Gibson Dunn & Crutcher

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Gibson Dunn & Crutcher [Adam Silver] Gibson Dunn & Crutcher is one of the Southland’s oldest and largest firms, and its longevity is mostly due to an honored track record and a sterling reputation.


There is a long-running joke (surely pre-

Though commended for its pro bono work,

dating the public service career of Ronald

the firm has been honored for its excellence

Reagan) that actors think they’re politicians

in other fields as well. On May 6, Chambers

Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher currently has

and politicians want to be celebrities. All

& Partners Global selected Gibson Dunn as

several attorney openings throughout its

professional mix-ups aside, Gibson Dunn &

the “U.S. Antitrust Law Firm of the Year.”

international network of offices for litiga-

Crutcher, although it is one of the premier

Several Gibson Dunn attorneys were singled

tion, bankruptcy, and corporate attorneys,

firms in Los Angeles, is far more Washing-

out for their efforts, as well: Robert Cooper,

among others. More information regarding

ton, D.C. than it is Hollywood. The firm has

Michael Denger, Joseph Kattan, James

positions at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher can be

handled a host of cases with dramatic politi-

Loftis, Sean Royall, Gary Spratling, Peter

found in the LawCrossing job database.

cal ramifications. Famed Gibson Dunn litiga-

Sullivan and Daniel Swanson. Chambers &

tor Theodore Olson helmed the Bush/Cheney

Partners Global also announced that Gibson

side of the debate during the disputed

Dunn was one of two runners-up for “U.S.

presidential election of 2000. Other notable

Litigation Firm of the Year.”

Washington connections include former partners Eugene Scalia, the son of Supreme

Overall, salaries at Gibson Dunn are com-

Court Justice Antonin, and Ken Starr, White-

petitive. First year associates can expect

water special prosecutor. In what is now

to earn $125,000 in base salary, and hours,

a comical footnote to history, a decorated

though heavy as at any major firm, are not

Stanford Law graduate declined the firm’s

overly steep.

offer of a legal secretary position. Nearly 30 years later, Sandra Day O’Connor became the

While several branches have recently closed,

first woman to sit on the bench of the United

Gibson Dunn’s roughly 800 attorneys are still

States Supreme Court.

spread out among offices in Palo Alto, Paris, Brussels, Dallas, New York, San Francisco,

Gibson Dunn is one of the largest M&A firms

London, Munich, Denver, Orange County and

not to have its headquarters in New York

Washington, D.C.

(although there is an office there). However, the firm is not relegated to specializing in

Despite its global reach, Gibson Dunn is

one particular aspect of the law. Few firms

known first and foremost as a Los Angeles

can match Gibson Dunn when it comes to pro

firm. It was founded by John Bicknell in

bono work. The Public Council Law Center

1890. At the time, L.A. was anything but the

recently named Gibson Dunn the “Pro Bono

image of celebrity glitz and glamour that it

Law Firm of the Year.” Of particular note is

is today. Gibson Dunn has grown along with

the firm’s innovative “Adoption Saturday”

the nation’s second-largest city. One of the

program, which has placed nearly 4,000

firm’s first major clients, Southern Pacific

kids with foster parents. Partner Stephen

Railroad, is largely responsible for the prolif-

Glover was recently selected as the District

eration of the West Coast. Gibson Dunn is not

of Columbia’s 2004 Pro Bono Lawyer of the

just part of the Southland legal landscape; it


is an emblem of California law.


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