Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton

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1. 800. 973.1177


Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton [Jefferson Byrd] This prestigious but off-beat firm might be eccentric, but there is no kidding around when it comes to the impressive workload the firm’s attorneys take on.

When, in 1946, the New York firm of Root,

American law firm licensed in Japan and the

Though the firm’s corporate work tends

Clark, Buckner & Ballantine instituted a new

first to promote Japanese attorneys. Even

to overshadow their litigation, Cleary has

policy of compensating partners based on

with offices in Paris, Brussels, Hong Kong,

served as counsel in some high-profile court

billable hours and new clients, four lawyers

Tokyo, Milan, Moscow, Cologne, Frankfurt,

cases. They represented the gay New Jersey

quit the firm to start their own. Founded on

and Brussels, language requirements for

Boy Scout leader who was kicked out of the

the principle that lawyers within a firm must

attorneys are few, even though candidates

organization in violation of the state’s anti-

cooperate and not compete against each

with foreign language skills are always in

discrimination law. Though the judge ruled

other, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen, & Hamilton


against the Boy Scouts, the Scouts appealed and the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the

eschews performance-based pay. With an increasing turnover rate, which many

discrimination was constitutional. With a

Discouraging conformity, the firm’s culture

think is due to the high demand for Cleary-

long-standing commitment to taking pro

stresses independent thought. Though they

trained attorneys, the firm hatched a plan to

bono work, Cleary has been commended for

have a reputation for being laid-back and

keep its important associates. In 1999, Cleary

making service to the community a priority.

democratic (the firm’s Washington, D.C.

created a senior attorney position, available

branch operates almost entirely independent

for those who want to work more than part

The New York Law Journal called Cleary

of the New York office), the one thing every-

time but less than the arduous hours re-

a leader in diversity. Minorities constitute

one at Cleary takes seriously is the work.

quired by large firms. Senior attorneys must

20 percent of the firm’s partners and 25

The firm prides itself on its quirkiness, but

have seven-years experience, with two of

percent of associates. As half of all Cleary

some associates say that with average hours

those years at Cleary. Those who qualify get

recruits are women, the firm offers a flexible

between 45-70 per week, Cleary isn’t quite

to negotiate their pay and hours. Other salary

schedule for moms and a “Working Women”

as free-spirited as it presents itself. The firm

perks include a $20,000 bonus at the end of

seminar once a week. Providing benefits

does, however, try much harder than your

an associate’s first year.

for same-sex partners, Cleary also boasts a large gay representation.

average firm to offer its attorneys a congenial social setting, as evidenced by the firm’s

Especially proud of their considerable M&A

traditional Friday night wine and cheese

practice, Cleary has represented some of

Besides being quirky, a Cleary candidate

parties, which have expanded to feature beer

the world’s biggest corporations in some

must possess good grades. The firm puts

and egg rolls as of late.

of the world’s biggest acquisitions. Ranked

a great emphasis on stellar academics.

#1 in European M&A by Thomson Financial

Other important factors Cleary looks for are

While the attorneys play hard, Cleary has

in 2004, #1 in international arbitration by

judicial clerkships and participation in law

definitely made a strong name for itself

American Lawyer in 2003, and cited as the

review. According to insiders, a law student’s

through hard work, which its extensive

International Law Firm of the Year by Cham-

best bet to get an interview is to list Cleary

international presence illustrates. The firm’s

bers and Partners in 2001, Cleary secured

Gottlieb first in the interview preference

international network is said to be among

the biggest M&A deal of 2004 when Bank of


the best for lawyers who want to go over-

America merged with FleetBoston. Two of

seas. Ten of the firm’s 12 offices are abroad,

their largest clients, HSBC Holdings from the

and the firm prides itself on its ability to

U.K. and Deutsche Bank used no in-house

remain organized and operate as a single

counsel, relying entirely on Cleary’s M&A

Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton currently

global partnership of 800 attorneys from 50

resources, when they made individual multi-

has several openings in New York, Wash-

nations. Cleary Gottlieb was also the first

billion dollar mergers in 1999.

ington DC, and Hong Kong offices, including



continued on back


opportunities for experienced labor & employment and other associates. More information regarding attorney positions at Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen, & Hamilton can be found in the LawCrossing jobs database.


1.800. 973. 1177

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