Award-winning University of Oregon law students give back to the community

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Award-winning University of Oregon law students give back to the community while furthering their own lega [by Erica Winter] As a group, students at the University of Oregon School of Law, Eugene, won the Oregon State Bar’s Pro Bono Challenge for the fourth year in a row by working thousands of pro bono hours. not as privileged as many law students. “I re-

Individually, by directly impacting the lives of

transition plans and how best to follow the

local people, they have achieved even more.

legislation mandating the plans, for judges,

ally like criminal law and working with kids,”

lawyers, and caseworkers who deal with

he says. Street Law was a way to do commu-

The Juvenile Rights Project in Portland;

abuse and neglect proceedings. For example,

nity service and also to have fun, he says.

Peer Court in Eugene and Springfield; Street

the book describes how to make sure that

Law, based at the law school; and the Lane

the kids have housing and health insurance

David Eisenberg found his pro bono niche

County Law and Advocacy Center are just

and gives advice on how best to advocate for

through a recommendation from Oregon

a few groups that have benefited from law

the child’s best interests.

Law’s Pro Bono Program Director, Jane

students’ service.

Steckbeck. When Eisenberg was looking for Allen spends a few hours a month during the

something to do for the summer after his

Molly Allen is in her second year at Oregon

school year working as a pro bono judge and

first year, she steered him towards the Lane

Law, and she has already clocked 400 hours

intake counselor in the Eugene and Spring-

County Law and Advocacy Center, saying it

of pro bono work. She works with both the

field city Peer Court programs. In Peer Court,

would help him learn interview skills and

Juvenile Rights Project and Peer Court.

juveniles charged with crimes come before

problem-solving. “And of course, she was

Before coming to law school, Allen interned

a jury of their fellow teens, which rules on

right,” says Eisenberg, now in his third year.

as a probation officer for juvenile defendants.

guilt and determines sentencing. Offenses

The experience “really opened my eyes to the

include underage possession of tobacco, low-

Eisenberg does intake interviews with the

difficulties so many kids face,” she says. It

level theft, or harassment. Sentences often

center’s low-income clients. He talks with

also showed her “how resilient kids are.”

include community service, says Allen, and a

the client and then discusses the legal is-

letter of apology.

sues with one of the supervising attorneys to

Allen came to law school knowing she want-

determine whether the center can help the

ed to work with juveniles, and a professor at

The pro bono work has been “the best part of

person or he needs to refer the person on to

the school connected her with the Juvenile

my legal education,” says Allen, who hopes

another lawyer.

Rights Project. The group works with kids

to work representing juveniles in her career

charged with crimes and also represents

after law school.

abused kids in dependency hearings, which

Most of the center’s clients have questions on denials for benefits such as Social Secu-

Jeremy Dickman does his pro bono work

rity disability, food stamps, or government

helping to head up the Street Law program

housing, says Eisenberg. Helping people

Allen would do home visits on behalf of

at Oregon Law. This year, Dickman won the

with denial appeals is the center’s “num-

attorneys and talk to the kids. She would

annual school award for making the most

ber-one priority,” he says. The center also

make sure there was no abuse taking place

impact through his pro bono work.

helps clients with family law issues, such as

determine child placement.

and convey information from the kids to the

divorce, child custody, and domestic violence

attorneys, Allen says. She also advocated

Street Law is comprised of law students who

for kids in meetings with the Department of

go to area high school classrooms and teach

Human Services.

students about their constitutional rights,

Eisenberg enjoys this kind of legal work and

including “the nuts and bolts of the Fourth

is “considering doing this as a career” or at

In addition to all that, Allen spent last sum-

Amendment,” Dickman says, advising stu-

least keeping up a pro bono commitment

mer writing a book.

dents on what to do if stopped by the police.

while working at a law firm, he says. He has

“It’s where the rubber meets the road as far

“a sense that you are supposed to, and can,

as the law is concerned.”

help people in this profession,” Eisenberg

Oregon requires a “transition plan” for foster

says. “It’s a very satisfying thing.”

kids turning 18 years old as they transition out of foster care. Allen researched

Dickman, a third-year, saw Street Law as a

and wrote a guidebook on the best types of

way to serve those in the community who are


restraining orders.

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