Kaizen and the Process of - Continuous Improvement in Your Legal Career

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Kaizen and the Process of Continuous Improvement in Your Legal Career [A. Harrison Barnes] What have you done for your employer lately? Continually improving your work habits, your effectiveness, your abilities, your relations with others - sounds easy enough, but few follow the practice. This, however, is how you are almost always judged by others and the only way to ensure advancement.

Most people never feel secure because

continually improving themselves and it is for

another, smoking and taking drugs smuggled

they are always worried that they will lose

that reason that so few people become very

to them by guards and others.

their job, lose the money they already have,

successful-and stay very successful.

lose their spouse, lose their health, and

Dr. Gomez said that when he went to prison

so on. The only true security in life comes

Some years ago, I was on a train ride across

he knew he was unlikely to ever get out;

from knowing that every single day you are

Spain when an older gentleman began tell-

however, he made a decision to use his

improving yourself in some way, that you are

ing me a story of when he was younger and

time in prison to become a better person.

increasing the caliber of who you are and

imprisoned for life in Cuba by Castro. He had

He exercised at least a couple of hours per

that you are valuable to your company, your

been imprisoned, he told me, because he had

day and, because his cell was so crowded,

friends, and your family.

spoken out against communism. Prior to be-

he exercised when the other prisoners were

-Anthony Robbins

ing imprisoned, this man had been a soccer

sleeping because that was the only time

{American Speaker, Peak Performance

player and then a professor in a prestigious

there was room for him to move around.


Cuban university. This man was my soccer

Unlike other prisoners, instead of trading for

coach/Spanish teacher and was leading me

cigarettes, drugs or weapons, he traded what

There is no such thing as “security� in the

and about 25 other students on a summer

he had for things like a toothbrush, clean

legal profession and no matter how hard

tour across Spain. His name was Dr. Gomez.

clothes, educational books and a razor to

you try, or how far you search, you are never

shave with.

going to find it. You simply cannot control

Dr. Gomez is one of the more interesting men

what happens to you. It is impossible. Even

I have ever met. Then in his late 60s, he was

Over the course of approximately one year,

the highest ranking partners at the best law

up by 5:00 am everyday and ran four or five

this man actually grew inside the prison

firms lose their jobs quite frequently. If you

miles every morning. He was always learning

while the other prisoners became much

possess the best possible academic qualifi-

how to do new things and finding new ways to

worse off. In fact, during the one year he was

cations and work experience, circumstances

enjoy life and better himself.

in his small cell, many prisoners actually

might take your job away, too. No matter how

died-or went insane.

careful you are with your career, you have no

According to Dr. Gomez, the conditions inside

way to control what happens to you.

the prison were terrible. Dr. Gomez was

Every month, Dr. Gomez was allowed to have

put into a small cell no larger than a typical

a visitor come see him. One Sunday after-

What you can control, however, is whether

bedroom with over 20 other prisoners. The

noon, Dr. Gomez was sitting with his brother

or not you choose to continually improve

food was terrible, the cell was very hot and

in the prison visiting room with several other

yourself in your professional life. When

the conditions inside the cell were nearly

visitors and prisoners. Dr. Gomez, unlike the

you are continually improving yourself you

impossible to live in. The prisoners were let

other prisoners, was very fit, well shaven and

are providing yourself the security that the

out of their cells a couple of times per week.

cleanly dressed. In fact, Dr. Gomez looked

person you will be tomorrow is better than

According to Dr. Gomez, when these prison-

in better health than most of the visitors.

the one you are today. If you are continually

ers were let out, they concentrated on things

Sitting in the prison visitor room, Dr. Gomez

improving yourself, despite what may happen

like getting retribution against other prison-

noticed that a shift change took place during

to the legal environments you are working

ers who had upset them in the outside world,

the visit. The guard that was replaced was

in, you will be in a better position to always

and getting drugs and other contraband to

a new guard and one that Dr. Gomez did not

stay ahead of things you cannot control. Very

take inside their cells. Inside their own cells,

recognize. A few minutes after this, a bell

few people in their lives practice the habit of

these men spent their time fighting with one

rang announcing that visitor hours were over.


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Instead of going back to the prison, Dr. Gomez

pointed out, the employee is expected to adapt

and should be willing to improve himself/her-

walked with his brother straight out of the

and change immediately. If the employee does

self for the better. An old Japanese proverb

front door of the prison. No one ever sus-

not correct the efficiency, he or she is fired on

says, “If a man has not been seen for three

pected Dr. Gomez was a prisoner because

the spot and another person is brought in to

days, his friends should take a good look at

he did not look like any of the prisoners. The

do the job. When a Kaizen event occurs, the

him to see what changes have befallen him.”

main reason that Dr. Gomez did not look like

President of Toyota might even follow around

This describes just how natural Kaizen is.

any of the other prisoners was because he

a janitor for days to figure out the inefficien-

had continued to improve and become a better

cies. This approach to work is something that

While Kaizen may seem insignificant, I can

person while in prison.

occurs at all levels of the organization and

assure you that following this principal is

involves everyone.

something that will be rewarded in your legal

This article discusses the principle of “Kai-

career. The principal of Kaizen can apply to

zen,” which, in many circles, has been called

While this approach to managing a company

both your personal legal career and the orga-

the key to Japan’s success in many industries.

is draconian, it ensures that the work being

nization you work for. You should constantly

This simple concept can also be the key to

performed is done in the best possible man-

be questioning everything about your work

your success in the legal profession-and in

ner with the least amount of waste. While

methods-and your level of understanding of

life. In order to grow in the legal field-whether

he did not call it “Kaizen,” this method of

various events at work.

you are an attorney, paralegal, or legal secre-

approaching work was also the building block

tary-you need to continually be improving. On

behind most of the companies started by

Not a day should go by without some kind of

a daily basis, you should be questioning how

Howard Hughes (many of which are growing

improvement being made somewhere. I have

you are getting things are done and improving

multi-billion companies today). For example,

provided some career tips based on Kaizen

the processes and procedures you follow in

companies like DirecTV are products of this

below that should give you some ideas both

your work.

continuous drive for improvement and were

about what Kaizen philosophy is and how you

founded by disciples of Hughes, decades after

can implement Kaizen in your legal career:

A. Kaizen Defined Kaizen means improvement. Moreover, Kaizen

his death, in a corporate environment that promotes constant improvement and innova-

1. You should discard conventional fixed


ideas. For example, you may have a fixed idea of the way you should seek out assignments in

means continual improvement in your personal life, home life, social life, and working life.

The point of a Kaizen event and Kaizen gener-

your law firm, the type of work you should be

When applied to the workplace, Kaizen means

ally, is that the norm must constantly be

doing or even the sort of law firm you belong

continual improvement involving everyone.

questioned in order to ensure that the work


is performed in the best possible manner. I Kaizen is a tool originally used by Toyota to

was reminded of this principal while reading

Relying on convention is something that is

foster continued improvement within its Toyo-

an old Motor Trend which discussed the fact

quite dangerous. This convention can serve

ta Production System. It began as “Quality Cir-

the engineers who designed the Lexis LS400

to limit you. Part of continuously improving is

cles,” a means of factory shop floor employ-

decided to halve the space between metal

questioning everything around you. Question

ees solving quality issues within a structured

fittings in the car in the year 2001. While

the norm. Is there a better way that you could

team framework, using specific new tools.

this was completely unnecessary (the car is

be doing your work? Do you think you might

At Toyota, and other Japanese companies,

consistently ranked as one of the top 10 cars

perform at a higher level in another type of

“Kaizen events” are constantly occurring. In

in the world in terms of quality), the engineers

legal environment? Do not limit yourself with

general, a Kaizen event will involve the man-

did this because it was an improvement that

beliefs about your potential-or what other

agement appearing at the desk or machine

they believed they were capable of making.

people tell you your potential is.

do their jobs. The efficiency, processes and

B. Nine Lessons Kaizen Teaches and Their Ap-

2. You should think of how to do something,

procedures followed by the employee are ag-

plication to Your Legal Career

not why it cannot be done. It is axiomatic that

of employees and observing exactly how they

you can do more by believing you can do more.

gressively questioned. How does the employee hold a tool? How many steps does it take to go

Kaizen refers to individual, continuous im-

between different machines where the work

provement in personal life, home life, social

As a legal recruiter, one of the more consis-

may be occurring? Then, as inefficiencies are

life and working life. Everybody deserves to

tent complaints I hear from hiring partners and other hiring authorities about people they



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are planning on replacing is that the person

an effort at doing something than not doing

tainly competitive. Due to that fact, many legal

they want to replace finds excuses for not

anything at all.

professionals are afraid to ask for assistance

getting work done. There are very few as-

from others. The fact of the matter is, your

signments in a legal environment that can be

Many attorneys put off various tasks because

superiors and equals in your work all have had

brushed aside and not get done. You need to

they do not feel they are ready to do some-

many similar experiences at various points in

remember that as a legal professional you are

thing. In order to grow, you need to take

their careers. You can learn a lot from others.

being hired to do a job and get results. Stating

action. Ensure that you are consistently taking

The experience of multiple individuals in a

that you do not believe you can do a certain

action and learn from the mistakes you may

group is far more telling than the experience

type of work is one of the worst messages you

make when taking action.

of only one.

5. If a mistake is made, correct it right away.

C. Some Final Thoughts About Kaizen

can send an employer. Another derivative of this idea is that you

Mistakes happen. What is most important is

should always be focusing on the best possi-

realizing that you need to correct mistakes

If you have been in the legal field even a short

ble result you want in your career and thinking

rather than allowing them to continue. You

period of time, I am sure that looking around

of how you can achieve that result. Looking

should always be asking yourself why some-

your office you can quickly spot numerous

for reasons to succeed in something is much

thing did not work out instead of dwelling on

individuals who (for whatever reason) simply

more useful than looking for reasons to avoid

a mistake.

fail to improve. Similarly, looking around your

it. Winners look for reasons to succeed and losers look for reasons to fail.

office I am sure that you can spot a few rare There is a very strong tendency in the legal

individuals who (for whatever reason) are

profession to not admit mistakes and hence

continually improving.

3. You should not make excuses; instead,

to not correct these mistakes. A large portion

question current practices. There are plenty

of the work of a legal professional is simply

There are three truths that you should always

of reasons that certain goals you may set

correcting his/her own mistakes-again and

be aware of:

for yourself may not be achieved in a timely

again-in order to get things as close to perfect

manner. There are also going to be reasons

as possible. The act of correcting a mistake

First, there are people who are (a) far, far less

why something you do does not work out as

will make you more aware of the mistake and

intelligent than you that (b) went to worse law

you had hoped it would in your career. You

help you to avoid it the next time around.

schools than you and (c) have far worse work

never should make excuses for your failure

experience than you who are going to have far

to achieve something. Instead, question your

6. You should ask “WHY?” and seek root

methodologies that led to things not working

causes. If you believe that there is any need


for improvement, either in your organization

Second, you are going to have a far more suc-

or in how you are doing your job, you need

cessful legal career than thousands of people

One of the most persistent problems that

to ask yourself “WHY” and search for the

that are (a) much smarter than you, (b) went to

attorneys have in their work environment is

reasons you need improvement and how to

better colleges and law schools, (c) have much

related to how well they get along with the

effectuate that improvement.

better work experience than you; and

more successful legal careers than you.;

people they work with. The majority of problems attorneys have in their work environ-

You always need to question the need for

Third, the reason you will do better than some

ments are traceable to this and this alone. You

improvement. You should constantly be ask-

and some will do better than you has more to

should never blame others for your problems.

ing “WHY” in order to get to the root cause of

do with the ability to consistently improve than

Question how you will deal with these and

every problem.

any other single factor.

other problems the next time. 7. You should seek the wisdom of multiple

I am constantly astonished by meeting attor-

4. You should not seek absolute perfec-

people rather than the knowledge of one.

neys who succeed over others who-one would

tion. Take action right away even if you can

None of us can possibly know the solutions

certainly think from outward appearances-

only achieve a part of your goal. While you

to every issue we face. It is better that we all

should be doing better than them. Not a day

should be aiming for perfection, simply stated,

operate as a contiguous group-learning and

should go without some kind of improvement

perfection is not always possible. Taking ac-

growing from each other-than as islands.

being made somewhere in your professional

tions to ensure that you do your best is vitally important to your success. It is better to make


life. The work that legal professionals do is cer-

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As an attorney, especially, in order to be as effective as possible you need to be extremely self-critical at all times in order to grow. It is a well known fact that many people you work with will, at some point in their careers, simply stop improving. The person who stops improving and growing will likely no longer advance in his or her career. If you are able to continually improve in your work, you will advance.


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