Elizabeth A. Ellis: Assistant Dean and Director of Law Career Services, DePaul University

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Elizabeth A. Ellis: Assistant Dean and Director of Law Career Services, DePaul University College of Law, Chicago, IL [By Judith Earley] Elizabeth Ellis is Assistant Dean and Director of Law Career Services at DePaul University College of Law in Chicago. The Valparaiso University School of Law graduate has been an attorney for 10 years.

Ellis decided to go into law during her junior

as valuable as anything the students learn in a

Two of the greatest career influences in Ellis’

year of college. “I attended the University of the

substantive curriculum course. “Students need

life were Gail Peshel from the University of

Americas in Puebla, Mexico, and took a course

to better understand the role career services

Notre Dame Law School and Susan Gainen

which discussed the Mexican legal system,”

plays in their job search. Some students make

from the University of Minnesota Law

said Ellis. “I was fascinated by the differences

the mistake of viewing the career services

School. “Both Gail and Susan have provided

between the American and Mexican legal

office as merely an office that houses job

me encouragement through the years and

systems and wanted to learn more, with the

postings and offers fall and spring campus-

guidance on how to handle matters with which

goal of practicing international corporate law

interviewing programs and job fairs,” said Ellis.

I was unfamiliar. They have shared their years of experience with me—what’s worked and

someday.” “Career services offices are a resource

what hasn’t—and this wisdom has helped me

Her plans changed after a second visit to

provided to students to assist them in their

formulate program and resource offerings for

Mexico. “I clerked at a small law firm in Mexico

career development and strategy. To effectively

students at DePaul,” said Ellis.

City my first summer during law school and

make use of all the career services office has

at a small law firm in Indianapolis my second

to offer, students should attend the various

For Ellis, two of the most important issues

summer,” said Ellis. “After graduation, I

programs offered, make the time to network

facing the legal community are balancing work

worked at Katten Muchin Zavis for two years

with the featured alumni program speakers,

and private life and the increasing diversity

and then at Miller Shakman Hamilton Kurtzon

meet with their career counselor at least once

among attorneys within the field. Her advice

& Schlifke for one year before finally joining

a semester just to check in, and utilize online

to law students is to be proactive in their job

DePaul.” She then made the transition into

and library resources offered by the office.”

searches and not rely solely on the school’s interviewing programs and job postings. “Seek

academia after coming upon the opportunity for her current position through networking

Ellis said that she loves her current position

out opportunities in the hidden job market.

with a former BAR/BRI employee. Ellis served

because it enables her to work with students,

Become active members in your local bar

as a student BAR/BRI representative at

alumni, faculty, staff, and employers and to

associations, and talk with other professionals

Valparaiso. BAR/BRI is a company that offers

develop working relationships with all of them.

in your field of interest. Develop a network.

the most widely used bar exam preparation

“I also love the variety that comes with the job

Though the profession is large, we are a close-

course in the country.

on a daily basis,” said Ellis.

knit community; and many career opportunities

Ellis said that she really enjoys working closely

According to Ellis, career services offices

with students and witnessing first-hand their

across the nation receive a lot of negative press

development from timid and uncertain first-

from students and alumni alike. Sometimes

A Chicago native, Ellis returned home after

years into confident and successful graduates.

it can be a challenge to maintain enthusiasm

attending college and law school in Indiana.

“I also enjoy helping them find those

and energy for the services and programs they

She is proud to be the first and only attorney in

opportunities that truly make them happy,”

promote, especially when they feel their efforts

her family. Her hobbies and interests include

said Ellis.

aren’t appreciated. “However,” Ellis added,

reading, running, watching and playing sports,

“no matter how many negative comments

traveling, wine tasting, and spending time with

According to Ellis, career service counselors

you may hear, whatever impact they might

friends and family.

are like instructors teaching job-search

have subsides when you hear even one simple

strategies and networking skills, which are just

‘Thank you. I really appreciate your help.’”

are realized, as in my case, through internal


referrals,” said Ellis.

continued on back


ON THE NET University of Notre Dame Law School www.nd.edu/~ndlaw University of Minnesota Law School www.law.umn.edu DePaul University College of Law www.law.depaul.edu



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