David Montoya, Asst. Dean for Career Services, The University of Texas School of Law

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David Montoya, Asst. Dean for Career Services, The University of Texas School of Law [ by Barry Perlman ] Students at The University of Texas School of Law have another valuable resource at their disposal now that David Montoya has left private practice and joined the staff at his alma mater as Assistant Dean for Career Services. Montoya knows first hand the unexpected turns a career path can take, and that’s great knowledge for a career counselor to have.

Montoya graduated from Notre Dame with a

firm was taking. Some of the older, more

law, judicial clerkship, public service, and

degree in accounting and began his profes-

experienced attorneys wanted to stay their

alternative non-practicing career paths to

sional life at Arthur Andersen & Co. in Dal-

independent course, while many of the young

serve their students’ broad interests. “The

las. He then moved to Burlington Resources,

up-and-coming members of management

one-on-one counseling assists students to

a Fortune 200 company, where he spent

felt they’d be best served by joining up with a

develop personalized career-search plans.

about five years as a C.P.A. He had initially

larger firm.” That internal division led Mon-

We direct them to the extensive resources we

planned to continue his education by pursu-

toya to leave the firm and return to Austin,

have, such as our mentor directory and job

ing an M.B.A., but his mentors at Burlington

where he worked at Bracewell & Patterson

bulletins. We help them to prepare resumes

steered him in a different direction. “They

for a couple of years before joining Jackson

and cover letters, and we conduct mock

suggested that, coupled with the business

Walker, where he spent six years and be-


background and C.P.A. experience I’d already

came a partner in commercial litigation and

accumulated, a law degree might be more

corporate reorganization.

versatile and more valued,” Montoya recalls.

The on-campus interviewing program gives students access to the kinds of employ-

Because Montoya enjoyed his colleagues at

ers “that have the resources and economic

Montoya ended up at UT Law School, with the

Jackson Walker so much, it was a tough call

model that allow them to know what kind of

intention of returning to corporate America

when the opportunity to lead UT’s Career

new-attorney demand they will have several

upon receiving his degree. But like so many

Services department presented itself earlier

months into the future,” though, Montoya

students, his vision expanded once he began

this year. Ultimately, he couldn’t resist

adds, these interviews are not the only things

his studies. “Law school opens up so many

coming back to his alma mater to share his

students should concentrate on. The staff

more opportunities and alternatives you

remarkable professional experience while

also organizes a number of programs and

might not have considered before,” Montoya

assisting eager law students intent on mak-

workshops “designed to teach students about

explains. “Not uncommonly, students com-

ing their own distinct career mark. “The

various practice areas and career paths

ing into law school have previous careers and

chance to come work for this great school,

available to them and to begin putting them

a notion that in order to build on what they’ve

counseling exceptional students, and being

in contact with practitioners who can assist

already done, they need to go a particular

part of an outstanding staff was enough for

them in finding jobs down the road,” in ad-

route.” In Montoya’s own case, he’d done

me to decide to retire early from the practice

dition to sponsoring job fairs in major cities

well in the corporate world and began law

of law.” There were other appealing aspects

around the country.

school as “a sort of accumulation of more

of the job switch. Montoya appreciates the

credentials to continue along that same

“kinder and gentler” atmosphere of an aca-

Though his time in Career Services has

corporate path.” He eventually realized that

demic environment, a contrast to the rigidity

been relatively short so far, Montoya has

branching off into work at a private practice

required when practicing in a litigation set-

already had his preconceived notions about

would provide a breadth to his experience

ting. “And of course,” Montoya jokingly adds,

the students he deals with proven incorrect.

that corporate employers value highly.

“the thought of no longer living my life in

“For whatever reason, I might have assumed

one-tenth-of-an-hour increments contrib-

that students wouldn’t be as realistic as they

uted to my decision.”

need to be. But in fact, we have, for the most

Montoya’s first job after law school was at a

part, very sophisticated students who seem

mid-sized firm in San Antonio, when “merger mania” was sweeping the legal community.

Montoya is fortunate to be part of an excel-

to clearly understand the job market, even

“That firm,” Montoya recounts, “experienced

lent, multi-talented staff at UT, which in-

what they need to do in order to get where

what a lot of mid-sized firms were experi-

cludes individual counselors with specialized

they want to be; so that’s helpful.”

encing, an internal split in the direction the

knowledge in private practice, international


continued on back


That job market, Montoya is happy to report,

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“I think academia is one of a few alterna-

is beginning to show an uptick in transaction-

tives that could tempt attorneys practicing

al work, though highly sought after positions

in firms to leave, to join their alma mater, if

such as sports agents and entertainment

they have that kind of loyalty and interest, to

lawyers continue to be scarce. “Both Dallas

assist students to go on and do the kinds of

and Houston are hotbeds nationally, with

things they want to do with their law degree.”

some encouraging increases in job opportu-

Montoya, it appears, has happily given in to

nities for new lawyers,” Montoya adds. This

this temptation — to the benefit of UT’s job-

is a particularly encouraging trend for UT

seeking students.

students, about 75% of whom find post-grad placement within Texas. The advice Montoya has for students is similar to what he offered the young lawyers he mentored at the firm. “I used to counsel first-year associates to conduct themselves as sole proprietors, viewing partners and senior associates as clients,” Montoya recalls. “They’d succeed at the firm if they ran their own office as a stand-alone shop, ‘selling’ their services to the attorneys, who had more work than they could do on their own. If the new associates made themselves available and did top-quality work on everything they were assigned, they could foster a reputation that would sustain a constant flow of stimulating work for themselves.” For students, the corollary is to view the first day of law school as the start of their legal career. “Students should view themselves as their own advocate,” Montoya advises, “representing themselves as professionally as they would a client, which means working hard and always being thoroughly prepared. They must remember they’re being considered to represent the clients of the firms they’re targeting. An attorney’s main asset is his reputation among peers and clients.” For a short time after making the transition, Montoya wondered what his peers in the legal community would think of his decision to leave practice and come back to UT. But the responses he got quickly proved he’d landed well. “The most common feedback I got was, ‘How did you go about the transition?’ and ‘Please let me know if there are any opportunities at UT.’” He explains this reaction.


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