Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Shows Pro Bono Commitment from the Start

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Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Shows Pro Bono Commitment from the Start [by Erica Winter] The jobs law students find between their second and third years of law school can affect their careers for decades.

zation or government agency.

says Kraeutler, although summer associ-

in a law firm, which usually pays well; work-

“They’re all encouraged to participate,” says

charitable, and policy organizations. The

The basic choices for a law student’s second

ates are also encouraged to work for arts,

summer are working as a summer associate ing for a nonprofit public interest organiza-

Eric Kraeutler, Chair of the firm-wide profes-

firm’s Philadelphia list includes the AIDS Law

tion, which usually pays nothing; and gather-

sional recruiting committee and partner in

Project of Pennsylvania, the September 11

ing more law school credits in academic

Morgan Lewis’ Philadelphia office. Morgan

Victims’ Compensation Fund, the Philadel-

programs, domestic or foreign, which costs

Lewis’ summer-associate roster is about 80

phia Museum of Art, the Center for Lesbian

the student money.

students, spread among all its offices and

and Gay Civil Rights, and Community Legal

mostly rising third-years. At least a quarter of


Some students cobble together summers that

those participate in the PICS program every

involve a combination of these options. They

year, says Kraeutler.

In Washington, Morgan Lewis’ summer asso-

Also, Morgan Lewis pays its summer associ-

Arts, National Public Radio, and the National

or between two different firms or between

ates for ten weeks of work—whether the work

Trust for Historic Preservation. In New York,

a nonprofit and a study-abroad program.

is all done at the firm or split between the

some have worked at the Manhattan District

Sometimes, these split summers are coordi-

firm and a nonprofit group. The law student’s

Attorney’s Office; in Los Angeles, at the

nated, with the whole summer paid for by a

stipend is based on the firm’s first-year-as-

Feminist Majority Foundation and the Asian

law firm.

sociate salary, prorated for three months.

Pacific Legal Center. “It’s a very long list,”

“We pay at the top of the market” for each

says Kraeutler, and “often, they have their

A handful of law firms around the country

city where the summer associate is working,

own proposals based on their interests.”

have organized programs that allow some

says Kraeutler.

summer associates to split their time be-

Some firms with split-summer programs

The firm’s representatives tell law students

tween working at the firm and working at a

limit the number of summer associates who

about the PICS program during recruitment.

nonprofit or government organization—while

may participate. Some also preselect the

After the firm accepts its summer associ-

being paid for the whole summer. Because

public interest groups that qualify for the

ates, they receive more information on the

firm programs differ in scope and require-

program. Others do not pay the same rate for

program and how it’s run. In late winter and

ments, we will look at a few of them, along

law students while they do the public interest

early spring of their second year, the firm

with more traditional ways for a law student—

portion of their summer.

helps the next summer’s associates identify

split their summers, for example, between working for a nonprofit and at a law firm

ciates can work at the Kennedy Center for the

the groups where they would like to work and

first- or second-year—to spend the summer. Morgan Lewis offers the PICS program to

set it all up.

All of the summer associates at Morgan,

all the associates hired for the summer and,

Lewis & Bockius are given the opportunity to

for the public interest piece of the summer,

At the firm, summer associates can select

join the firm’s Public Interest and Commu-

allows those participating to choose from

assignments among practice areas in a

nity Service (PICS) program. Law students

a list of suggested organizations in that

particular office. The summer associate will

working at any of the firm’s offices—including

city or propose their own organization. The

“determine the content of her program based

Los Angeles; Miami; New York; Philadelphia;

firm developed the list five years ago at the

on her interest,” says Kraeutler. Then, when

Pittsburgh; or Washington, DC—can opt to

program’s inception.

the summer associates move on to work with the outside nonprofit groups, they usually do

work at least six weeks at the firm, and then the rest of the summer at a nonprofit organi-


“We put our focus in services to the indigent,”

similar work to what they did in the firm, such

continued on back


as legal research, says Kraeutler. The reasons behind the PICS program’s creation at Morgan Lewis are threefold, explains Kraeutler. First and foremost, “it’s consistent with what we view as our mission,” says Kraeutler, of doing pro bono work. The split-summer program is also intended to attract top law students to the firm, which “it has,” says Kraeutler. And those summer associates who choose to participate are “consistent with what we look for” when the firm is hiring, says Kraeutler: law students who are “energetic, with many interests, and care about the community.”


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