Innovative program helps women leave but stay connected

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Innovative program helps women leave but stay connected [By Michael Kinsman] In 1993, Deloitte was feeling pretty good about the opportunities it provided for female employees, recognizing that about half of all hires were women.

Yet, the big accounting, auditing and

contact with Deloitte mentors and access

young family. So she quit her job and intends

consulting firm discovered that when it came

to training. In return, Deloitte carries the

to spend the next five years raising her

time to promote individuals to partners after

costs of continuing the former employee’s

children before returning to Deloitte.

a few years of work, only 7 percent of the

professional licensing. “I know that the industry may change over

candidates were women. Deloitte had a pilot program in place for 18

that time, but that’s why you stay connected

“We knew something must be wrong,” says

months, before unveiling its formal program

to the company,” she says. “You know when

Anne Weisberg, senior adviser of Deloitte’s

in March. Currently, 29 Deloitte workers are

changes happen. You may not know the

Women’s Initiative, a program started at

on leave and five others are in the application

ins and outs of them, but you are at least

the company’s New York headquarters to


comfortable with them.”

“These people have to quit their jobs, but we

Weisberg says the Deloitte program is all

are giving them an option of coming back

about retaining talented workers.

help with the retention and advancement of female employees. Deloitte has a wide range of work-life

to the company at a later time,” Weisberg

benefits, but it’s never been able to solve the

says. “We like to think of it as an option they

“We know that it’s hard to reconnect with

nagging issue of what to do about women

have and something that allows us to stay

women once they leave our company,” she

who want to spend time at home raising

connected to people we have invested in and

says. “This way we can keep that connection.

young children. As these women leave,

have relationships with.”

These are people who have already proven themselves with Deloitte and in whom the

the pool of women who could climb into management ranks at the 120,000-employee

The company hopes its flexibility results

company has invested. They’re a known

company is sharply reduced.

in savings on the costs of recruiting and


training new employees. “We have based our business case around

“It’s something that always stumped us,” Amber Marsowicz, a senior audit manager

talent management. Talent is our only asset.

who worked for Deloitte for nine years, is

We need to do whatever we can to hold on to

In March, Deloitte introduced its Personal

one of those who has taken advantage of the

that talent.”

Pursuits program, designed to keep women

program. Marsowicz went on leave to care

connected to the company even if they

for her newborn daughter 16 months ago,

postpone their careers for up to five years at

and when it was time to return to work in

life consultant, said Deloitte is addressing an

a time.

March, she found herself pregnant with a

issue that many companies have ignored.

Weisberg says.

Virginia Byrd, a California career and work-

second child. “It’s a big issue to keeping women in the

Though it can be used by men and women alike, Deloitte admits the program targets

“I didn’t think they would like it too much if

work force,” she says. “It really does effect

women and how to keep their professional

I came back for a few months and then left

the economy, because when women don’t

lives afloat.

again,” she says.

get this flexibility and drop out, it’s a kind of

Under the program, an employee may quit

Marsowicz considered part-time employment

a job at Deloitte but maintain a relationship

or a flexible work schedule but decided that

It also gives Deloitte an advantage in

with the company through semiannual

the best thing was to concentrate on her

competing for talent, Byrd says.

brain drain.”


continued on back


“Other companies are going to have to catch up, unless they are willing to give up on talent. But that doesn’t sound like a very good idea, does it?”


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