Melinda Sarafa Remembering that counselor is another word for lawyer

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Melinda Sarafa Remembering that counselor is another word for lawyer [by Teresa Talerico] As a white-collar crime litigator and a former public defender, Melinda Sarafa has represented clients ranging from low-income immigrants to a Miami nightclub owner suspected of organized crime activity. While the stakes in such cases might be vastly different, Sarafa, a partner at Zuckerman Spaeder in New York, says attorneys must never forget their ultimate roles as counselors.

“Understanding one’s role as a counselor

the offenses tend to involve larger loss

clients who either are in the midst of or on

helps to ensure that lawyers really listen

amounts. Often the stakes are higher in

the verge of conflict.

well to their clients and are able to focus

terms of the federal sentencing guidelines. Q: What’s the biggest mistake an applicant

on and respond to the clients’ needs most effectively,” said Sarafa, a 1995 graduate of

Q: What’s your advice for new associates?

can make when applying for a job?

A: New associates should not be afraid to

A: One thing I find to be completely ineffec-

Stanford Law School. Q: How does one break into white-collar

communicate with the partners and other

tive is sending out form cover letters. It’s


lawyers in the firm, to ask questions even if

very important for somebody who’s doing a

they’re concerned that they should already

job search to really think about the places

A: I got into this line of work by starting

know the answer. Law is complex and ever-

they are most interested in working, re-

out as assistant federal public defender in

changing, and no one can be expected to

search those places, and send cover letters

Houston. I was able to get that job by clerk-

know everything.

and resumes that are specifically tailored to

ing at the federal defender’s office during

that job.

law school and subsequently doing two

I would also say that associates really

federal clerkships. Starting out either as a

should look upon every assignment as an

Q: What was your most humbling experience

public defender or a prosecutor is probably

opportunity to become indispensable on a

as a law student or new attorney?

the best way to get the kind of criminal law

case. An assignment that may seem small

background that you need and the level of

or insignificant may nevertheless present a

A: I found it incredibly challenging when I

comfort you need in the courtroom to go on

real opportunity to get ahold of the facts of

started working as a law clerk for a federal

to white-collar criminal litigation.

a case or become the expert on a particular,

district court judge to realize I was suddenly

perhaps critical, area of law in a case. So

in a position of having to come up with the

Q: What are the differences between working

don’t underestimate the opportunities that

“right answer” in a dispute when presented

for the government and a private firm?

come across your desk.

with motions to dismiss or motions for sum-

A: When I switched from the federal defender

Associates are sometimes reluctant to show

the ultimate decision, but the law clerks had

work to private practice, I also switched

as much intellectual curiosity or creative

a tremendous amount of responsibility.

jurisdictions, from Texas to New York. I dealt

thinking as they may be capable of. That kind

with both transitions at the same time. In

of contribution can be extremely valuable.

mary judgment. Obviously, the judge made

New York, there are more securities fraud

When I was with the federal defender’s office, I was handling very, very serious cases,

cases. You’re also dealing with, in private

Q: What should law schools teach that they

where people were facing, in some cases,

practice, a different group of clients, namely

currently don’t?

mandatory minimums of 10 or 20 years in

clients who can afford to retain counsel. In

prison. Being aware of that responsibility is

Texas, I had, by definition, all low-income

A: I’ve often thought that law schools do not

individuals. We had many, many immigration

sufficiently teach that lawyers are in fact

cases, firearms cases, bank robbery, small

counselors in the truest sense of the word.

Q: How do you handle that stress and re-

fraud cases. In New York and in the private

Lawyers acquire a great deal of knowledge


sector doing white-collar litigation, you have

in law school, which ultimately is for the

individuals with professional backgrounds;

purpose of providing professional advice to


very sobering.

A: By taking advantage of all the resources at

continued on back


one’s disposal to make sure that the fullest and most effective representation possible is being provided. That may mean consulting with other lawyers. I was fortunate to work in an office staffed by extraordinary lawyers with a lot of collective experience. This goes hand in hand with not being afraid to ask questions. One of the most dangerous things you can do is not ask questions. Q: Who’s your favorite lawyer in books, movies, or TV? A: Katharine Hepburn played a lawyer in the movie “Adam’s Rib.” It’s a comedy, but it’s a great portrayal of fierce determination on the part of a defense lawyer.


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