Kirkland & Ellis

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1. 800. 973.1177


Kirkland & Ellis [Joann Chang] Tops among Chicago firms, Kirkland & Ellis has a reputation for getting the best work - and the best associates.

As the most prestigious of the Chicago law

over 2,000 billable hours per year at this firm

equity and non-equity levels, rewards its

firms, Kirkland & Ellis continues to demon-

and those who cannot pull their weight are

hard and loyal workers. Making it to the non-

strate its regional and national dominance

quickly weeded out. Social interactions are

equity level is reported to be a reasonable

in litigation and corporate law matters. More

minimal and associates state that they prefer

expectation after six years and the firm pro-

than 125 years ago, Stewart G. Shepard

spending their spare time with family and

vides candid evaluations at regular intervals.

and Robert R. McCormick created the firm

their outside lives. Whether the firm has se-

Though achieving the more desirable and

and, to this day, have had a greater impact

lectively chosen exceptionally motivated and

more financially rewarding equity partner-

than its current name implies. Specifically,

independent attorneys or has internally bred

ship is near impossible, associates nonethe-

McCormick’s later role as publisher to his

this type of work ethic, associates at Kirkland

less appreciate the near guarantee of making

family’s newspaper, The Chicago Tribune,

& Ellis are well-suited to the environment

it to some level of partnership.

led to the firm’s historic work on free speech

and find great professional satisfaction here.

that established its fame. Partners Kirkland

Kirkland & Ellis has a single compensa-

and Ellis subsequently made their mark on

While encouraging self-reliance, Kirkland

the firm by working in defense of the Tribune

& Ellis does not leave its associates without

sates equally, regardless of office location.

and other prominent newspapers in various

excellent training. The law firm has two

The firm’s standardized salaries begin at

libel cases.

highly renowned training programs, the Kirk-

$125,000 for all its first-years, but London

land Institute for Trial Advocacy (KITA) and

associates get an additional $30,000 to help

These days, the firm of over 1000 lawyers re-

the Kirkland Institute of Corporate Practice

defray the cost of living increase. And al-

ceives press for its representation of Fortune

(KICP). Both programs hold two sessions,

though bonuses have been lacking in recent

500 companies. Corporate Counsel Magazine

one for summer associates and the other for

years due to the recession, the firm generally

ranked Kirkland & Ellis fourth in a survey of

first years. Associates participate in video-

provides a $10,000 summer stipend for its

top choices for outside counsel and first for

taped mock trials or mock negotiations that

first years, as well as merit-based bonuses

its litigation team. In the past year, Kirkland

are supervised and later critiqued by senior

for its associates. The firm also supplies a

& Ellis attorneys have worked with S.C.

partners. Although the rigorous training may

generous benefits package which includes

Johnson on its acquisition of German cor-

sound intimidating for some, most associates

stipends for judicial clerkship experiences,

poration Bayer, Conseco on its dispute over

find it extremely useful and rank Kirkland as

paid moving expenses, and three weeks of

Donald Trump’s shares of the New York GM

having one of the nation’s best lawyer train-


building, and General Motors on its defense

ing programs.

tion plan for its associates and compen-


of trademark infringement claims. Among its top litigators, Kirkland & Ellis also boasts

While reputed to exclusively favor the top ten

famous Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr

law schools, Kirkland & Ellis also consid-

Kirkland & Ellis currently has several open-

whose career will perhaps remain forever

ers local sources for talent. Graduates from

ings in all of its domestic offices, including

linked with the Clinton administration.

Harvard Law and Pepperdine University alike

opportunities for experienced real estate,

frequently make up the summer associates

litigation and corporate associates. More

The determined attitude with which Kirkland

program. Besides stellar grades, attorneys

information regarding attorney positions at

& Ellis approaches its trade often bleeds into

with plenty of energy and strong independent

Kirkland & Ellis can be found in the Law-

its workplace environment. Serious work

qualities have the best chances of getting

Crossing job database.

and long hours are expected by associates

hired and making it at this firm. Additionally,

and partners alike. Associates easily clock in

Kirkland & Ellis’ two tier partnership system,


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