David Morrison On juggling, labor law, and A versus B work

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David Morrison On juggling, labor law, and A versus B work [by Teresa Talerico] Fresh out of law school, new associates are frequently blindsided by the amount of juggling they must do. David Morrison, a principal at Goldberg Kohn in Chicago, says this is a major hurdle for young attorneys.

“One of the biggest [stumbling blocks] that

the hat of the other side and give an honest

of other people who graduated with 3.8s and

law school doesn’t prepare someone for is

assessment of the strengths and weaknesses

did very well on the LSAT. The first round of

the ability to juggle multiple matters—to

of your case.

exams is probably the most humbling thing. By the time you graduate, hopefully you’ve

handle client concerns and to be available and accessible at all times,” he said. “They

Some people tend to think of labor lawyers

figured out what it takes to do “A” work and

teach juggling to the extent that you need to

as—well, you represent management or

what represents “B” work because you then

juggle your classes and do well. One of those

you represent employees, and you’re either

apply that in your practice. You really want to

implicit lessons of law school is how to bal-

therefore incredibly conservative and only

try to give “A” work whenever you can.

ance your workload and excel. But translat-

think one way or incredibly liberal and only

ing that into the time management skills on

think one way. Neither one of those things is

Certainly when you’re practicing, the

a day-to-day basis as opposed to over the


humbling experiences can be those occa-

Q: What are some other hurdles for new as-

a sudden sit back and say, “Did I think about


that issue?” Those are the things that keep

sions when you’re juggling, when you all of

course of semester is very different.” A 1993 cum laude graduate of the University

lawyers up at night: Oh my gosh! Did I think

of Michigan Law School, Mr. Morrison is

about this issue when I was making that ar-

a labor and employment litigator who has

A: One of the things that young associates

handled discrimination, wrongful termina-

have difficulty learning is the need to fully

gument? Oh my gosh! Did I do that in the best

tion, harassment, and other labor-related

engage on the matters they’re working on

way possible? The flip side is you’ve got to


right away. When you’re doing your summer

learn how to let it go and do the best job you

internship with law firms, it tends to be a

can and not let it consume your life.

Q: What attracted you to working as an employment attorney?

project-by-project basis: here’s my next assignment, and I’ll do that and then wait to get

Q: What do you look for when hiring?

another assignment. When you’re an associA: With respect to labor law, it was a combi-

ate in a law firm, you need to take ownership

A: We look for students who are going to

nation of litigation and corporate counseling,

of your case—thinking on your own what kind

be bright enough to do the job, to be able

so that you would be negotiating agreements

of discovery needs to be done, where do I

to walk through complex legal problems,

at the same time as litigating matters in

see this coming out in six months, be putting

but also with a personality that allows them

court. You become a more complete lawyer

in the brainpower on case strategy. That’s a

to comfortably interact with clients, with

when you’re doing both sides of the equation.

skill that develops over time. The sooner a

attorneys in the office. There are plenty of

new associate develops that skill, the more

times we get students with great grades who

effective he or she can become.

we don’t make an offer to because they don’t

Q: What are some of the misconceptions or

have a personality that will mesh well in

stereotypes of labor attorneys? A: Oftentimes you find yourself arguing on

Q: What was your most humbling moment in

the office. And there are times when we see

law school or as a new lawyer?

people where the grades aren’t good enough even though they have one of the greatest

the behalf of a company or the employee. You want to avoid allowing yourself to get

A: You just have no idea how well you’re

into the trap where you just make a knee-

going to do. You have all this confidence in

jerk reaction to arguments. The best way to

yourself, and you go to a school like Michi-

effectively represent your client is to put on

gan, and you’re in a room with a whole bunch


personalities in the world.

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