Jones Day

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1. 800. 973.1177


Jones Day [Jefferson Byrd] Jones Day bears the distinction of being one of the only Cleveland-based law firms with a predominant global presence, but the firm is also distinguished by its stellar corporate practice.

Founded in Cleveland in 1893, Jones Day

The Chicago and Washington offices oversaw

first year at Jones Day, all compensation is

is still headquartered in Cleveland, though

the $8 billion merger of Chicago’s Unicom


not in the traditional sense. Since the firm

and Pennsylvania’s Peco Energy Company,

streamlined its name, dropping the Reavis

which created the country’s largest electric

Unlike many of its competitors, Jones Day

& Pogue that had adorned its masthead

company. Building up a formidable antitrust

does not discount attorneys without creden-

since 1974, the firm’s managing partner has

practice, the firm handled antitrust issues

tials from a top-tier law school. Candidates

stayed in New York City. Despite these recent

for the $160 billion merger between AOL and

from other schools still have a fighting

changes, Jones Day remains a firm steeped

Time Warner, and also for AOL’s acquisition

chance to secure a position with the firm,

in tradition and respectful of its history.

of Netscape.

although grades are still a crucial factor. The

Jones Day built its reputation through alli-

In 2000, Richard Cieri, head of Jones Day’s

casual. A prospective associate will engage

ances to Cleveland’s manufacturing industry,

bankruptcy department, represented health

in a series of chats, designed to weed out the

still retaining many of those clients today.

care giant Allegheny Health’s Chapter 11

arrogant and headstrong. The partners at

It wasn’t until the 1980s that Jones Day

bankruptcy hearings. He managed to ink a

Jones Day want to dispel the notion that their

began to expand rapidly to Dallas, New York,

deal that allowed the company to retain its

firm is too harsh and demanding. As befits a

Chicago, and Atlanta. The firm now has more

assets. Cieri became the first bankruptcy

conservative firm, a strict dress code must

than 25 branch offices in London, Paris,

lawyer to earn a spot on American Lawyer’s

be maintained, although in the Dallas and

Madrid, Hong Kong, Beijing, and associate

list of the industry’s top ten deal makers.

California offices, the rule calls for year-

offices in India. Continuing its expansion,

Jones Day has also developed a powerful liti-

round business casual. New associates to

last year Jones Day opened a biotechnology

gation department. Taking up several states’

Jones Day are presented with the opportu-

and IP practice in Munich; new offices for

rights cases, Jones Day undertook the unen-

nity to participate in the impressive training

its growing Columbus, Houston, and Atlanta

viable task of successfully arguing against


branches; and announced plans for a second

the Americans With Disabilities Act and the

branch in China.

Violence Against Women Act on behalf of the

Once on board, associates are expected

state of Alabama.

to put in long hours, though billable hour

interviewing process is reportedly calm and

Representing over half of the companies in

requirements vary from office to office.

the Fortune 500, Jones Day’s roster of clients

The firm’s leadership is concentrated in a

Pittsburgh associates might be working 55-

reads like a Who’s Who of American busi-

managing partner who wields the power of a

hour weeks, while attorneys in the Cleveland

ness: General Motors, RJR Nabisco, Amazon.

CEO. The managing partner has sole discre-

office put in 90-hour weeks.

com, Eastman Kodak, PepsiCo, Pfizer, and

tion on matters pertaining to partnership,

even the San Jose Sharks.

new offices, compensation and the selec-


tion of his or her successor. This business The firm’s business practice is immense.

model has proven successful. The firm ranks

Jones Day currently has several openings

A survey among Fortune 1000 corporations

among the top ten revenue-producing law

in its New York, Pittsburgh, and London

rated Jones Day first in client service. The

firms in the country. Jones Day is worth over

offices, including opportunities for experi-

firm topped Corporate Board Member’s list

$600 million, but they remain tight-lipped

enced litigation and other associates. More

of America’s best corporate lawyers, and

about finances. Refusing to disclose financial

information regarding attorney positions at

Thomson Financial ranked Jones Day as number one in M&A in 2000, 2001, and 2002.

information, the firm will not even allow

Jones Day can be found in the LawCrossing

discussions of associate salaries. After the

job database.


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