General Electric

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1. 800. 973.1177


General Electric [Joann Chang] With a roster of attorneys that would rival the largest law firms in the country, General Electric offers an interesting option for attorneys with excellent credentials who want out of law firm life.

In addition to providing competitive corpo-

From the plastic covers of cell phones to

structure, employees find that the structure

cruise ship engines to kitchen appliances,

provides a stable and considerate workplace

rate salaries for all its attorneys, General

General Electric Company provides millions


Electric is able to offer a substantial benefits

of Americans with many of their everyday

package. The General Electric Health Care

items. What began with Thomas Edison’s mo-

With over 950 in-house lawyers as well as top

coverage includes medical, dental, vision,

mentous invention of the light bulb in 1876

outside counsels such as Sidley Austin and

and prescription drug benefits. And on top

has now exploded into a 300,000 employee

Jones Day, General Electric’s legal team is

of elderly care, child care options and paid

company with $131 billion worth of annual

larger than most law firms. Lawyers provide

maternity leaves, General Electric provides

revenue. As the oldest company listed in the

legal advice in every aspect of the company,

perhaps the greatest bonus of all: stock op-

Dow Jones Industrial Index, General Electric

including GE Insurance, GE Medical Systems

tions. In fact, about one-third of all General

consistently ranks among the highest ranks

and NBC, and in every geographical location,

Electric’s professional employees choose

of Fortune 100 companies and has recently

including the Netherlands, Ireland, and India.

to make use of this advantage. Although its

been chosen as “World’s Most Respected

Newly appointed Vice President/General

stock prices have taken a dip in recent years,

Company” in a survey of 903 global CEOs

Counsel, Brackett B. Denniston III manages

the stability of General Electric stock, as well

conducted by Financial Times. Despite a

the worldwide legal operations of General

as its continuous profits, provides a huge in-

wave of corporate distrust after Enron and

Electric. Previous General Counsel, Ben

centive for lawyers looking for a change from

Tyco, as well as the terrorist attacks of 9/11,

W. Heineman, Jr., now oversees all legal

firm life. General Electric also supplies a

CEO and Chairman, Jeffrey R. Immelt ap-

matters as Senior Vice President of Law and

plethora of opportunities for attorneys bitten

pears to be successfully adapting GE to the

Public Affairs. While both these attorneys

by the traveling bug and often has positions

changing business environment.

work with the encompassing General Electric

to practice law in foreign places as varied as

Corporation, the majority of in-house coun-

Bangalore and Dublin.

Immelt has maintained the corporation’s

sels are hired to work in specific General

position as one of America’s most admired

Electric Companies, such as patent attorneys

companies by focusing not only on prof-

for GE Global Research or bankruptcy attor-

its, but company culture. The 11 separate

neys for GE Commercial Finance.

Jobs General Electric currently has several openings in its domestic and international

companies within General Electric all follow the corporation’s commitment to creating

General Electric looks to hire in all areas

offices, including opportunities for experi-

a friendly and pleasant workplace environ-

of legal talent, including attorneys with

enced intellectual property, litigation, and

ment. The corporation frequently wins

corporate, litigation, intellectual property,

corporate lawyers. More information re-

awards for its efforts, including making it

and real estate law backgrounds. The legal

garding these attorney positions at General

onto the list of “100 Best Companies for

opportunities available at this solid company

Electric can be found in the LawCrossing

Working Mothers” by Working Mothers magazine. Minorities also find a hospitable atmosphere at General Electric. The company has created support networks for African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian-Pacific professionals in order to help facilitate their careers. While the offices are understandably infused with corporate and bureaucratic

seem to be limited only by the qualifications

jobs database.


of candidates. The difficulty of getting an inhouse position at General Electric depends on the particular area of law, but it is certain that candidates should not only have good academic credentials, but also plenty of relevant experience. Some positions require up to 8-10 years of legal experience.

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