Thomas M. Cooley Law School

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Thomas M. Cooley Law School [by Barry Perlman ] If you subscribe to the adage “bigger is better,” then Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Lansing, MI, may be the perfect place for you. Cooley boasts the largest J.D. law school program in the nation (and the second-largest overall law school), giving it a diversity among students and faculty and a breadth in academic offerings which separate it from other schools.

Cooley was founded in 1972 by a group of

students go part-time, the school’s flexible

lawyers led by then Michigan Chief Justice

scheduling enables eager students to com-

academic culture.

Thomas E. Brennan. The school was named

plete their education in as little as two years.

after Thomas M. Cooley, another former

For geographic convenience, Cooley also of-

ings, Cooley offers a number of outstand-

Chief Justice and leading constitutional

fers classes at Michigan partner institutions

ing clinics that prepare students for the

commentator with an unrivalled record of

Oakland University in Rochester and Western

practical application of law. The Sixty Plus,

distinction in Michigan jurisprudence history.

Michigan University in Grand Rapids.

Inc., Elderlaw Clinic teaches students to

Cooley Law School has been fully accredited

In addition to its academic course offer-

advocate for people over 60 years old in

by the American Bar Association since 1978

Cooley boasts a full-time faculty of 89 on

a variety of hands-on civil law situations.

and the North Central Association of Col-

its roster, in addition to at least 100 more

The Estate Planning Clinic offers hands-on

leges and Schools since 2001.

adjunct professors who cover a wide range of

experience in counseling clients on wills,

elective topics. Thanks to this large team of

powers of attorney, and medical directives.

With an entering class of more than 700

experienced legal experts, Cooley is able to

The Cooley Innocence Project lets students

first-year students in 2003, size is certainly

maintain reasonable class sizes and a rela-

work with criminal defense attorneys to seek

the most striking characteristic of Cooley’s

tively good 19:1 student/faculty ratio in spite

the release of wrongly convicted prisoners;

student body. The diversity among the 2,019

of its size. Of course, a large school also

in fact, the project has been credited with the

students at Cooley is quickly apparent, with

means a large network of Cooley alumni,

release of more than 100 of these prisoners,

38% belonging to racial minority groups. In

broadening students’ potential opportunities

mainly with the help of DNA testing. These

fact, according to the school, Cooley ranks

for developing important contacts who would

clinics supplement the 1,000-plus externship

as either first or second in total minority

serve as mentors and provide general advice

sites approved for students by the Cooley

enrollment among the nation’s law schools,

that may ultimately lead to employment.

Curriculum Committee for gaining applied experience in the practice of law.

in addition to likely holding the number-one spot for total enrollment of African-Ameri-

Cooley recently distinguished itself as a

can law students. Cooley’s diverseness not

model for promoting the integrity and repu-

only ensures a comfortable environment for

tation of the legal profession through imple-

ing legal education to people from all walks

individuals of all backgrounds, but it also

mentation of its innovative Professionalism

of life, Cooley uses a fair and objective

provides students with a wide cross-section

Plan. The ambitious plan, developed in 2002

formula for determining eligibility for admis-

of cultural and societal perspectives on legal

by a joint effort of Cooley and the State Bar

sions. The formula multiplies a student’s

issues throughout their education.

of Michigan, outlines 18 specific initiatives

undergraduate GPA by 15 and adds it to the

adopted to foster professionalism within the

student’s highest LSAT score to produce the

Cooley’s size allows the school to offer

student community, focused in three key ar-

Admissions Index. For the 2004-05 year, the

the most flexible course scheduling of any

eas: teaching students to be professional and

minimum index for acceptance is 183 (with

law school in the nation, making it a great

become professionals, incorporating profes-

a minimum LSAT score of 143), though each

choice for those who must coordinate their

sionalism in the law school environment,

class always includes a limited number of

schooling with other professional or personal

and taking successes outside the school as

alternate conditional admissions spots avail-

obligations. Cooley offers classes year-

a model for others. The Plan’s commitment

able for special cases.

round, and students have the option of taking

to providing students with the knowledge,

morning, afternoon, evening or weekend

skills, and ethics to succeed as legal profes-

Cooley makes every effort to keep tuition

classes. While greater than 70% of Cooley

sionals plays a key role throughout Cooley’s

as low as possible, with a 2004 tuition of


As part of the school’s dedication to provid-

continued on back


$750 per credit hour. This translates to an estimated tuition for part-time students of $17,040, and for full-time students of $21,300, ranking Cooley 11th in affordability among the nation’s 108 private law schools. Add the relatively low cost of living in the Lansing area, and Cooley turns out to be a great value. Plus, greater than 85% of Cooley’s student body takes advantage of financial-aid opportunities in the form of loans and scholarships to offset the cost of their education. Cooley’s main Lansing campus consists of the second-largest physical plant among the nation’s accredited law schools, with superior classrooms and other facilities. This includes the 440,000-volume Thomas E. Brennan Law Library, which ranks in the top third of law libraries. Cooley is centrally located in Michigan, and during their off time, students can take advantage of the many outdoor adventures the state, and its proximity to the Great Lakes, invites, including skiing, hiking, and fishing. Lansing is also a short jaunt by car from Detroit and Chicago, making for easy weekend getaways. For prospective students searching for an affordable and flexible legal education within a large and diverse student community, Cooley Law School is an excellent choice.


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