Latham & Watkins

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1. 800. 973.1177


Latham & Watkins [Jefferson Byrd] More than just the largest law firm in California, Latham & Watkins bounced back from the recession to become a powerful international firm.

After a fateful coin toss in 1934 determined

capital punishment appeal, a trial which

firm offers flexible part time work options for

which name would appear first on the mast-

represented an indictment of Texas’ death

parents and participates in events, such as

head, Latham and Watkins founded their

row. In a first-of-its-kind landmark lawsuit,

the Latham-sponsored National Conference

two-man firm. The tiny firm established itself

Latham represented Tosco Corp., a Hawaiian

for Minority Lawyers, to introduce minorities

in the 1980s by taking on high-profile corpo-

oil refiner accusing a Japanese company of

to Latham and increase the firm’s diver-

rate clients. The prosperity turned around,

conspiring to manipulate crude oil prices il-

sity. Although associates have praised the

albeit temporarily, as the economic reces-

legally in 2001. Another groundbreaking case

friendliness of partners and claim partners treat them as equals, the prospects for mak-

sion of the 90s brought hardship for Latham.

handled by Latham’s attorneys came in 2000,

Major clients went bankrupt, forcing Latham

when the House of Representatives took the

ing partner are not quite so appealing. The

to announce massive layoffs.

Clinton administration to court over census

qualifications for partnership include more

data. Former Deputy Solicitor General and

than tenure. Proven leadership abilities are

The Los Angeles-based firm was seen as an

Latham partner Maureen Mahoney served

a must. Despite the reputation as a relaxed

outsider until it established a higher profile

as the House’s lead counsel before the Su-

firm, Latham puts great significance on bill-

and aggressively sought new clients. By

preme Court.

able hour requirements. On average, Latham

2000, Latham’s annual revenue was $642

attorneys will bill between 40 and 55 hours a

million, while profits per partner soared to

Latham has also been distinguished for its

week, spending 60 hours a week in the office,

$1 million. Latham consistently ranks among

commitment to pro bono causes. America’s

with some weekend work included.

the top firms in M&A, equity and project

largest pro bono service provider, Public

finance. In the most recent issue of Ameri-

Counsel, twice named Latham pro bono

can Lawyer, Corporate Scorecard, Latham

provider of the year, a distinct honor. The

received the highest number of top-ten

firm, which counts pro bono hours as billable

Latham & Watkins currently has several

scores. Latham was number one in IPOs and

hours, has also ranked first in American

openings in its Los Angeles, San Fran-

REIT equity and debt, and Latham attorneys

Lawyer’s list of law firms with the most pro bono hours. The firm has represented child detainees of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and lobbied for a bill that would guarantee legal counsel to children detained by the INS. Fifty Latham attorneys and staffers logged over 3000 hours pouring over capital punishment sentences in a reform aimed at reducing error in death penalty cases. The firm has also been honored by the New Jersey Senate for its investigations into racial profiling.

cisco, Silicon Valley, Orange County, San

worked on four of the most powerful project financings of 2003. Today, the firm ranks as one of the largest worldwide, with 1500 attorneys in ten countries. The firm’s aggressive European expansion earned it the U.S. Law Firm of the Year honors at the 2003 Lawyer Awards. In addition to its impressive corporate law divisions, Latham has developed a powerful litigation practice. The firm’s attorneys have been involved in some of the more controversial and groundbreaking court

Befitting a California-based firm, Latham is

cases of the new century. In 2000, Latham’s

characterized as a laid back place to work.

New York office challenged Texas’ notori-

Even the East Coast and foreign offices offer

ous death penalty in convict Ernest Watkin’s

a California-style relaxed atmosphere. The



Diego, Chicago, New York, Washington DC, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, and Tokyo offices, including opportunities for experienced corporate, litigation, employment, real estate, government, health care, entertainment, environmental and other associates. More information regarding attorney positions at Latham & Watkins can be found in the LawCrossing job database.

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