Inspectors target businesses prone to safety, labor violations

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Inspectors target businesses prone to safety, labor violations [by Michael Kinsman] You could almost feel Javier Baca’s blood pressure rising from across the room on a recent weekday morning as he looked at the four sober-faced men who had just entered his El Patio restaurant in Chula Vista, Calif.

Baca listened closely as the men introduced

“These are the industries where violations

The statewide crackdown on businesses

themselves as agents of the state Division of

are most commonly found,” Fryer says. “They

that don’t follow labor and safety laws ac-

Labor Standards Enforcement, Employment

also are industries that often employ large

celerated last summer when California Gov.

Development Department and Cal-OSHA.

numbers of immigrant workers.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger allotted $5.5 million

Baca, owner of the restaurant only since

On a one-day sweep of a Mexican restaurant,

Coalition, which is composed of state labor,

May, had never experienced anything like

a Mexican take-out shop, and Chinese and

employment and safety officials as well as

this. He scrambled to produce various docu-

Italian restaurants, only minor record-keep-

the U.S. Department of Labor.

ments and records and answer questions

ing and safety violations were noted.

for the Economic Employment Enforcement

The result is that 60 new investigators and

about his business. The day before, a similar restaurant check

support staff are available to check on pos-

Forty-five minutes later, Baca had a clean

resulted in $5,000 in fines and numerous

sible offenses.

bill of health and smiled as the state agents

safety violations. “This is really what we needed,” Silva says.

moved on. His worst sin had been to fail to return two floor mats to his restaurant

Similar sweeps were held in Los Angeles,

“We have had only five investigators in

kitchen after they had been cleaned earlier

Orange County and San Francisco.

Southern California and five in Northern California. We really needed help.”

that morning. The most common violation is lack of current This is no shakedown.

workers’ compensation coverage, which can

In 2004, state officials issued more than

cost an employer $1,000 per worker.

19,000 citations and fines totaling $56.3

It’s simply the state of California’s way of


monitoring employee working conditions in

Employee timecard and record-keeping

industries it has identified as prone to take

violations can result in fines of $250 per

Fryer says the number of those violations

advantage of low-skilled workers. It is part

employee per week.

are only expected to climb as state agents

of an effort by the state to curb the so-called

conduct more checks.

underground economy, which puts law-

State officials say they have no interest in the

abiding businesses at a disadvantage and

bulk of the 2.9 million businesses that follow

“This is not about making money for the

adversely affects taxpayers.

the law. But they know that not everyone

state, but about taking care of employees

does and they target businesses that have

who need our help,” he says. “More manpow-

“We have identified certain industries that

had an unusual number of labor complaints

er will mean that it will be harder for these

have demonstrated in the past that some of

filed against them, or those that don’t have

employers to escape unnoticed, and workers

their members don’t treat employees fairly,”

workers’ compensation documentation on

will be better off.”

says Dean Fryer of the state’s Department of

file with the state.

Industrial Relations. “We have found that if they don’t have workThe industries targeted by the state are res-

ers’ compensation coverage, it means they

taurant, construction, garment, agriculture,

probably are cutting corners in other areas

car wash, horse racing and janitorial.

as well,” says Alonso Silva, an enforcement officer with the state.


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