I’m not in a hurry to move, so why should i submit to firms now

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I’m Not In A Hurry To Move, So Why Should I Submit To Firms Now?


Summary: It is almost always a mistake to delay your job search on any front. Learn why in this article.


Question: I’m not in a huge hurry to move, so why should I start submitting to firms now? Answer: A lot of attorneys who reach out to us are often just testing the waters, or are primarily looking at in-house positions and are not sure they want to go back to a law firm even though they need a new job in the very near future, or have just received a layoff notice but still have “a couple months” before their firm or company shows them the exit. In situations like these, it is almost always a mistake to delay your job search on any front, even when it comes to your “Plan B” preferences in terms of company, firm, or location. While there is a lot you can do to take charge of your job search, especially working with an effective and aggressive recruiter, whether you ultimately are able to land a new position within the window of time you need is largely up to the current market and the needs and decisions of prospective employers. www.lawcrossing.com/

The hiring process can be long and protracted, and even if your practice area has solid demand right now, that can drop off very quickly once firms fill their current needs and active openings. And for firms who do not have openings, waiting until there is an official posted opening means waiting until you are competing with dozens or hundreds of candidates and your resume is but one in a giant stack on the overworked recruiting coordinator’s desk. Particularly for candidates who would prefer an in-house position but need to make a move, it is arguably quite foolish to avoid applying to law firms until you have exhausted your in-house options, or until you desperately need a job since you have run out of severance pay. There are a number of benefits to applying to firms in tandem, including getting interview practice, learning which clients are keeping firms busy (which gives you additional targets for in-house applications), and making yourself seem more desirable or in-demand as a candidate because you can truthfully represent that you are interviewing at a number of places.


Many attorneys balk at applying to firms “prematurely” because they are not sure they would like a particular firm, or want to wait for “just the right opportunity,” but again, this is highly detrimental to your job search for a number of reasons. The very worst that could happen if you apply to a firm you are unsure of and happen to receive an offer is that you end up turning it down at the end of the process. And if those firms pass on you at the outset, then you haven’t lost anything (except for possibly a tiny bit of ego, which is actually good since all too many candidates fall into the trap of thinking that their credentials or interview experiences from prior, hotter markets translates into current demand). The best way to conduct your job search is to start early, as soon as you think you might possibly want to make a move, as soon as you find out you may need to relocate for family reasons, or as soon as you get a notice you are being laid off from your current position. Not only should you start early, but you should begin your search as broadly and over-inclusively as possible, including applying to firms in secondary geographic locations where your skills and experience might be in higher demand. Most cities are quite livable these days, and it is better to be in a second choice of location with a solid job than in your first choice of location while desperately seeking a position while you eat through your savings. www.lawcrossing.com/

I also have had dozens of candidates who ended up being surprised at how much they ended up liking particular firms or cities once they agreed to have me submit their resumes there and went through the interview process. If you follow the demand for your background and skills, and find good people to work with, it can make for a very rewarding career and pleasant life, regardless of firm size, prestige, or location. Be broad, be proactive, and be smart with your search. And as always, if you want to discuss the current market, our BCG recruiting team is happy to help. This article “I’m Not In A Hurry To Move, So Why Should I Submit To Firms Now?” first appeared on LawCrossing is the world leader in “pure” monitoring and reporting of legal jobs, through its active and growing research into all legal employers throughout the world.


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