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University of Michigan Law School [by Mike Murphy] One of the oldest and most respected law schools in the country, the University of Michigan offers students a top-notch legal education and a close-knit community.
Founded in 1859, the University of Michigan
underground. Built underneath the Legal
law schools. The school boasts six study-
has one of the oldest law schools in the na-
Research building, it offers over 941,000
abroad programs and encourages students
tion; a public, top-ten U.S. News & World Re-
volumes and goes down to three sub-levels.
to initiate their own. Externships abroad are
port-ranked law school nestled in the center
Admission into Michigan Law isn’t easy. For
encouraged and common among students
of one of the nation’s largest universities.
the class of 2006, 5,436 applicants produced
with interest in International law; workshops
a class of 406, the school’s largest since the
in International law and “language lunches”
It’s also in the prettiest part of town. The Wil-
Vietnam War (read: draft) era. Median GPAs
for bilingual students are weekly occur-
liam W. Cook Law Quadrangle is the poster
of 3.6 and LSAT scores of 167 are daunt-
child of the University of Michigan campus;
ing, but not unassailable; the school prides
pictures of it grace the cover of university
itself on creating a diverse entering class
recruiting materials and end up in countless
and really does take all factors into account
whether in class or in the pages of Michi-
tourist and wedding photo albums. When a
for its admission decisions. The law school’s
gan Law’s several student publications. The
character from the NBC drama ER moved to
admissions policies recently stood up to a
Michigan Law Review is one of the best
Ann Arbor to start medical school, the “law
legal challenge before the Supreme Court. A
and most-cited in the nation. Publishing
quad” stood in for the medical school cam-
June, 2003 decision in Grutter vs. Bollinger
since 1902, its annual book review issue is
pus. It makes sense; the quad is a sheltered
upheld the use of affirmative action by the
traditionally one of the most-cited law review
oasis of green in a bustling part of campus,
law school in its decisions to admit students.
issues. Michigan also offers the Michigan
and its late Gothic architecture really is
Communicating in English is also common,
Journal of Law Reform, Michigan Journal of
breathtaking - so long as you disregard the
Two-thirds of Michigan Law students work
Race & Law, Michigan Journal of Gender &
admittedly ugly addition from the 1970s,
for private firms upon graduation; another
Law and Michigan Journal of International
currently slated for demolition at some point
20% go on to judicial clerkships. The re-
Law and the Michigan Telecommunications
in the future. The law quad also houses
mainder of graduates find work in a mix of
and Technology Law Review. There’s also a
about 260 students in the “Lawyer’s Club,” a
government, public interest, business, and
student newspaper, the Res Gestae (a Latin
law-student only dormitory housing mostly
academia - adding to an employment rate of
term meaning “things done,” a legal term
first-year students.
nearly 100%. For those remaining students
for an obscure rule of evidence that allows
interested in devoting their efforts solely
otherwise hearsay evidence to be admissible
Michigan Law may be considered one of the
to the government or public sector, Michi-
in court) which has been publishing student
best public law schools in the nation; but it’s
gan Law makes an effort to help, offering a
news and commentary for over 50 years.
as expensive as any top private law school
student-funded fellowship program that sub-
- probably because the school receives
sidizes some (not all) of students’ summer
That sort of pedigree, combined with an
virtually none of its operating budget from
jobs in public interest internships. Michigan
average class size of 350 means an extraor-
its parent university. For all intents and pur-
also boasts a progressive debt forgiveness
dinarily large alumni base. With over 19,000
poses, it is a private school. Expected tuition
program in an attempt to offset potentially
alumni, it may be a challenge to find a large
for Michigan Law students in 2003-2004 is
prohibitive large student loan debt.
law firm in America that doesn’t have a
$27,850 for Michigan residents and $32,850
Michigan State alum on staff. Three Supreme
for non-residents. Grants, especially for out-
Michigan Law is proud of its International
of-state students, are not uncommon.
and Comparative law programs. All students
dozen other famous alumni, including Clar-
are required to take a course in Transna-
ence Darrow, Senator Richard Gephardt and
tional Law, a unique requirement among U.S.
conservative columnist Ann Coulter.
The law library is rather new and, literally,
Court Justices are alums, as well as several
continued on back
1. 800. 973.1177
Ann Arbor is widely regarded as a cultural
degree to law school, and the admissions of-
hub of the Midwest; its art fair in the summer
fice at Michigan understands that.
months attracts thousands of visitors. It’s a town whose population increases by one-and-
Michigan Law is also surprisingly accom-
a-half times its size (to about 115,000) from
modating for clinics, externships and studies
August to April. The University of Michigan
abroad. Joint degree students are also
football team is a perennial contender for
common; the University of Michigan has top-
both the Big Ten title and National Champion-
ranked programs in business, medicine and
ship; Michigan students know better than to
science. Non-joint degree students can take
try and drive in or out of the city on football
up to nine credits pass/fail from outside of the
Saturdays. (Nearly 115,000 fit into Michigan
law school. Many students take advantage of
Stadium to see a football game against Notre
this option to study a language or take a busi-
Dame last year). The closest major airport,
ness course (or two). In any given year, 60-75
Detroit Metropolitan, is 30 minutes away.
students earn joint degrees.
Students needing a break from the smaller atmosphere of Ann Arbor can go to Detroit
The social scene among Michigan Law stu-
and its large metropolitan area 50 miles to
dents is surprisingly congenial and helpful for
the east, or take a train or bus to Chicago in a
a school of its reputation. A wireless network
couple of hours.
covers about 75 percent of the school and is free for students; laptops are ubiquitous in
Students hailing from a warm climate should
class and instant messaging is an art form
be warned -- Michigan winters have been
among classmates. Michigan Law students
arguably mild in recent years, but are gener-
help each other succeed, and students who
ally not for the faint of heart or the easily
sacrifice friendships among classmates in
chilled. Cold snaps and snowfalls of several
exchange for better class performance are
inches are not uncommon a few times each
rare and generally not popular. Students of
winter. An old wives’ tale has it that long ago
different ethnicities and sexual orientations
M-Law students once sued the University for
are widely accepted and their differences
their tuition money back after a snow day of
overlooked; few students hail from the sur-
canceled classes; regardless of the story’s
rounding area, but most feel at home.
veracity, classes haven’t been canceled due to inclement weather in anyone’s memory. Most
In the same vein, Ann Arbor may be extraor-
Michigan Law students live at the law quad
dinarily friendly and progressive, but it also
in ample (not cheap) student housing a short
isn’t too large of a city. The upside is that it’s
walk from campus; that short walk can seem
difficult for one to go to Michigan Law and
long and dangerous on icy mornings and late-
not make close friends for life, the downside
night returns.
is that it’s not uncommon to have a difficult time trying to get away from one’s class-
Michigan is one of few national schools to
mates. With a large portion of the first year
offer a summer starter program; about one-
class living in the same dormitory, mere feet
fourth of each year’s entering class matricu-
from the library and classrooms, life as a
lates in late May. Summer starters enjoy a
Michigan Law student can quickly resemble
relaxed first-year class schedule and the
life in a fishbowl. That said, it’s all in good
opportunity to take a semester off or gradu-
fun. Michigan Law students are generally a
ate a semester early; the program is offered
positive, sociable bunch who learn together,
mostly to students who’ve taken a break
eat together, and go out together; and the
between undergraduate study and their law
University of Michigan is more than an accom-
school career. Most students wouldn’t want to
modating environment for who they are and
go directly from graduating with a bachelor’s
what they do.