Columbia Law Students Free to Pursue Public Interest Through Comprehensive Programs

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Columbia Law Students Free to Pursue Public Interest Through Comprehensive Programs [by Erica Winter] This summer, a remarkably high number of students (125) from Columbia Law School is working in the public interest and human rights fields in two programs that offer both financial and institutional support. These two main public interest programs at Columbia Law—the Public Service Fellowship and the Human Rights Internship Program—are administered by the Center for Public Interest Law.

We will take a look at both of these pro-

in part two of this article, requires additional

summer jobs can pay $25,000 to students

grams, as well as the Center’s plans for the

first-year training in human rights issues,

who could be facing a very high student loan

future, in this two-part series on Columbia

both domestically and abroad, and funds a

payment burden on graduation.

Law’s efforts to create a comprehensive sys-

law student’s work for the summer, including

tem allowing law students to pursue public

travel expenses if the student goes overseas.

In the face of this financial reality, the choice between a summer job at a law firm and a

interest work. Columbia’s Center for Public Interest Law

public interest job can be a struggle, says

The Public Service Fellowship (PSF) “invests

administers several programs during the

Katzman. Career counselors at the Center

in the student, rather than the job,” says Har-

academic year at the law school, not the

for Public Interest talk about this issue

lene Katzman, Dean of the Center for Public

least of which is Columbia Law’s pro bono

with law students “all the time,” she says.

Interest Law. Unlike some law school public

service requirement, which mandates each

A law firm can be a great experience, says

interest funding, the PSF does not require a

student complete at least 40 hours of pro

Katzman, but it is not for everyone. “It really

student to have the job before applying for

bono work in order to graduate. The center

depends on the student,” she says. For those

summer funding.

also runs public interest career program-

who know that the public interest path is the

ming and individual career counseling for

one for them, Columbia Law’s public interest

Both first- and second-year law students

law students who are looking for advice on

funding—both during and after law school—

must simply express “a commitment and

public interest careers.

is “a huge relief for them,” says Katzman.

a desire” to do public interest work, says Katzman, noting that a law student may

The law school’s commitment to students

be more likely to get a competitive public

who wish to pursue public interest work will

interest summer job if the employer knows

continue to grow in summer 2006, with new

from the start that the student is funded.

programs added to the roster and the start of

With added funding to the program in recent

a groundbreaking promise.

years, the 40-student summer roster has increased to about 60 students participating

Beginning next summer, Columbia Law

this year, says Katzman.

School will guarantee that any second-year student who wants to do unpaid public inter-

Because he is going into his second year at

est work over the summer will automatically

Columbia Law this fall, some fellow 1Ls from

receive $6,000 in law school funding, says

other schools are “amazed that I’m being

Katzman. For students who are pursuing

paid at all,” says Phil Selden, recipient of

public interest legal careers instead of going

a PSF doing a summer clerkship with the

the law firm route, this assistance is invalu-

Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office

able. “We don’t even want it to be a question”


of whether or not a second-year will be able to have a public interest summer position,

The high level of support for public interest

says Katzman.

work was “one of the reasons I chose Columbia,” says Selden.

A Columbia Law student in his/her second summer is highly likely to get a summer as-

The Human Rights Internship Program

sociate position at a law firm should he/she

(HRIP), which we will look at in more detail

decide to pursue one. In New York City, these


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