Bryan Cave LLP

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1. 800. 973.1177


Bryan Cave LLP [Joann Chang] Don’t let this firm’s St. Louis address fool you. Under Bryan Cave’s Midwestern front is a major international law firm.

Bryan Cave’s humble roots began in 1873,

ment. Partners and associates enjoy friendly

work and their personal obligations, Bryan

not too far away from its current headquar-

relationships at this firm, with most associ-

Cave is one of the most understanding firms.

ters in St. Louis, Missouri. Originally named

ates finding it easy to seek out partners for

The firm allows its associates to work part-

King, Phillips & Stewart, the current name

advice and training. The associates also

time while maintaining their eligibility for

partners P. Taylor Bryan and Rhodes Cave

benefit from some of the best views of the


joined in 1911 and 1917, respectively. The

city from their respective offices. Lucky Los

firm has many long-standing and loyal rela-

Angeles associates are close enough to hear

tionships with some of the largest companies

the ocean and St. Louis attorneys have views

in America, including Bank of America and

of the St. Louis Arch.

Jobs Bryan Cave currently has several openings in St. Louis, Irvine, Phoenix and New York

The Boeing Company. The last thirty years has brought tremendous growth to the com-

If you are looking for a job straight out of law

City, including opportunities for experienced

pany and the firm currently stands strong

school here, your chances are greatly in-

corporate, employment and real estate asso-

with over 840 attorneys, 15 offices, and $250

creased by scoring a summer associate posi-

ciates. More information regarding attorney

million worth of revenue.

tion. Bryan Cave hires many of its first-years

positions at Bryan Cave can be found in the

from its summer intern pool and invests a

LawCrossing job database.

Bryan Cave has a strong international pres-

lot of effort into its summer programs. It all

ence, with offices in England, China, and the

seems to be paying off for the firm, as past

Middle East. Established in 1982, the firm’s

summer associates gave Bryan Cave one of

London office has a noted litigation practice

the highest ratings in Lzine’s 2003 Summer

and recently ranked as having the 24th high-

Associates Survey. Current associates point

est revenue among the international firms in

out that having a good personality gives

the United Kingdom according to The Lawyer

candidates an additional edge in a sea of

100. The Shanghai and Hong Kong offices

resumes and faces. The firm hires at the top

are well known for their tax and trust work,

law schools, recruiting on campus at 22 of

as well as their expertise in transactional

them. For laterals, a top law school diploma

law. Additionally, the firm’s Middle Eastern

doesn’t hurt, but Bryan Cave is willing to look

presence received a lot of press in the early

at exceptional candidates with credentials

1990s when Bryan Cave garnered the counsel

from regional schools.

positions for the Kuwaiti government in their $100 billion lawsuit against the State of Iraq.

Although some associates complain about the different pay scales for different offices,

Although the atmosphere of Bryan Cave’s

it appears that the firm balances salaries

offices varies from office to office, the firm’s

with the quality of life in each city. For its

attorneys are generally known to have a

laid-back and flexible offices in Kansas

strong work ethic and cordial manners.

City and Overland Park, first-years receive

The Midwestern roots of the firm seem to

$80,000. But for a more tense and heavy

travel pretty well and, despite its conserva-

workload office like New York, first-years

tive reputation, most associates positively

get a much more generous $125,000. For at-

describe the firm’s polite and casual environ-

torneys that need to split their time between


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