Cravath, Swain & Moore

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1. 800. 973.1177


Cravath, Swain & Moore [Adam Silver] Though not the largest of firms, Cravath, Swain & Moore is certainly one of the heavyweights of the legal profession. Known for its rich history, imposing name, stringent hiring process and dedication to excellence, Cravath is a consensus standard.

Baseball has the Yankees, politics have the

As would be expected, Cravath, Swain &

worked at Cravath, Swain & Moore before

Kennedys and Wall Street has Cravath, Swain

Moore has an equally impressive reputa-

moving on to more individualistic enter-

& Moore LLP. Though not the greatest in size

tion when it comes to litigation. The list of


at a bit less than 500 lawyers (78 partners)

big name clients in tow: IBM, DuPont, Smith

in New York City and London; Cravath, Swain

Barney, Morgan Stanley, Viacom Interna-

& Moore is certainly one of the heavyweights

tional and many others, could fill a phone-

of the legal profession. Known for its rich

book. Extensive pro bono work is also part of

history, imposing name, stringent hiring pro-

the package, such as a recent U.S. Supreme

eral openings for legal staff positions in its

cess and dedication to excellence, Cravath is

Court case involving the 1991 Civil Rights

New York City office. More information re-

a consensus standard.

Act. The firm claims to have performed over

garding positions at Latham & Watkins can

39,000 hours of pro bono work in 2002. For

be found in the LawCrossing job database.

Corporate law is what Cravath is most fa-

such efforts, as well as excellence in other

mous for. There is a litany of major mergers

areas, Cravath has been given numerous

under the firm’s belt. It represented Time

awards. Recently, Frederick A.O. Schwarz

Warner in the record-setting merger with

Jr. was a recipient of The American Lawyer’s

AOL (a case handled by Presiding Partner

Lifetime Achievement Award.

Robert D. Joffe); Vivendi when the media giant formed Vivendi Universal with Seagram

Cravath, Swain & Moore came by its current

and Canal Plus; and Conoco, which joined

appellation in 1944. However, that is long

with Phillips Petroleum. The total annual val-

after the firm’s genesis. Founded by R.M.

ue of the mergers and acquisitions that Cra-

Blatchford in 1819, it became Blatchford,

vath has had a hand in has been measured

Seward and Griswold in 1854 after joining

in the hundreds of billions. Cravath also has

with an Auburn, NY firm.

a reputation when it comes to hostile bids, successfully handling Weyerhauser’s bid for

As at any other workplace, there is a variance

Willamette & Newport.

in experiences at Cravath; however, given the extensive legacy of the firm, certain trends

Fifteen separate groups constitute the cor-

have emerged. The “Cravath System,” made

porate department, and associates, working

famous for its high academic standards, em-

closely with partners, rotate between groups.

phasis on developing new lawyers, hands-on

Hours and workloads are consequently var-

training and promoting from within, remains

ied. Rather than create specialists, Cravath

largely in place. Bonuses can be extensive

is a throwback to well-roundedness, taking

and are not based on billable hours. The old-

a sort of Renaissance man approach to the

school approach and inherent arrogance may

law. Besides the corporate division, there are

not work for everyone and there is a large

also notable tax and environmental depart-

amount of turnaround. This is not merely a

ments. The rotation process is in effect here

reflection on the office milieu, but also the

as well.

potency of Cravath’s name recognition. Many star attorneys, such as David Boies, have


Jobs Cravath, Swain & Moore currently has sev-

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