Martin Delonis: President of the Brooklyn Law Student's Death Penalty Project, Brooklyn, NY

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Martin Delonis: President of the Brooklyn Law Student’s Death Penalty Project, Brooklyn, NY [By Charisse Dengler] Martin Delonis decided he wanted to be a lawyer after taking an undergraduate course called Truth in Law at Fordham University. Upon graduating from college, he went on to spend a year working for the Capital Defender Office of New York, and he said he hasn’t had second thoughts about his decision to enter the field of law since.

Having just graduated from Brooklyn Law

While in his last year of law school, Delonis

“My experiences working in the Capital

School, Delonis is looking forward to moving

served as the President of the Brooklyn

Defender Office doing public death penalty

to Michigan—his home state—and working

Law Students’ Death Penalty Project. The

defense made it a comfortable fit and an

as a criminal defense attorney. He said he

project’s goal is to inform students about

organization with a message and purpose

hopes to work both as a defense attorney and

the death penalty and give them a chance to

that reflected my own interests,” he said.

as a prosecutor over the course of his career.

discuss the issue.

“My decision to pursue criminal law came

“The idea is to educate members of the

excellent networking opportunities, and he

naturally and was reinforced by how much

Brooklyn Law School community about the

said the various people he met during his

I enjoyed studying criminal law while in

current state of affairs surrounding the death

time in law school influenced him greatly.

school,” he said. “Following my interest in

penalty and about activities focused on the

philosophy into the study of law, criminal

death penalty in New York, as well as the rest

“My friends, many of whom are also

law was a natural fit for me because it is

of the United States and around the world,”

passionate about criminal law, have been a

entirely focused on people and society. My

he said.

great resource and have helped me learn and

Delonis thinks student organizations provide

career hopes have developed around what

better understand the law as we’ve studied

I would most like to be able to say that I

Delonis’ responsibilities as president

it together,” he said. “It’s amazing how many

accomplished as a lawyer: working for both

included working with members of the

different perspectives can be found in just a

defendants and the government to ensure

board to develop and implement programs

handful of people.”

that justice is served and that my clients are

that would be of interest to the students at

represented to the best of my abilities.”

Brooklyn Law School. He also worked with

Looking back on his time in law school,

other student organizations to raise student

Delonis remembers the point when he and

Delonis’ favorite courses included Law of

awareness about issues outside of their law

his friends stopped feeling like students and

War, Law and Police Policy, and a couple of

school courses by hosting guest speakers

started feeling like lawyers; it’s one of his

seminars on developments in the areas of

and other events.

favorite memories.

“We try to provide a forum for members

“Sometime during my second year, I made

“Learning about police policy gave me new

of the Brooklyn Law School community to

the transition from feeling like a tourist in

insight into operations of police departments

openly debate the issues of law and politics

the law to feeling like I really belonged,” he

that will no doubt be of use in my career, and

that have resulted in the dramatic increase

said. “I wasn’t looking at my future career

taking the time to learn about the laws of war

over the past 20 years in the number of

in law as an interesting job anymore, but

during this era of the ‘war on terror’ seemed

persons awaiting execution and provide

as a vocation. That transition came hand-

all too appropriate,” he said.

information and contacts for those interested

in-hand with a recognition that my friends

in getting involved in death penalty work on

and I had grown from the people we were in

“Criminal law has been particularly alive

legislative, political, and legal fronts,” he

our first awkward days of law school into a

with all of the developments in the war on


group of competent young lawyers with great

criminal procedure and evidence law.

terrorism, the changes in the Supreme Court, and the rulings about the sentencing guidelines that have happened during my three years in law school,” he said.


Delonis first joined the group during his 1L year and served on the board as events

potential and even greater commitment to the profession.”

coordinator his 2L year before becoming president.

continued on back


ON THE NET Brooklyn Law School Fordham University Capital Defender Office of New York


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