Big impact on a small scale: The George Washington University Law School's Small Business Clinic

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Big impact on a small scale: The George Washington University Law School’s Small Business Clinic [by Erica Winter] Starting a small business or nonprofit organization is a challenge no matter where you are, let alone in the busy and highly competitive nation’s capital. Since 1977, The George Washington University Law School’s Small Business Clinic has extended a helping hand to Washington, DC’s entrepreneurs, offering free legal help to turn ideas into reality.

shop in the terminals.

The clinic’s goal is to help people who cannot

would involve deciding what kind of business

afford to hire a lawyer to start and main-

to set up (e.g., an LLC or an S-Corporation),

tain their small businesses, which, in turn,

dealing with contract matters, and handling

William Gist is a client of the small business

contribute to the community as a whole by

trademark and copyright processes.

clinic who is trying to open a Maui Wowie franchise in Dulles International Airport,

revitalizing city neighborhoods, says Susan Jones, Professor of Clinical Law at George

For an existing business, the clinic might

outside of Washington, DC. Maui Wowie sells

Washington University Law School and

help with lease reviews or expansion plans.

smoothies and coffee. Gist currently has

supervising attorney of the small business

For nonprofits, law students will do the

three Maui Wowie kiosks in the DC Conven-

clinic. Eight George Washington law students

necessary work to establish the organization

tion Center downtown and would like to

per semester work with clinic clients.

as a nonprofit group, including obtaining the

expand his business to Dulles.

federal tax exemption status needed for a There are roughly 15 small business clinics

group to accept contributions.

at law schools around the country, says

Gist came to the George Washington clinic for help because he had come to it in the past

Jones. George Washington’s is one of the

One tool at the clinic’s disposal is determin-

when establishing a valet-parking business

oldest, however. The clinic got its start as the

ing whether a client’s business qualifies for

with a partner a few years ago. The clinic’s

local DC legal center for the Small Business

a federal or state Disadvantaged Business

students helped them set up contracts with

Administration’s Small Business Develop-

Enterprise (DBE) Program. Those who qualify

city restaurants and establish an operating

ment Program and developed from there.

can get preferential treatment in setting up

agreement. Now, although the students have

businesses—in lease considerations, for

changed, the “established relationship with

The Small Business Development Program

example. Programs on both the federal and

Professor Jones” brought him back, Gist

still refers many clients to the clinic, says

state levels require that a business owner


Jones. Other referrals come from neigh-

be a minority as defined by federal law and

borhood groups in DC, such as Shaw Main

be both socially and economically disadvan-

Now George Washington law students—un-

Streets and the Georgia Avenue Business

taged. For example, notes Jones, former

der Jones’s supervision—are going through

Resource Center. Clients are owners of (or

NBA star Michael Jordan would not qualify

the 100-page lease from Dulles for Gist and

would like to launch) “micro businesses,”

since he meets the first requirement, but

helping him review contracts. So far, things

which usually have one to five employees and

definitely not the second. Students at the

are “going well!” says Gist; and with his

less than $35,000 in start-up capital—such

George Washington clinic can help clients

planned expansion, the smoothie business

as a small construction contractor, a hair sa-

apply for DBE status and ensure that the

“is looking pretty promising.”

lon owner, or a small consulting firm. Small

program receives the proper business details

nonprofit organizations can also seek help

and client background information.

Gist is a “classic entrepreneur,” says third-year law student Joe Swanson, who

from the clinic. Specifically, to receive federal financial as-

is working at the small business clinic

Law students work on a wide variety of is-

sistance, airports must comply with a U.S.

this semester. “I have a lot of respect for

sues with clients, says Jones. When a client

Department of Transportation regulation

entrepreneurs,” Swanson says. “They are the

is accepted to the clinic, there is an initial

requiring them to set up DBE programs. At

backbone of the economy.”

consult, and then students—under Jones’s

these airports, business owners who qualify

supervision—develop a plan to meet the

get preference when airports consider new

client’s needs. For a new business, this

businesses and owners who want to set up


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