Alternative Legal Careers

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Alternative Legal Careers [Danielle D. Hansen] So you went through three years of law school only to eventually decide that you don’t want to practice law? No problem. Your J.D. offers you a plethora of other opportunities that don’t involve typical attorney work.

Last week, we began our look at alternate

these editors must sometimes “translate”

Several publishing companies have made

careers you can explore with your J.D. if you

the legalese of the authors and turn that

Legal Codes for the states available for

find that you just don’t have it within you

language into something simpler for lay

years, and over the past decade, the laws

to actually practice law, per se. Yes, your

readers, or at least first-year law students,

within those books have made their way onto

friends and families will think you’re crazy

to handle.

the Internet. While this conversion requires

and that you’ve wasted your time and hard-

plenty of work by programmers and web

earned money-especially if it’s your parents

On the other hand, oftentimes these books

designers, people with legal knowledge are

who have wasted THEIR hard-earned money.

cannot and should not be altered. The legal-

also required.

But the bottom line is that thousands of J.D.

ese should not be changed in many cases,

graduates each year will never go into actual

especially if a professor/writer is trying to

Before they make their way from the books

legal practice. So, despite what the naysay-

make an intricate point about a detailed and

into their online version, these laws need

ers will complain about, you’re not alone in

complex matter of the law. In these cases,

to be checked and double-checked. And

wanting to explore an alternative career.

the publishers’ editors and proofreaders will

who better to do that than an attorney with

be lost. They lack the expertise to realize if

(at least) a basic understanding of the law?

the author has made a spelling or gram-

It’s not as simple as taking the Workers’

mar error. Would a publisher’s average

Compensation Code, for example, and copy

One of the big options for J.D.’s who don’t

proofreader realize that the sentence, “She

and pasting it into one gigantic HTML file.

want to practice law is in the field of legal

was a summer of counsel and then externed

That would work, technically speaking, but

publishing. This is a multi-million-dollar

elsewhere,” is a complete thought and very

it would only give users a clunky document

industry that employs thousands of attorneys

understandable to legal readers? Probably

with which to work. Instead, the documents

throughout the U.S. and the world. It’s also

not. That sentence looks like a train wreck,

are broken up into sections.

an industry with dozens of options within the

but grammatically there is nothing wrong


with it. And more than likely, it would take

Researchers-again, these researchers are

someone with legal expertise to understand

mostly attorneys-must track the laws and all

For example, there is the world of textbooks.

this. An author might become irate with a

applicable amendments. Publishing an out-

These are generally written by attorneys

publisher for changing such a sentence; so

of-date law enters into dangerous territory;

who are well-established in their respective

the publishers hire plenty of specialized edi-

it not only looks bad from a public relations

fields and who have some formal academic

tors with specific sets of skills.

point of view and will not help a publisher win

Publishing Careers

and writing training. Writing such a book on

over customers, but there could be potential

your own when you’re fresh out of law school

The boom of the Internet has given new life

legal ramifications involved if a trial lawyer

might prove to be futile; your lack of experi-

to legal publishing over the past few years.

uses outdated information in court.

ence will not endear you to book publishers,

Dusty old tomes cluttering valuable space in

whose bottom-line is, “Will this book sell?”

law offices are slowly being replaced by the

With printed books, there’s somewhat of

More than likely, yours will not.

mouse and the monitor. Stacks and stacks

an expectation for things to be out of date.

of yellowing paper were first replaced by the

That’s why we were always instructed to

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t break

floppy disk and now the CD-ROM. There are

check the pocket parts first before diving into

into the textbook industry. This field employs

countless websites devoted to the law and,

the statutes themselves. But on the Inter-

thousands of expert editors who, at the very

like our own LawCrossing, to legal profes-

net-with its ever-growing immediacy-people

least, must know the intricacies of “legal-


expect legal sites to be up to date. The major

ese,” the language of lawyers. Moreover,


legal online publishers realize this, and they

continued on back


1. 800. 973. 1177

employ thousands of attorneys to constantly

often employ many attorneys to go to the law

monitor state and federal goings-on to

schools and get the students hooked. In this

ensure the accuracy and timeliness of every

capacity, the publishers’ attorneys are part

single section of law on their sites.

salesperson and part trainer, part public relations guru and part savior. It makes you

It’s not just a matter of reading law jour-

wonder how students did their research 10 or

nals or scanning the Internet to find new

20 years ago, before the advent of the Web.

amendments to published laws. The major legal publishers have liaisons who work in

Of course, legal publishers employ attorneys

conjunction with state and federal secretar-

in more traditional roles as well. Perhaps

ies, officers, information keepers, etc. There

you don’t want to work at a firm, yet you have

is indeed competition among the publishers,

a love of contracts. Online subscriptions

and anything they can do to get a “scoop”-to

often are written contracts which must, of

get their website updated with a new law or

course, be closely examined down to the last

amendment before their competition does-is

letter. What if a customer wants to cancel

fair game.

service, for example? What if they want to add additional users without being charged

Usually, knowing the instant when a new law

any extra money? These matters must be

or amendment has been passed or repealed

thought out in advance, and usually they are;

is not enough. Legal researchers need to

they’re contained in the contract.

keep abreast of all legislation from inception onwards. Many legal websites now have

As you can see, there are plenty of jobs in the

sections devoted to future laws or laws on

legal publishing industry for attorneys. It’s

the way-laws that are passed but not yet

another field with a large number of lawyer-

codified. Attorneys are needed to find those

employees who simply did not see them-

laws and, in many cases, write commentary

selves in a traditional legal career. Someone

about them.

like yourself perhaps. These jobs are out there to be had, and at LawCrossing we want

Online legal publishers also employ attorneys in their customer service departments. The customers in these cases are attorneys 99% of the time, as very few other people have the need to look up tort provisions, for example. Paying customers often need help finding particular laws or amendments, and the customer service departments’ attorneys are there to help. Paid subscriptions to these sites can be extremely expensive; for that kind of money, customers expect top-notch customer service, and talking to a machine is not an option. Online legal publishers know what they’re doing. They bait you in law school to use their product for your research for free, knowing full well you’ll be a slave to that site by the time you get out of school. At which time you or your employer will have to pay for it. For this reason, legal online publishers


to help you find them.

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