King & Spalding

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1. 800. 973.1177


King & Spalding [Joann Chang] An overall leader in matters of litigation and corporate affairs, King & Spalding proves that it is possible for a polite Southern firm to compete with the corporate giants of New York and Chicago.

King & Spalding As Atlanta’s largest firm

any other firm. Associates report a friendly

program, named “K & S University,” includes

and, arguably, its most prestigious, King &

and polite environment, but they also note

on-line courses and a full courtroom for trial

Spalding serves its heavyweight litigation

the existence of cliques and the boredom of

practice. New attorneys enter the training

clients with some old-fashioned Southern

following a formal dress code. And while the

program every September for an introduc-

charm. The 118 year-old firm has developed

firm does make an effort for office unity by

tion to the firm as well as to gain insight into

an impressive number of relationships with

flying out attorneys to its annual firm-wide

the legal profession. Other programs, such

many Fortune 500 companies over the years,

holiday party in Atlanta, Southern formalities

as accounting and attorney-client privilege,

including Atlanta-based Coca-Cola and Delta

and the large number of attorneys at each

are held throughout the year for all K & S

Airlines. Although the traditional firm has

office have not contributed to its overall col-


only ventured outside of Atlanta four times,

legial atmosphere. The firm may also want to

building offices in D.C., New York, Houston,

consider increasing the informal interactions

Falling in between a corporate New York City

and London, the firm still manages to bring

between partners and associates, as some

firm and a laid-back Southern one, King &

in close to $400 million worth of business

associates report a lack of camaraderie

Spalding lags when it comes to associate

annually. King & Spalding’s growth strategy

between different attorney levels.

salaries. While the cost of living is argu-

for their branch offices seems to have paid

King & Spalding’s Southern roots have

be unfairly discounted for their New York

off, allowing the firm to establish an interna-

made the firm more open to recruiting from

City quality of work. Mid-level associates at

tional presence in record time.

outside the traditional top law schools,

the Atlanta office report making equivalent

especially favoring local law schools. K & S’s

salaries to first-years of large New York

With over half of the Fortune 100 compa-

hiring process is not as competitive as its

firms. Although the firm does try to supple-

nies on its clientele list and a reputation for

Northeastern counterparts and recruiters

ment with an endless supply of Coca-Cola

exceptional litigation work, King & Spalding

are receptive to top graduates of most law

beverages as well as a free laptop, attorneys

has managed to keep up an active corporate

schools. However, exceptional grades will

would almost certainly prefer that the firm’s

practice despite the ailing economy. Their

not replace a lack of honesty and manners

generosity be diverted to their compensation

recent cases include representing Purdue

at this genteel firm; candidates who let their


Pharma L.P. in a congressional investigation

egos overshadow their abilities will not get

regarding controversial painkiller OxyCon-

far in the interview process. Similarly, in

tin®. Investment banks and banking institu-

order to make it to partner level at King &

of poaching star attorneys from other firms

ably lower in Atlanta, associates appear to


tions also turn to King & Spalding for outside

Spalding, attorneys are expected to fit in with

King & Spalding currently has several

legal counsel, as shown by frequent clients

the courteous atmosphere of the firm as well

openings in all of its offices, including op-

Credit Suisse and Goldman Sachs. The firm’s

as to put in excellent work. Partnerships

portunities for litigation, tax, real estate,

propensity for turning out quality corporate

at King & Spalding do not come easily, and

and corporate associates. More informa-

work was recently recognized by Corpo-

associates complain about the unclear and

tion regarding attorney positions at King &

rate Counsel magazine, who ranked King & Spalding as the 12th most frequently chosen law firms for outside counsel.

unrealistic nature of the process.

Spalding can be found in the LawCrossing job database.

Once inside King & Spalding, the firm forgoes the popular sink-or-swim training method,

Southern customs and corporate work make

and provides one of the best programs for

King & Spalding’s office atmosphere unlike

new and continued attorney education. The


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