Job fair

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Job fair [by Bob Goldman] This is going to be difficult for you, but two weeks ago - back when the world was young and you were bursting with optimism - I wrote a column about the possible career choices for people willing to throw off the shackles of their corporate masters and strike off on their own. Remember?

Well, for all of you who are still on the

lyst job description, you’ll be able to afford

According to the ad, the oil analyst reports

corporate chain gang, still breaking up big

gourmet Eukanuba for your retirement cui-

to the “senior oil analyst” which seems fair

bureaucratic boulders into itsy-bitsy bits of

sine since the job pays $43,365 to $114,482,

enough, though I’m sure you’ll quickly be

organizational rubble, here’s another chance

plus a performance bonus, a recruitment

able to topple the top guy with your acute

to make a prison break.

bonus and relocation expenses. (There is

analytical powers. Dig it: you spend the first

also an excellent retirement plan, assuming

six months on the job reading reports and

It’s true! Just because you don’t have the

the PBGC doesn’t decide that the PBGC’s

“analyzing” (also known as “goofing off”) and

inclination or the nerve to step up in life

pension plan should go belly up.)

then you make your first report. “Gee, oil looks pretty darn expensive,” you say. “I paid

and start a business shampooing poodles

over $3 a gallon to fill up my Jaguar.”

in your family room, it doesn’t mean you’re

While it would be tons of fun to spend your

condemned to staying at your same rotten

days telling 65-year-old workers that their

job until you become a complete mental melt

pensions have gone with the wind, you

The other jobs, I have to admit, sound a little

down. Turning to the same source - The Wall

might prefer a more glamorous position,

dull. Teledyne needs a controller. (Note to

Street Journal - where I found the be-your-

like being the “internal auditor” for GUESS?

Teledyne employees: get out fast. Your com-

own-worst-boss business opportunities, I

jeans. According to the ad, GUESS? is “one

pany is out of control.) The Export-Import

also found an intoxicating panoply of “career

of the fashion industries more prestigious

Bank of the United States needs a vice presi-

opportunity” want ads.

and innovative organizations” and “an ideal

dent in their asset management division.

environment for motivated, quality focused

You get to manage $60 billion in assets, and

professionals eager for success.”

based on the way most financial institutions

You’d still be working for someone who isn’t

perform, if you can manage to hold on to any

you, but theoretically, you’d be paid more for doing work that you enjoy more, and there-

Heaven knows you are motivated and quality

portion of that $60 billion, I’d say you’re re-

fore you’d be a lot less likely to spend your

focused, especially after your morning nap

ally doing a bang-up job.

afternoons in the employee lounge, weeping

and I think you should fire off a resume right

into the ficus plant.

after your afternoon nap. Be aware that the

If none of these career opportunities work

job may be difficult, involving long hours

out you can always go back to doing what you

One career opportunity that caught my eye

checking the fit of the free jeans the company

do best, which will come in handy if there’s

immediately was a listing for “financial

provides to hot-body celebrities like Jessica

ever a job listing for “extremely lazy, unmoti-

analysts” with the PBGC. If you work for any

Simpson and Colin Farrell. (And when you

vated complainer.”

airline, steel mill or automobile company,

finish those long hours in the fitting room, do

you know the PBGC - or as it’s known to

me a favor and find out why there’s a ques-

its friends, the Pension Benefit Guarantee

tion mark at the end of GUESS?)


Hey, wait a minute! That’s my job! Bob Goldman has been an advertising execu-

If handling emergency calls from top models

tive at a Fortune 500 company in the San

The PBGC insures the billion-dollar pensions

who need help getting in and out of their

Francisco Bay area. He offers a virtual shoul-

plans that are now going broke, hurling

jeans doesn’t work for you, or your signifi-

der to cry on at

lifelong workers into a surprisingly different

cant other, I commend you “fax your resume

retirement scenario than they ever expected,

in confidence” for a position as “oil analyst”

unless they expected to be living in refrigera-

for a “multi-billion dollar international in-

tor boxes and eating Fancy Feast.

vestment fund.”

Fortunately, if you can fill the financial ana-


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