Meredith Steirer; President, Cleveland Association of Paralegals; Cleveland, OH

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Meredith Steirer; President, Cleveland Association of Paralegals; Cleveland, OH [Charisse Dengler] Meredith Steirer says she tries to live life to the fullest with no regrets, and she’s not kidding. Among working as a senior paralegal at Swartz Campbell, LLC, heading up the Cleveland Association of Paralegals, and jetting off to foreign lands, Steirer’s life is so full that it is practically spilling over.

Steirer, who has been a paralegal for eight

“On any given day, I sort through 100-plus

“Having trained that person for many hours—

years, has worked at Swartz Campbell,

emails, multiple telephone calls, in-house

we got to know each other. Eventually,

LLC—a firm specializing in toxic tort and

requests and assignments, breakdown

we became friends. This made it difficult

asbestos cases—since it opened in April

billing percentages, check an online docket,

when I had to evaluate work product and

2002. Upon graduating, she worked as a file

review medical records, network, train new

performance,” she said. “What I have learned

clerk and then a legal secretary in the areas

and old personnel, maintain 90,000-plus-

is, if you are courteous and nice and conduct

of collection, medical malpractice, personal

file databases, take telephone conferences,

yourself in a professional manner, then

injury, and appellate law.

etc.,” she said.

usually compromises can be met and there

Steirer admits that at first, she was

However, the variety of tasks doesn’t seem

disappointed at the process she had to go

to bother Steirer, who says she enjoys the

Over the course of her career as a paralegal,

through to get a position as a paralegal, but

flexibility of her job.

Steirer has experienced numerous emotional

are no hard feelings.”


now she sees the process as beneficial. “The Swartz Campbell Cleveland office is “I can honestly say that because I held those

a satellite office; so I have the backing of a

“In 2001, I was the only paralegal

positions, it made me the diligent paralegal

big firm, while still working in a small firm

(accompanied by three attorneys) to be flown

I am today,” she said. “It is imperative to

environment,” she said. “I get to perform an

to a high-powered meeting in Chicago,”

realize that every position is an important

array of responsibilities, duties, tasks, and

she said. “In 2002, I co-authored an article

one and, at some point in your life, you are

assignments that most paralegals do not.”

with the managing partner of my firm that

going to need help from people in those

went out to 250-plus clients. In 2004, I was

positions. Understanding, respecting, and

Steirer, who found her current job through an

elected to be president of my local paralegal

getting along with people in various positions

advertisement in a local newspaper, decided

association. In 2006, I was nominated for

makes your job all the more easier, not to

to become a paralegal because she wanted

Legal Assistant Today’s Paralegal of the Year

mention builds a solid reputation for you as a

to be able to support herself without going to

Award, as well as the NFPA Paralegal of the

working professional.”

college for a long period of time.

Year Award and NFPA’s Local Outstanding

In fact, she even encourages recent

“Having watched my three older sisters all

graduates to work as legal secretaries.

graduate from college and be unemployed

Steirer urges future paralegals to get

for six to eight months, I knew I had to pick

involved in their local paralegal association

“I highly recommend working as a legal

a field that was high in demand and would

as soon as they get out of school, advice that

secretary before an entry-level paralegal,”

also pay well,” she said. “The paralegal

she wishes she would’ve followed herself.

she said. “You’ll learn more than you know,

profession was my answer.”

Leadership Award.”

and you will be promoted to paralegal faster.”

“I became a member of my local association Steirer says one of the more difficult

as soon as I graduated, but I never got

challenges she has faced as a paralegal

involved. I feel if I would have been more

For Steirer, an average day at the office is a

occurred when she was promoted to

active, it would have opened up more job

study in the art of multitasking.

senior paralegal and was given the task of

opportunities for me, as well as enlarged my

overseeing another paralegal.

network,” she said.


continued on back


However, Steirer has since made up for lost time and currently serves as President of the Cleveland Association of Paralegals, where her duties include, but are not limited to, being supervisor, advocate, liaison, and visionary for CAP. She prepares the association’s agenda, reviews and approves all written materials, writes or delegates a column for the newsletter, and oversees the daily operations of the association and its board members. “In my opinion, a local paralegal association brings a huge value to an individual as well as the community,” she said. “It not only keeps you in touch with what’s going on in your community and your fellow colleagues, [but] it also keeps you aware of what’s going on at a national level. It broadens your network and opens more doors professionally and personally than you could ever do on your own.” Steirer, an experienced traveler, has already visited Spain, Hawaii, Ireland, Bermuda, the Bahamas, the Caicos/Turk Islands, the Mexican Riviera, Belize, and Peru and is currently looking forward to exploring Africa this summer. In addition, she is an animal rights activist and an avid gardener, and she has no plans of slowing down. “Between work, CAP, and my social life, I keep pretty busy,” she said, “…and, I’m happy to say, I couldn’t imagine my life any differently.”


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