Identifying and Handling BAS ("Battered Associate Syndrome") During Your Job Transition

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Identifying and Handling BAS (“Battered Associate Syndrome”) During Your Job Transition [by Dan Binstock] Practicing law as an associate in a law firm is typically highly stressful. But when the stress gets you to the point where it becomes all-consuming, you may be a victim of what I refer to as BAS, a tongue-in-cheek acronym for “Battered Associate Syndrome.” Read on to find out about this increasingly common syndrome, and how to keep it in check while you make a job change.

So you’ve had many less-than-stellar experi-

attorneys suffering from it, perhaps it is more

and physically-but you believe that you are

ences as an associate at your law firm. You’ve

apt to say “not yet”). But having worked with

locked into it, or that it is the best or only

spent countless all-nighters on a two-month

attorneys that have had to deal with highly

job you can get. And maybe, if you are like

document review in the basement of a chemi-

stressful law firm experiences, I can say that

most attorneys and have read about all the

cal plant located 300 miles outside of Boise,

the residual effects of these situations are

unemployed lawyers, you believe you were

Idaho. You’ve woken up in the middle of the

very real and can severely undermine one’s

“lucky” to land your job and should be grateful

night with cold sweats, realizing you forgot to

legal career.

that you have not been laid off. The danger with the above type of thinking (and why it

put a comma in a brief filed the previous day. You’ve gotten yelled at the next day for forget-

Before discussing BAS any further, it is im-

is a symptom of BAS) is that you are intel-

ting to put that comma in the brief. You’ve

portant to acknowledge the obvious fact that

lectually aware of your unhealthy situation,

debated whether taking a weekend stroll in

essentially all legal jobs carry an inherent

but continue to justify staying in this harmful

the park with your loved one justified passing

level of stress. Practicing law is, by its very

environment for any number of reasons.

up three billable hours. At times you’ve felt as

nature, challenging, difficult, complex, and not

if your entire self-worth as a person hinged on

for the faint of heart. An important distinction,

If you have made an affirmative decision to

whether a partner was pleased with your work

however, should be made. Feeling stressed

find a new job or have been asked to leave

(i.e.: nice comments from a partner = you’re

out and working hard are normal and par for

your current job with a set period for finding

on top of the world; negative comments from

the course. On the other hand, experiencing

a new job (recently-laid-off BAS), or have

a partner = you’re molded whitefish). You’ve

a loss of self-esteem, burn-out, and loss of

already left your job (post-BAS), you will likely

questioned whether the admissions counselor

control over your life is not par for the course

experience a temporary euphoria because a

at your law school must have been intoxicated

and can be indicative of BAS.

huge burden is lifted when one realizes that the BAS-causing situation has or will shortly

when deciding to admit you. You were blindsided by an unexpected layoff that was alleg-

There are three types of BAS: (1) current-job

end. It is absolutely crucial, however, to real-

edly based on poor performance, although you

BAS, (2) recently-laid-off-but-still-working

ize that the BAS symptoms and the residual

question whether that was the entire reason.

BAS, and (3) post-job BAS. If you are still with

effects can still linger and hinder your future

your current job, you may be thinking, “Yeah,

legal opportunities.

If you can relate to any of these, take note: you

Dan - I can relate to some of the examples you

could be suffering from the effects of “BAS.”

mentioned above and think maybe this whole

This article describes BAS, and then explains

BAS thing makes some sense in theory, but

how it can adversely affect you and your legal

isn’t this just a part of putting in my time and

The most common symptom of BAS is a loss

career. It then shows how using a professional

becoming partner? I mean, it’s just like this,

of self-esteem, with anger following closely

legal recruiter can help you avoid the common

or worse, at other firms as well. I chose to be

behind. The loss of self-esteem comes from

pitfalls that accompany BAS as you wind down

an attorney, worked hard, got a great job mak-

any number of causes, such as a high amount

at your current job and seek a new one.

ing lots of money to pay off my loans, so this

of criticism with little or no praise, feeling that

is what I signed up for. If I leave, I’m a quitter

you do not deserve a better job or believing

and failure. If I can stick it out, I’ll be ok in the

that you could not get a better job. Experienc-

long run.”

ing a loss in self-esteem will directly under-

What is “BAS”?

How BAS Can Undermine Your Career

mine your ability to practice law to the best

“BAS” is a tongue-in-cheek acronym for “Battered Associate Syndrome.” Is this a formal

This type of response is a common symptom

of your ability. For starters, you lose faith in

diagnosis recognized by mental health profes-

of BAS because you are aware that your situ-

your instincts, doubt your judgment, and avoid

sionals? Of course not (or given the number of

ation is unhealthy-probably both emotionally

asking necessary questions due to your fear


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of being perceived as “not knowing something

of those candidates who may jeopardize it.

I should know.” These self-doubts will harm

about your prior job and fears about the possible new one are common and normal during

your best interests, and those of your firm

Making a Positive Personal and Professional

the job search process. The problem is that,

and clients. If you have decided to interview


if left unchecked or unexpressed, these emo-

for a new job, having a feeling of low self-es-

tions will almost always slip out during inter-

teem and self-doubt will be glaringly obvious

As the above shows, you can see how BAS can

views and can severely hinder your chances

to a potential new employer and will send

directly harm your career on several fronts.

of getting your dream job. A good recruiter

the message that you are not confident with

But if you think you are suffering from some

should serve as a confidential sounding board

yourself or your legal abilities. Furthermore,

form of BAS, you are definitely not alone. And

with whom you feel comfortable venting your

you may be so downtrodden with your current

the fact that you are still reading this article

frustrations, fears, and apprehensions, as

situation that you may be willing to jump at

shows that you are likely the type of person

well as your desires, dreams, and profes-

the first job offer that comes along, even if it

willing to assess your current situation, and

sional and personal goals. Having a recruiter

does not serve your best short- or long-term

not just continue practicing law with your

listen to you and provide coaching throughout

career interests.

head in the sand. That says something positive

your job transition will undoubtedly give you

about your willingness to consider possible

an advantage in your job search. If you cannot

positive changes in your career and life.

work with a recruiter, I suggest contacting

Anger comes from the resentment you feel towards those persons or factors that you

a career counselor at your law school or an

believe have caused or contributed to your

If you are feelings symptoms of BAS but must

unhealthy work situation. You could feel anger

stay in your current job situation, you should

towards bosses that have unjustly criticized or

consider drawing on many available resources

As you probably know, so much of land-

humiliated you (often due to their own insecu-

for help. There are many highly qualified legal

ing your dream job is based on the personal

rities and feelings of inadequacy), unreason-

career counselors (try your law school career

impression you make. Thus, keeping all of

able billable hour requirements, not receiving

services office or independent legal career

the unavoidable emotional issues in check is

an appropriate or promised raise or bonus,

coaches), lawyer support services with your

imperative to helping make that good impres-

etc. Anger can impede your ability to stay calm

local bar association, personal life coaches,

sion. Having a trusting and open relationship

and collected during stressful work situations,

therapists, and doctors that can help you deal

with your recruiter (or another career advisor)

and can also cause you to unintentionally be

with and gain control over your situation.

is crucial for helping you handle the inescap-

hostile or resentful towards co-workers, and

You’re not the first lawyer dealing with BAS,

able “behind the scenes” emotional stuff that

even clients. If you have been recently asked

and you definitely won’t be the last.

can be just as influential, if not more, than

to leave and given a period of time to find a

your law school, your grades and your work

new job, remember that your current em-

But if you are open to considering making a

ployer wants to help you as much as possible,

positive job change or have already decided to

and you should hopefully still be able to find

do so, good for you. Although every situation is

some references from your current practice

different, and it sometimes may not be a good

group. However, if you are hostile and nega-

idea to change jobs at a given time, there are

tive towards those in your practice group, you

countless stories of lawyers that were initially

can jeopardize potential new job leads, net-

hesitant about considering career transitions

working opportunities and references. And on

but were thrilled to learn that the grass can

interviews for a next job, your anger towards

actually be greener on the other side. The

your existing or previous employer (no matter

same applies to attorneys that were laid-off

how much you try to conceal it), will likely rear

and had the blessing-in-disguise opportunity

it’s ugly head. Nothing-I repeat, NOTHING-will

to find their dream job.

turn off a potential new employer as much as a candidate that is carrying anger and

If you are able to be represented by a recruiter

negativity. Potential firms will assume that if

while you wind down at your current job and

you are speaking negatively about your prior

look for a new one, a professional recruiter

or existing firm, you will do the same to them.

will be very aware of any potential BAS symp-

Remember, a firm’s reputation and goodwill is

toms and help you identify and manage them

its most valuable asset, and firms steer clear

during the job transition process. Frustrations


independent legal career coach.


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