in fact all big law firms and corporate businesses now employ document review
Issue related tags are also used on top of comwith particular issues can be quickly accessed.
Create parent-child relationships between docu-
teams as opposed to allotting document review as
ments: a typical parent-child relationship would
personal responsibilities. So the document review
be an email and its attachment.
process can now be clearly segregated into two types
Mark whether a document is a ‘parent’ or a
– (1) Document review at a basic and personal level,
‘child,’ it is safer to treat and tag documents
(2) Document review as a collaborative effort and
individually, as a ‘privileged’ email can contain an
team project. Though the basic process remains the
attachment which should not be privileged and
same, document review at a personal level has become
vice-versa. Categorizing parent-child documents
enhanced with experience learned from collaborative
inconsistently can lead to terrible lapses like the
efforts, and collaborative efforts differ only in their
Greenberg Traurig event mentioned earlier in this
need for managerial support.
article. 7.
Set strategies and deadlines to complete the
Today’s document review is not about simply taking
first tier review comfortably and with adequate
notes or doing QC, the steps of the document review
resources at hand. With document reviews, it is
continued on back
LawCrossing Feature
absolutely necessary to avoid last-hour rushes.
because this is the area where the greatest num-
Form a full understanding of the underlying facts
bers of errors occur.
of the case, the issues including questions of
16. Prepare a ‘privilege log’ and substantiate the
facts and law, and the nature of potential and
legality of withholding each document marked as
present discovery requests.
privileged. The privilege log needs to contain suf-
Create a ‘case memo’ including a synopsis of the
ficient information to identify documents and the
case and issues that need to be addressed.
rationale for withholding them.
10. Create a review strategy and a brief review
17. Create a ‘project journal’ so that if the document
manual that can be referred back in case the
review is called into question you have sufficient
project goes collaborative and others need to be
and ready data to rely on. The project journal
should contain – introduction, mention of all
11. Separate all “Pleadings” properly tag them and
case materials, all project related questions and
establish parent-child relationships. Create a
answers, timeframe and delivery schedules, error
brief procedural history of the case to follow as a
rates and QC methods adopted, privilege log and
guide for finding documents and relevant con-
all redaction efforts.
tent. 12. Index all relevant discovery requests, responses,
By approaching the document review professionally,
objections, orders and potential documents that
and by using the tools made available by IT, it
may be called for discovery
is possible to carry out proper document review.
13. Create an inside and outside counsel list with contact details. Assign ownership of documents
Traditional and unsystematic methods can end in catastrophe, even affecting the license of an attorney.
and include the information on notes with relevant documents as to the people who know most
As has already been established in Qualcomm Inc
about those documents.
v. Broadcom Corp. 2008 WL 66932 (S.D. Calif. Jan.
14. Do not wait until you finish the entire process to
7, 2008), attorneys now incur a significant personal
begin Quality Control. Document review pro-
liability when failing to produce documents responsive
cesses today often extend to thousands of docu-
to a discovery request. The key to avoiding such
ments. The QC must start as soon as the primary
situations are in creating a comprehensive document
sorting of documents is finished and should con-
review strategy, both at personal levels and in
tinue parallel with the rest of the review process.
collaborative efforts.
15. It is important to check twice all documents that are tagged as “responsive” and “not privileged”