Increasing Summer Public Interest Grants for Pepperdine Law Students

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Increasing Summer Public Interest Grants for Pepperdine Law Students Allows for Greater Community Outreach [by Erica Winter] Pepperdine University School of Law in Malibu, CA, is expanding law students’ access to public interest work both over the summer and after graduation with financial assistance from a variety of sources.

For graduates going into public interest,

Members of APIL decide who will receive its

first-years, but there are some second-year

public defender, or prosecutor positions,

fellowships. The group’s criteria are more

students pursuing pubic interest careers who

Pepperdine Law joins other top law schools

stringent than for the law school awards,

also apply. “That’s the group I most want to

with debt-relief schemes in the gradual roll-

says APIL board-member Virginia Monken,

help out,” says Buchan.

out of its own plan. The Pepperdine Law loan

because there is less money to go around.

forgiveness program will be endowed for $1

Also, the group tries to encourage law stu-

million. The law school will give small awards

dents to do nongovernmental work because

gal careers “are never going to make a lot of

this year and for the next few years until the

nongovernmental public interest work is the

money,” says Buchan. This is why the launch

endowment has grown to the full amount.

lowest paid. So the APIL awards go to stu-

of Pepperdine’s loan forgiveness program is

dents doing strictly public interest work and

so important, in addition to the summer fund-

not those going to public defender offices.

ing, she says.

government offices over the summer, grant

For the law school awards, students submit

True, $1,700 will not stretch to cover a law

money can now come from both the student-

letters of interest to Buchan, along with in-

student’s rent and food over four months in a

run Advocates for Public Interest Law (APIL)

formation on the organizations for which they

major metropolitan area. Contrary to popular

and also from the school itself.

will be working over the summer and how

belief, Buchan says, Pepperdine law students

long they will be working there. Buchan, who

are not all rich; many are on loans. Some

In early May 2005, Pepperdine Law awarded

was a public interest lawyer before joining

students will need additional grants, such as

$40,000 to 23 law students who will be work-

Pepperdine, is very familiar with many of the

the APIL award, or a side job to make these

ing pro bono for public interest and nonprofit

groups students choose, most of which are in

public interest summers fly, she says.

organizations this summer. The students will

the Los Angeles area.

Meanwhile, for first- and second-years who

Those students going into public interest le-

want to work in public interest, nonprofit, or

Still, the $40,000 award pool for law students,

use the award money of slightly more than $1,700 each towards their living expenses,

This summer, however, one student will use

raised by the law school from a private donor,

enabling students to take unpaid work. “I’m

the money to help her defray costs of work-

is nearly double the $25,000 awarded last

very proud of that,” says Laurie Buchan,

ing in Honduras in a human rights program,

year. The award is in its fourth year, and the

Director of Clinical Programs and Assistant

says Buchan. Another will work with a human

amount is expected to keep growing. “The

Professor of Law at Pepperdine.

rights lawyer training program in India. Oth-

program is just booming,” says Buchan.

ers are sticking closer to home. One student Another source of summer public interest

will join Children’s Court in Los Angeles,

The law school award was started because

student funding is generated by law students

where child neglect and abuse cases are

“there was a real need,” says Buchan; but the

themselves in the APIL student organization.

heard; another will work with the Western

award money originally went toward course

The group holds a fundraising auction and

Center for Disability Rights; and another

units for academic credit. Last year, that

encourages law students in paid summer

will work with the YWCA’s domestic violence

changed, and the administration decided to

positions to donate one day’s pay. The money


award the money directly to the students. Pepperdine School of Law Dean Kenneth

endows summer fellowships to eight law students—six of whom were fully funded

Students must secure their positions before

Starr, who joined the school this past fall,

(receiving $4,000 each) and two of whom

they know whether they will receive an

is a “huge supporter” of programs to assist

were partially funded for their unpaid sum-

award from the school; however, there are

students pursuing public interest law, says

mer positions. This year, the groups awarded

groups (such as legal aid organizations) that


$27,000 total in fellowship grants.

are good bets. Most of the applicants are


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