Judge Advocate General Corps

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1. 800. 973.1177


Judge Advocate General Corps [Adam Silver] For those attorneys looking to use their legal degree to serve their country, the Judge Advocate General Corps provides great opportunity.

If “lieutenant” suits you better than “associ-

The recent 60th anniversary of D-Day and

to go through the same rigorous training that

a Memorial Day in which many soldiers are

soldiers do; but there are some require-

ate,” the JAG Corps is for you. Working for

battling overseas were profound reminders

ments, such as instruction in military law at

the army will not offer nearly the same fi-

of the military’s importance to our society.

TJAGSA in Charlottesville, Virginia. Though

nancial reward as the private sector and will

However, combat is not the only way to aid

not mandatory, there is the opportunity for

also entail a commitment of several years

the army’s cause. While many men and

further legal studies. The JAG Corps offers

for those who want to be soldiers. However,

women continue to fight for freedom in Af-

continued education to those desiring LL.M.

there is no other place where such dramatic

ghanistan, Iraq and around the world, there


experience can be had in matters of national security.

are a host of opportunities for young lawyers to serve their country by using their legal

Throughout the course of history, Judge

expertise. The Judge Advocate General (JAG)

Advocates have prosecuted some of the most

Corps is a unique and exciting possibility for

important international cases, none more

lawyers who, with all due respect to Martin

visible than the Nuremberg Trials of 1945-46.

Luther, want to prove that peace and justice

The JAG Corps aided United States Supreme

are equally important.

Court Justice Robert Jackson in the prosecu-

For those unfamiliar with the department,

Goering, Rudolph Hess and Albert Speer. The

or the CBS drama of the same name for that

proceedings, which was the legal response to

matter, the JAG Corps, founded by none

the atrocities of World War II, were per-

other than George Washington, is the oldest

haps the most visceral of the 20th Century.

established congregation of lawyers in the

However, they were but a small slice of the

U.S. Though many private firms possess

JAG Corps’ contributions. Over the years,

storied legacies, not one can trace its roots

Judge Advocates have had the responsibil-

back as far as 1775. The JAG Corps played

ity of bringing thousands of war criminals to

an important role in the founding of America,


tion of Nazi war criminals such as Hermann

and it continues to be a vital element of the country today. Military attorneys are the ones

While military justice may be the most visible

facing the responsibility of making sure that

branch of the firm, attorneys can explore

situations such as the prisoner mistreat-

almost every aspect of the legal world, from

ment at Abu Ghraib are dealt with and not

labor to environmental law. The diversity of


the experience is compounded by the chance to be stationed around the globe and gain

In addition to its unrivaled history, the JAG

immediate first-hand knowledge of a court-

Corps remains one of the world’s largest

room. Judge Advocates generally have the

firms. The majority of Judge Advocates are

chance to earn meaningful experience more

enlisted soldiers. However, there are numer-

quickly than their private practice counter-

ous positions for civilians as well.

parts, so it is a situation befitting hungry attorneys that would like to eschew otherwise

Civilians entering the JAG Corps do not have


necessary banalities.

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