O'Melveny & Myers

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1. 800. 973.1177


O’Melveny & Myers [Joann Chang] As the nation’s 15th largest law firm and reigning recipient of the “Litigation Team of the Year” title by American Lawyer magazine, O’Melveny & Myers can offer a lot to those attorneys who can make it through its selective hiring process.

Between its corporate reputation and its

relaxed the firm, O’Melveny & Myers still

New York City-level paychecks. Summer

celebrity clients, the Los Angeles firm of

seems to be holding onto its formal roots.

associates also describe their compensation

O’Melveny & Myers seems to be in an ideal

The firm sponsors happy hours and caters

levels favorably, with trips to vineyards and

position. As the nation’s 15th largest law firm

a dining room in an effort to promote office

luncheons with Warren Christopher being

and the reigning recipient of the “Litigation

congeniality, but dress codes and the general

some of the highlights.

Team of the Year” title by American Lawyer

atmosphere are nowhere near the stereo-

magazine, the firm has come a long way

typical Los Angeles firm. Instead, associates


from its two-lawyer start up in 1885. Current

at O’Melveny report that the environment is

Those looking to practice in one of

chairman, Arthur B. Culvahouse, who now

a mix between corporate formality and west-

O’Melveny’s 13 international offices should

fills the position once held by one of the

coast liberalism. Associates find that they

search for up-to-date opportunities within

firm’s most eminent members and former

can expect a unique combination of brutal

the LawCrossing database. Recent firm

Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, has

hours and a screamer-free environment.

needs have included a Trusts & Estates As-

firm. His ascension could be referred to as

Somewhere along graduating from a top

Attorney in New York, and an Intellectual

the Second Coming since the firm has expe-

law school and earning exceptional grades,

Property Associate in San Francisco.

rienced unparalleled growth, with revenue

O’Melveny requires its attorneys to have

breaking $500 million, behind his leadership.

developed a winning personality. Describing

sociate position in Los Angeles, a Litigation

established his own prominence within the

the firm’s hiring criteria as being tough is an Though strong in several practices such as

understatement. While known to consider

real estate and intellectual property law,

lower law schools, the firm rarely recruits

O’Melveny is best known for its litigation

law students from outside the top ten. And

department. Some of its more renowned

if getting hired was difficult, moving up the

(and successfully litigated) cases include

corporate ladder is closer to impossible. The

representing Ford Motor Company and Sony

mysterious partnership decisions seem to

Pictures. O’Melveny also has an exceptional

be based on an associate’s ability to bring

appellate practice that frequently repre-

in business as well as to provide unique

sents clients at the Supreme Court level.

expertise to the firm. Once inside however,

The litigation practice, headed by Walter

high standards mean that the chosen few

E. Dellinger, former Solicitor General and

at O’Melveny can expect intelligent and so-

Assistant Attorney General, has been invited

cially-adept co-workers.

to represent Nike CEO Philip Knight as well as former Vice President Al Gore. O’Melveny

With corporate work comes corporate

also make sure not to sever its history of Old

salaries and O’Melveny is no exception to

Hollywood ties. Its entertainment client ros-

this rule. O’Melveny associates are well-paid

ter has recently included Time, Inc., Disney,

for their sacrifices and bonuses range from

MGM, and CBS.

$5,000 to $20,000. Although the $200,000 senior associates’ salaries pale in compari-

Although its 2002 merger with New York-

son to the $1 million profit level of partners,

based private equity firm O’Sullivan LLP has

associates are generally satisfied with their


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