LawCrossing General Counsel Consulting Career Feature
Challenges of Shifting In-House From a Law Firm As an attorney in private practice, it might seem that an in-house job may be preferable to the billable hours’ sweatshop environment in private law firms. Sometimes it may be true, but otherwise the only shift that happens is a change in work environment. It does not relieve you from carrying your work home, even if it is only in your mind, but you can carry it ‘home’ and you are no more forced to spend abominable lengths of time separated from your family and personal life and responsibilities.
The right reasons for moving from private
The challenges for moving from private practice
practice to an in-house position:
to an in-house position
In fact, despite the grass being always green on the
There are many challenges while moving in-house from
other side of the river, experienced and respected in-
private practice though you are in a better position
house counsel say that moving from private practice
to manage your time and have greater pay security.
to in-house is successful only when the person has the
Common problems faced by in-house attorneys include:
correct reasons backing his decision. And according to those who are truly experienced, the right reasons for
an attorney to move from private practice to in-house are:
Being sued as defendants in lawsuits by shareholders and other stakeholders of a business
D&O insurances in companies usually do not cover general counsel or junior attorneys
• • •
You want to immerse yourself in the role of a
of professional conduct as an attorney, and rules
of a business rather than participating in specific
of conduct as an official who is part of the busi-
legal matters
ness organization
You want your legal knowledge to contribute in
ment while trying to comply with the require-
You really want to thoroughly research and gain
ments of rules which mandate reporting of “cred-
knowledge in a specific discipline in law
ible evidence of any material violation.”
You find a business and its activities so interestexternal adviser to becoming an integral part of
Fulfilling the need to gain the trust and confidence of key business operatives
the organization
Continual need of control to remain within the scope of offering legal advice as opposed to busi-
You like greater geographical flexibility and having your ‘home’ license in one state and still be
Continually gathering the ire of senior manage-
actual decision making processes in a business
ing that you would like to move from being an
Continual conflict between requirements of rules
strategic business advisor within the dynamics
ness advice •
Greater exposure to risks and lawsuits than in
able to do work in others
private practice as regards personal or work re-
You have dreams to become an entrepreneur and
lated conduct
would like to acquire knowledge and first-hand experience of business dynamics and operations
When you move in-house from private practice, the employer now regards you as a source of expense,
continued on back
LawCrossing General Counsel Consulting Career Feature
while previously you were regarded as a source of
what you gain is pay security and not job security, and
revenue. The difference can matter a great deal. It is a
what you gain are scheduled hours of physical presence
trade-off that is acceptable to some and not acceptable
at office, but not fewer hours of work, if you are to
to others. Whatever is the reason for you to decide for
carry out your responsibilities.
moving in-house from private practice, be sure that