Compassionate Practice at Core of Santa Clara Law Workers' Rights Clinic

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Compassionate Practice at Core of Santa Clara Law Workers’ Rights Clinic [by Erica Winter] At Santa Clara University School of Law, having the workers’ rights clinic running year-round provides “continuity in the community,” says supervising attorney Margarita Alvarez. In fact, workers’ rights clinics are up and running all around the San Francisco Bay area this summer through the Legal Aid Society - Employment Law Center, San Francisco, and its Bay Area Workers’ Rights Clinics program.

work in the workers’ rights clinic this sum-

Law students at Hasting Law School, Boalt

law firms, the tasks for a law student in his

Hall, and Santa Clara University are pro-

first summer may not be very interesting,

mer, seeing it as a “great opportunity to get

viding services to low-income people with

says Walker, whereas in a clinic, a student

involved,” she says. She, like some students

legal problems in the workplace. Santa

has a chance to be centrally involved in real

doing this clinic, is working with an outside

Clara Law’s clinical program gives students


attorney on one case.

allowing them to do the hands-on legal work.

The case that Walker and his colleague will

While Alvarez heads up the workers’ rights

There are about 21 Santa Clara Law students

take to court involves a man who was denied

arm of the clinical program at Santa Clara,

participating this summer.

workers’ compensation benefits because the

there are many attorneys who volunteer to

insurance company will not pay his claim.

work with law students through the Bay Area

At Santa Clara Law, the goals of the clinical

The company says the activity he was doing

Workers’ Rights Clinics program.

program go beyond teaching practical law-

(during which he was injured) was not work-

yering skills - although that goal does figure

related. The man first came to the Santa

Jones’s case is a common situation seen at

prominently in the clinical program. With

Clara Law clinic in 2002, was taken on as a

the clinic - or, rather, many common situa-

a Jesuit history, says Alvarez, there is also

client, and has moved through the system

tions all rolled in to one person’s experience.

a sense of professionalism, social justice,

with students helping him and then moving

The issue is a wage-an-hour violation, with

and compassion that advisors try to instill

on over the years.

the client being underpaid on several fronts.

academic credit for taking one of two courses

in law students, who are taught to “treat

The client originally came in after five pay

people non-judgmentally, carefully, and with

At the beginning of June, the case came to

periods with no payment; the employer was

respect,” says Alvarez.

Walker and another clinic student. Alvarez is

claming that, since the man is old, he forgot

their supervising attorney. The stack of files

that they had paid him.

On the legal skills side, Alvarez focuses on

for the case was one-and-a-half-feet-high,

letting the students handle the cases, provid-

says Walker. With the research mostly done,

“Then we did the math from his pay stubs,”

ing supervision and answering questions. “I

and several negotiation attempts made, no

says Jones, and realized that the client was

see this place as a law office,” Alvarez says of

settlement could be reached, and so the case

only being paid $4.00 per hour. Also, they

the clinic.

will get underway this month. For their side,

learned that he was not receiving paid meal

Walker and his colleague must show that the

or rest breaks, was working seven days a

Brandon Walker, who has just finished his

client believed the activity in question to be

week, and then was fired and not paid a last

first year at Santa Clara Law, went looking for

part of his job, and also that this belief was

paycheck. Many clients are like this, says

some “real work experience this summer,”


Jones, with one legal problem they bring to the clinic revealing many others during the

and ended up with a case set to go to trial this month. He had not expected to be argu-

The case will go before an Administrative

ing before a judge on behalf of a client - but

Law Judge in the Workers’ Compensation

he was “pleasantly surprised to have this

Division, and it will be Walker’s first appear-

opportunity,” he says.

ance before a judge. He is, understandably,

ing because of her experiences so far at

a little nervous. His only point of comparison

the clinic, she says. Having her own clients

Walker is taking the Clinical Skills course this

so far is preparing for law school final exams,

“really makes it come alive,” she says; “you

summer, and through that he is participating

but case preparation is a more “prolonged,

really feel you’re able to help people.”

in the workers’ rights clinic at Santa Clara

intense feeling,” he says.

Law. Walker sees the summer after first year

Nicole Jones will be going into her third year

as being “all about getting experience.” At

of law school at Santa Clara, and wanted to


intake interview. Jones’s interest in employment law is grow-

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