Palmer & Dodge

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1. 800. 973.1177


Palmer & Dodge [Joann Chang] With less than 200 lawyers, Palmer & Dodge is able to offer its clients an extensive array of legal services, ranging from affordable housing finance to venture capital law, while still offering its attorneys an exceptionally collegial work environment.

With less than 200 lawyers, Palmer & Dodge

find that although the firm has a minimum

practice area, get a base salary of $110,000.

is able to offer its clients an extensive array

billable hours requirement, the yearly

And if the new Back Bay office’s proximity to

of legal services, ranging from affordable

expectation of 1,800 hours is easily fulfilled.

Fenway Park wasn’t enough for its diehard

housing finance to venture capital law, while

For those associates with family priorities,

Red Sox fans, previous years have seen bo-

still offering its attorneys an exceptionally

the firm allows part-time opportunities. In a

nus levels of up to $40,000. In addition to life

collegial work environment. After 100 years

recent year, 17 out of the firm’s 80 associ-

insurance, emergency day care options and

in Boston, Palmer & Dodge has recently

ates took advantage of this optional track to

discounted health club membership, Palmer

added satellite offices in New York City and

partnership. Overall, this midsize firm seems

& Dodge also extends one of the most gener-

Washington D.C. to enhance its airport law

to beat many of the larger firms when it

ous vacations plans in the country, allowing

practices. As one of the best lifestyle firms,

comes to job satisfaction.

up to 4 weeks off, including 12 days of paid

attorneys in these three East Coast cities

holiday time.

lucky enough to work here find that they are

Although the firm chooses many of their

able to balance family life with a satisfying

first year associates from below the top ten

While Palmer & Dodge receives positive

and challenging legal career.

law schools, recent economic factors and

attention for its pro bono work, the firm

the small size of the firm have led to some

has yet to improve its workplace diversity.

The emphasis placed on the humane treat-

stiff job competition. In 2003, the firm took

The challenges of promoting diversity in

ment of the firm’s employees makes it easy

only 10 summer associates compared to

a smaller firm have meant that the firm

to overlook the firm’s stellar legal work.

the 24 they accepted in 2000. The declin-

must work harder to incorporate and retain

Aside from having the largest bond counsel

ing numbers have made it more difficult for

minority lawyers. Currently, Palmer & Dodge

practice in New England, the firm has also

first-years to get hired here, since Palmer

reports that 52 associates are women and 9

been making headlines for its legal work in

& Dodge recruits primarily from its summer

are minorities. The firm’s efforts to pro-

biomedical products. One recent example

associate pool, but graduating from Boston

mote pro bono service seem to be making

has included the firm’s 2003 representation

College or Harvard Law seems to help.

more progress. The firm not only includes

of German biotech company Epigenomics in a

While the firm officially recruits from 13 law

the hours spent on pro bono activities in the

deal with a Swiss pharmaceutical corporation

schools, the majority of recent associates

annual billable hours requirement, but also

regarding applications of DNA methylation.

have graduated from local schools. Once in

encourages participation in a wide array of

Palmer & Dodge also maintains a large client

the firm, however, associates find partner-

community organizations. Palmer & Dodge

roster of major national commercial banks

ship a challenging, but not impossible, goal.

attorneys have been affiliated with Action for

and investment banking firms, as well as in-

Ranking first in terms of “Opportunities to

Boston Community Development, Lawyers’

ternational banks in countries like Australia

Work with Partners” by American Lawyer’s

Committee for Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties

and Japan.

survey of mid-level associates and boasting

Union of Massachusetts.

an almost one-to-one partner-to-associate As new occupants of one of the most aes-

ratio, associates report that they have ample

thetically pleasing office spaces in the nation,

contact with partners and are met with fair

Palmer & Dodge continues to be committed

evaluations of their work.

Jobs Palmer & Dodge currently has several openings in its Boston office including opportuni-

to its status as a lifestyle firm. The Boston office is frequently described as collegial and

Palmer & Dodge compensates its associ-

ties for experienced corporate, intellectual

exceptionally pleasant, with most attorneys

ates at top Boston levels and slightly below

property, and public law associates. More

dedicated to their family lives. Associates

national levels. All first years, regardless of

information regarding attorney positions at



Palmer & Dodge can be found in the LawCrossing job database.


1.800. 973. 1177

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