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Hewlett-Packard [Joann Chang] If you think you might enjoy providing legal counsel in the laid-back and pleasant work environment of a top Fortune 100 company, it doesn’t get any better than Hewlett-Packard.

A two-employee company that began by

. The company has also garnered the Cor-

To enter this pleasant work environment and

making audio oscillators, Hewlett-Packard

porate Champion award from JOB. Clearly,

haven of financial stability, candidates need

now produces massive quantities of printers,

the company tries to remain as committed to

to have a minimum of strong work experi-

computers and other personal information

creating a decent work environment as it is

ence and solid academic credentials. Those

appliances. In addition to being one of the

to making a profit.

attorneys wishing to work abroad must also

largest companies in the U.S., HP has been

fulfill the language proficiency requirements

gaining attention for being led by Fortune

When it comes to legal matters, Hewlett-

magazine’s “Most Powerful Woman in Busi-

Packard doesn’t have to look far for help.

sational ability. Although the location of

ness,” Carly Fiorina. Fiorina began her reign

Senior Vice President, General Counsel and

its corporate headquarters, as well as the

in 1999, and has since not only restructured

Secretary Ann O. Baskins leads the inter-

history of the company, has made HP very

Hewlett-Packard’s organization, but also

national 300-attorney HP legal team with

receptive to California schools, the company

completed a $19 billion merger with Compaq.

almost 20 years of experience at HP. The

does consider other top law schools.

that vary from bilingual skills to conver-

in-house attorney staff handles a variety of Jobs

The company’s history began with two elec-

issues, including corporate, employment

trical engineer graduates from Stanford, Bill

and intellectual property work. The inter-

Hewlett and Dave Packard. It was probably

national opportunities for attorneys are

Hewlett-Packard currently has several

unfathomable to these two partners that

endless at this company, as HP often needs

openings in Houston, Palo Alto, San Jose,

their initial investment of $538 would one day

legal counsel in exotic locals like Shanghai

and New York, including opportunities for

bring in $74 billion worth of revenue. Among

and Kuala Lumpur. When the legal team

experienced corporate, litigation and intel-

HP’s first clients includes the Walt Disney

needs additional help, it has been known to

lectual property attorneys. More information

Company, who ordered 8 HP oscillators for

call on local favorite Irell & Manella, as well

regarding in-house positions at Hewlett-

its new picture, Fantasia. The company has

as other regulars Gibson, Dunn and Littler

Packard can be found in the LawCrossing job

also had its share of ties with the govern-



ment including HP’s work with the Naval Research Laboratory during WWII and Dave

One of the best aspects of working at this

Packard’s tenure as U.S. Deputy Secretary of

company is its basket of corporate good-

Defense under Nixon.

ies. Hewlett-Packard has made a legacy of providing its employees with a wide range

With its corporate headquarters in Palo

of benefits, including stock options, fitness

Alto, CA, Hewlett-Packard tries to bring its

centers and performance-based bonuses.

laid-back and informal California culture to

Hewlett-Packard was also the first U.S.

over 142,000 employees in 170 countries. The

company to allow flex-time in order to allow

company was one of the first in the nation to

its employees better management of their

instill an “open-door” policy in which execu-

work schedules. And in the aftermath of the

tive offices remained open for all employees.

Enron fiasco and other corporate messes,

The workplace awards won by HP include

Hewlett-Packard’s commendation as being

being ranked as one of the 100 Best Compa-

the 6th Best Corporate Citizen by Business

nies for Working Mothers and one of the top

Ethics also speaks to the company’s high

gay-friendly employers in the country by

ethical values.


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