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David Tseng Citizen Lawyer: Fighting the Good Fight and Giving Back to the Community [by Teresa Talerico] Since he graduated from UCLA School of Law in 1984, David Tseng has become a leader in the civil rights, public service, and public policy arenas. His résumé reads like the stuff of many a young law clerk’s dreams. Past positions include White House Senior Pension Policy Advisor in the Clinton Administration, Executive Director of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, and President of the Southern California Chinese Lawyers’ Association. Currently, he is Deputy General Counsel for the District of Columbia’s Office of Tax and Revenue. The son of a Chinese father and Ecuador-
A: Participate in the community and civic or-
ian-American mother, Tseng is dedicated to
ganizations that interest you. That’s how I got
ter lawyer. All of us have a responsibility to
giving back to the community. He encourages
my start in L.A. I got involved in the Southern
provide some measure of our experiences for
new attorneys to do the same.
California Chinese Lawyers’ Association. It
the good of others.
of my practice. And I think it makes me a bet-
was a wonderful way to meet other lawyers “Young lawyers are right there at the turnstile
and to help my community. It’s an organiza-
Often, in law firms, we find ourselves
just about to get into the game,” he said. “The
tion that provides extraordinary experiences
compartmentalized. I was a pension lawyer.
world is open to them if they’re willing to be
for young lawyers. Young lawyers often
Someone [else] might be an environmental
open to the world.”
focus--rightfully so--on their craft. But the
attorney. In community organizations, we
challenge is to multitask responsibly in order
have a chance to touch other areas of the law
to create a three-dimensional practice.
and improve our skills. This was a way for me
Q: When you were in law school, what did you
to participate and accept my responsibility
envision doing with your J.D.? Q: What advice do you have for those
as a citizen lawyer and to contribute through
A: I wanted to be a labor lawyer. I wanted to
interested in pursuing careers beyond the
these organizations.
help people in the workplace. Employee ben-
partnership track? Q: Were there any attorneys who inspired you
efits is a hybrid specialty formed from labor and tax law. So I’m in the ballpark of where I
A: Let your imagination be your only limit to
wanted to be.
your future. Part of the exploration of life is
to go into law?
to accept that certain chapters of your life
A: The very first was an immigration lawyer.
Q: As a law student, how did you prepare for
will be organic. Whether you’re 25 or 55, in
His name was Frank Fong. My father and
the work you would later do? How did you
the practice of law, as you consider a new
grandfather originally immigrated to the
spend your summers?
job prospect, you’re not going to know what
United States from China to DC. Frank Fong
it’s like until you’re actually there. So, one
was the only Chinese-American lawyer
shouldn’t limit one’s options.
that they knew. I always grew up knowing
A: I was a law clerk at the Pension Benefit
that name. The same goes for folks of my
Guaranty Corporation, a federal agency here in Washington, DC. I took the full complement
Q: Any stumbling blocks new lawyers should
generation in L.A. In Chinatown, there were
of labor law courses at UCLA. I read every
the Kwan brothers. They were really the first generation of Chinese-American lawyers.
journal article that I could get my hands on.
Frank was of that generation. Those individu-
The challenge for young lawyers is to get an
A: Never assume. Seek out mentors and
education and training that will help prepare
guides. Try to give back for that which you
als, they formed our Mount Rushmore as role
them for the real world.
have received. Certainly, in the legal commu-
nity, there is a tradition that lawyers have a Q: What’s your advice for those interested in
responsibility to our community. There are le-
Q: What are the challenges for minorities in
civil rights, public service, and public policy
gions of lawyers who are eager to give or lend
the industry?
their experience and expertise to others. That is both an important and fulfilling component
A: Minority attorneys continue to face the
continued on back
challenge of more modestly developed networks in the profession. We are as talented and able and brilliant as our counterparts. We need to continue to develop and cultivate our relationships that will gain us expertise, provide business leads, and help create standing in our profession. Q: What did you learn from your experiences at the White House and PFLAG? A: Both experiences certainly reminded me of the importance of having a vision and a dream. I think that’s why so many of us participate in public service and public policy. We aspire to be part of something larger than ourselves.
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