How to Get That Callback Interview

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How to Get That Callback Interview [Rebecca Luczycki]

Any job interview is stressful, but knowing

search for free. It will not only bode well on

David Booher, a third-year student at USC,

you are only one in a continuous line of po-

them as employees but also gives them some

also found his summer job with O’Melveny &

tential job candidates parading in front of the

better information on the place they might be

Myers in Los Angeles through OCI. His best

on-campus recruiters - and meeting up to 10


advice is to make sure you don’t get tripped up on something simple.

recruiters yourself in a single day - can be extremely wearing and disheartening. How

Mario Trimble, a second-year student at

do you impress the interviewers enough to be

the University of Colorado School of Law in

“Have a perfect resume and writing sample

the one they want to see again?

Boulder, spent last summer as a summer

with no typos or simple mistakes,” he said.

associate at Kutak, Rock in Denver - a job

“Because the competition id going to be

“Making yourself be the chosen one early in

he got through OCI. He says preparation for

stiffer, don’t give the employers and reason

the process with the preliminary interviews

interviews is critical and advises students to

to easily dismiss you as a candidate.”

is tough, but if you want to be chosen for a

start early.

callback interview you want to be perceived

This story appeared in the September, 2003 edi-

as the best,” said Jerry Nash, deputy director

“That made a difference to me,” he said. “I

tion of The National Jurist, www.nationaljurist.

of the National Association for Law Place-

spent some time getting all my ducks in a

ment (NALP). “That means doing your home-

row, honing my resume, talking to faculty


work not only on the organization as a whole

and having all my references prepared be-

but on the individual conducting the interview

fore the process started.”

as well to the extent that you can.” Nash also recommends students practice Nash remembers one friend who interviewed

what they might say if asked about their

students on his birthday. When it came to

future plans or why they chose law school.

arranging callback interviews, he chose the only student who expressed good wishes to

“Being able to articulate your own personal

him because it was his birthday.

and professional goals clearly, concisely and professionally is critical,” he said.

“It showed a discipline and a thoroughness,” Nash said.

But Balaban advises against too much preparation.

Melissa Balaban, director of career services at the University of Southern California Law

“Rehearse and prepare, always walking in

School in Los Angeles, said students should

the fine line between sounding rehearsed

do more than just check out the firm’s Web

and prepared and being caught unprepared,”


she said.

“Think of intelligent questions to ask that

Trimble suggests putting something unusual

are based on information that isn’t read-

or interesting on your resume to help break

ily available on their Web site so it shows

the ice. He is a semi-professional fencer and

you did some work,” she said. “It’s so easy

finds interviewers like to ask him about that.

today with the Internet and Lexis or Nexis to

Plus, it makes him more memorable later on.


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