Lawful, Yes — But Just?

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Lawful, Yes — But Just? [By James Kilpatrick] The facts in the case of Weldon Angelos are not in dispute: He really did sell 24 ounces of marijuana to an informant, and he really did carry a handgun when he did it.

The story can be summarized in a paragraph.

the firearm he carried and six years for the

grant review. The court’s concern, I know,

Four years ago, Angelos’ former girlfriend

marijuana. His post-trial poll of the jurors

is not with equity, but with law. The court

informed federal agents that he was selling

found them a little tougher: They would have

also values an appearance of stability, and

drugs at an address in Salt Lake City. Through

sentenced Angelos to a median term of 15

it spoke to the question of “disproportionate

an undercover agent, officers staged three


sentences” in two relevant cases just three

separate buys of marijuana, then obtained

years ago.

a warrant for Angelos’ arrest. They seized

In an extensive appendix, the judge noted

$18,000 in cash and five handguns.

that the sentence imposed on the defendant for possessing the guns was longer than he

Indicted on four felony counts and two lesser

would have received for hijacking an airplane

charges, Angelos declined the prosecutor’s

or raping a 10-year-old child. The terrorist

bargain offer of 15 years and out. When he

who is convicted of detonating a bomb in

refused to plea, federal prosecutors piled

a public place and killing a bystander can

on 16 additional counts. Found guilty by a

expect less than 20 years.

jury, he was sentenced in November 2004 to

The two cases were Ewing v. California and Lockyer v. Andrade , both decided 5-4 and both involving serious repeat offenders. Gary Ewing, for example, appears in the law books as a truly incorrigible thief. In March 2000, while on parole from a nine-year prison term, he capped his career by stealing three golf clubs. At last he was hit with a sentence of 25 years to life.

55 years and a day in a federal prison. This

Judge Mary Beck Briscoe, writing for a

past January a panel of the 10th U.S. Circuit

unanimous panel of the 10th Circuit, was

unanimously affirmed that sentence. He

not impressed by Judge Cassell’s “cruel and

Justice Sandra Day O’Connor spoke for a

filed his appeal in the U.S. Supreme Court

unusual” argument. She cited five Eighth

badly fractured court in concluding that the

six weeks ago. If he is required to serve his

Amendment cases in the Supreme Court over

sentence was neither cruel nor unusual, i.e.,

full term, he will be free soon after his 82nd

the past 26 years in which sentences have

it was “not grossly disproportionate.” Justices


been sustained of 40 years, 50 years or even

Scalia and Thomas sputtered unhappily

life for relatively petty cases of stealing or

in concurrence. The usual four dissented.

The question he has asked the high court to

dealing in drugs. Indeed, the Supreme Court

Since then Chief Justice Rehnquist has died

hear is not whether his punishment fits within

has reversed only two convictions under the

and Justice O’Connor has retired, so their

Chapter 18 of the U.S. Code. It fits. He asks

Eighth Amendment in the past hundred years.

successors might want to hear an appeal from a different defendant with a heap better

whether it fits within the Eighth Amendment: Is it both cruel and unusual? More tellingly,

Turning to Angelos himself, Judge Briscoe

I would ask, is it just? District Judge Paul G.

exposed a different side: He was “a known

Cassell, who presided over the jury trial, felt

gang member who had long used and sold

strongly that the long prison term could not

illicit drugs, a mid-to-high drug dealer

be justified, but under federal sentencing

who had purchased and in turn sold large

guidelines, he had no choice but to impose it.

quantities of marijuana.” He had failed as a musician. Presumably he was living off his

record. But don’t bet the ranch. (Letters to Mr. Kilpatrick should be sent by e-mail to COPYRIGHT 2005 UNIVERSAL PRESS SYNDICATE

In a written opinion, Judge Cassell

trade in drugs. That he had not been arrested

This feature may not be reproduced or

sympathetically identified Angelos as a

“appears to have been the result of good

distributed electronically, in print or otherwise

first offender, a successful music executive


without the written permission of uclick and Universal Press Syndicate.

with two young children. “To sentence him to prison for the rest of his life is unjust,

Because I believe the draconian sentence

cruel and even irrational.” A fair sentence,

imposed upon a young first offender is wildly

he thought, would have been two years for

unjustified, I hope the Supreme Court will


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