It's a Tough Case,' said Justice Kennedy

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‘It’s a Tough Case,’ said Justice Kennedy [by James Kilpatrick] “It’s a tough case,” said Justice Anthony Kennedy. He was commenting last week as the Supreme Court heard argument in the right-to-die case of (ITAL) Gonzales v. Oregon. Some observers doubtless will agree with Kennedy’s off-the-cuff observation. To us inveterate states-righters, this case is not tough at all. Oregon is right. In seeking to nullify the state law, the attorney general is wrong.

The facts are not in dispute. After twice win-

all political powers not delegated to the

ing tubes. In an opinion by Chief Justice

ning approval from voters, Oregon’s Death

federal government by the Constitution, nor

William Rehnquist, the court refused, 5-4, to

with Dignity Act took effect in 1997. Its provi-

prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to

grant their request. There was no “clear and

sions were carefully crafted. Two physicians

the states respectively or to the people. The

convincing” evidence that she would have

must separately attest that in their judgment

power to regulate interstate traffic in deadly

wanted to die rather than to live in a “persis-

a petitioner has less than six months to live.

drugs is a power delegated to Congress by

tent vegetative state.”

The patient must be mentally competent,

the Constitution. But the power to regulate

not suffering from depression or impaired

the practice of medicine is a power histori-

More directly in point are the high court’s

judgment. A two-week waiting period must

cally reserved to the states.

companion opinions eight years ago in

elapse. The patient must be advised of such

right-to-die cases from Washington and New

alternatives as hospice care and pain-reliev-

Our argument is that the states must be free,

York. The state laws prohibiting assisted

ing drugs. Two neutral witnesses must attest

within constitutional limitations, to engage

suicide were substantially similar. This time

the patient’s request. Only then may a doctor

individually in political experiment. If Mas-

Rehnquist wrote for a technically unani-

prescribe a painless dosage of a fatal drug.

sachusetts wants to sanction homosexual

mous court. Within the apparent unanimity

Through 2004, according to state records,

marriage, so be it. If Wyoming and Montana

a profoundly difficult struggle was evident.

326 terminally ill patients had obtained the

want to authorize super-speed limits on their

The court’s problem — the eternal prob-

lethal prescriptions, but only 208 persons

highways, let them see what happens.

lem — was to reconcile state powers and

had used them.

individual liberty. Here the state “won,” but it This is my point: If Oregon wants to experi-

was an unconvincing victory.

The questions of law are far from academic.

ment with a law regulating doctor-assisted

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has

suicide, that ought to be within Oregon’s re-

“Our holding,” said Rehnquist for the court,

threatened to revoke federal drug privileges

served powers under the Tenth Amendment.

“permits this debate to continue, as it should

for any doctor who defies his edict. Is he

Eight years have passed since Oregon’s

in a democratic society.”

abusing his authority under the Controlled

Death with Dignity Act went into effect. The

Substances Act? Put another way: May the

skies have not fallen upon Medford, Portland

Last week the debate continued in the

state of Oregon unilaterally exempt itself

and Eugene. The sun still rises over the

Oregon case. Given the uncertainties hover-

from a federal law of nationwide application?

Wallowa mountains. If Oregon’s experiment

ing over the court’s composition, it may be

Put still another way: Does the act, as inter-

ultimately fails, it fails. In that event, no

months before a dispositive opinion comes

preted by the attorney general, improperly

other state will want to replicate Oregon’s


intrude upon a state’s power to control the

experience. If the law succeeds, other states

practice of medicine within its borders?

may follow Oregon’s example. This is what

(Letters to Mr. Kilpatrick should be sent by

federalism is all about.

e-mail to

Roberts and Justice Antonin Scalia appeared

Granted, the auspices are not auspicious. In


to support the attorney general. Justices

1990 the Supreme Court considered the sad


David Souter and Ruth Bader Ginsburg ap-

case of Nancy Cruzan, a young woman who

This feature may not be reproduced or dis-

peared to side with the state. Such appear-

fell into a coma after suffering nearly fatal

tributed electronically, in print or otherwise

ances are often deceptive.

injuries in an automobile accident. When it

without the written permission of uclick and

became evident that recovery was wholly

Universal Press Syndicate.

At last week’s oral argument, Chief Justice

We Tenth Amendment conservatives recur

unlikely, her parents sued the hospital for

to fundamentals. Under the Constitution,

permission to disconnect the life-sustain-


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