Learning About NAFTA In Mexico City: Study Abroad Brings Knowledge to Life

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Learning About NAF TA In Mexico City: Study Abroad Brings Knowledge to Life [by Erica Winter] After a friend and fellow classmate at North Carolina Central University School of Law returned from a study abroad program in Mexico City and sang its praises, Dave Hall decided to go.

The program in Mexico City, one of eight

the city, he took a dictionary and a map, and

summer abroad programs run by the Uni-

“was able to communicate very well,” he

versity of San Diego (USD) School of Law,


in Paris. With such a broad reach and high credentials, the USD Law study abroad programs may

actually encouraged the planned start-up of a new student clinic at North Carolina Central,

Taking summer courses in a foreign country

still find their greatest impact is made on the

says Hall.

that is currently affected by those issues

individual, local level.

meant that learning “didn’t stop in the classHall’s classmate is taking time off to go

room,” says Hall. The lawyer with whom he

to USD Law and see how their immigra-

stayed had done human rights work with the

reer, had a graphic design and sign-making

tion clinic is run there, with an eye towards

Zapatista rebels in southern Mexico, and they

business before entering law school. He

duplicating the model in North Carolina on

talked about that experience, as well as about

was inspired to become a lawyer through

his return. Now that Hall has returned from

how NAFTA is effecting rural people and

the grassroots efforts of his church to help

his stint in the Mexico program, he plans to

farms in the country. In the program, “you

residents of a neighboring public housing

“most definitely” be involved with the new im-

can take what you learn out on the street

development who were going to be evicted to

migration clinic when it is up and running.

and talk about it” with people in the city, says

make way for building renovations.

Hall, who is embarking on a second ca-

Hall. Since the church provided free day care for

Hall, who is going into his second year of law school in the fall, is interested in how govern-

Courses are tailored to fit each country in the

the children in the development, as well as

ment policy affects law, and was able to study

USD Law study abroad program. While Hall

other services, being displaced would have a

that first-hand in Mexico City. As he and other

studied NAFTA in Mexico City, other program

great impact on the development’s residents.

program participants studied courses on

participants were taking courses on Interna-

“Our church is very community oriented,”

immigration law and NAFTA, they were living

tional Negotiation, East-West Trade Law, and

says Hall. Lawyers in the church did pro bono

in a place where those policies and issues

Russian law in Moscow, says USD program

work with residents dealing with the housing

are affecting people’s lives — and they could

coordinator Cindy King.

authority, which inspired Hall. “It motivated me,” he says, and, seeking an HBCU (Histori-

discuss the issues both inside and outside of the classroom. Taught in the context, the

In Florence, law students can study interna-

cally Black College or University), he applied

courses “gave me a great introduction to how

tional comparative law in the arts and intel-

to North Carolina Central Law. “I want to

lectual property law. In Dublin, the program

make a different kind of difference in people’s

focuses on human rights issues, especially


the policy works,” says Hall. In Mexico City, program participants — from

those in the European Union’s legal system.

several different law schools, and coun-

Hall hopes to work with a nonprofit group

tries — were placed with families for the

Some faculty and student alumni of the pro-

on civil rights issues in his future legal

five weeks they were there. Hall lived with

gram are quite well-known. Justice Antonin

career. He sees his experience in Mexico as

two other law students with the family of a

Scalia taught a course at the USD program

forwarding that goal through the connections

Mexican lawyer. Hall studied Spanish in high

in Dublin in 1998, for example. And one law

between immigration issues and civil rights

school, and bridged any language gap at the

student who participated went on to become

work — understanding international issues

house with the help of the lawyer’s wife, who

the President of Ireland. The USD programs

and applying them back at home.

spoke English, and his fellow students, who

are also distinguished by their longevity, says

are both fluent in Spanish. Out and about in

King, with the first program launched in 1973


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