Part Two of Two: Civil Rights Expand Globally with Columbia Law school's

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Part Two of Two: Civil Rights Expand Globally with Columbia Law’s Human Rights Internship Program [by Erica Winter] As 125 Columbia Law School students near the end of their public service work this summer, we will take a look at the law school’s Human Rights Internship Program (HRIP). This program sends law students around the world, and around the United States, to work for public interest organizations seeking to improve human rights. In this second article of a two-part series, we


among these are “school segregation, educational inequality, and criminal justice, particu-

continue our look at public interest programs administered by Columbia Law School’s Center

We were able to interview Professor Greenberg

for Public Interest Law. Last week’s article

via email, as he is lecturing in New Zealand this

discussed Columbia’s Public Service Fellowship,


larly the death penalty,” says Greenberg. Once in the program, Columbia Law students benefit greatly from the experiences they have.

upcoming expansions to the summer programs, Greenberg was motivated to start HRIP because

“They work on matters about which they care,”

he “had been involved in human rights, domes-

says Greenberg. “They try to solve novel prob-

As for HRIP, it is the “flagship program” among

tic and international, for 35 years and knew

lems or old problems in novel ways.”

Columbia’s public interest endeavors, says

people and organizations all over the country

Greenberg stays involved with HRIP, assisting

Harlene Katzman, Dean of the Center for Public

and the world. I thought that students would

students in finding groups to work with. “I have

Interest Law. Specifically, HRIP gives a Columbia

gain a good deal from working with those I

counseled on placements and have called or

Law student a stipend for the summer to do

knew and that they could well use student as-

written to people and agencies where students

human rights work anywhere in the world and

sistance. Moreover, it would help civil rights and

want to work to facilitate the placement,” he

pays for him/her to get there as well.

international human rights to grow.”


There is also a 20-hour required training and

The phrase “human rights,” in fact, is not

Students are sent to preapproved placements

orientation program participating students

substantially different from “civil rights,” says

with organizations listed in a database at the

must complete for HRIP. The training program

Greenberg. Any difference is “historical and

Center for Public Interest. They can “go shop-

adds to the core first-year curriculum, says

arbitrary,” he says.

ping” through the database, says Katzman, to

and the law school’s loan repayment program.

find a human rights organization that fits their

Katzman, with instruction on topics not usually found in the first-year course schedule, such as

“In the U.S., we have used the terms ‘civil rights’

interests. The program has this list so that HRIP

the international convention of human rights.

and ‘civil liberties’ relating to constitutional and

administrators know the quality of supervision

“Supplementing the curriculum is very valu-

statutory rights,” says Greenberg. “Internation-

and the quality of work that will be available.

able,” says Katzman, and is one of the things that

ally, ‘human rights’ applied to similar freedoms,

“Students have very substantive experiences

set this program apart from other human rights

although protected, when they are protected,

over the summer,” says Katzman.


by different documents. To some extent, ‘human rights’ is coming to cover the U.S. freedoms too.

Regional program advisors are also in place to help students who have identified regions

The program’s origins, and the philosophy behind its beginning, are other distinguishing

As for the most important issues in human

of the world in which to work and are seeking

factors of HRIP.

rights currently—”it’s hard to rank the issues,”

further guidance. There are advisors for Latin

says Greenberg. “Certainly those that arise in the

America, China, Africa, and Eastern Europe,

In 1954, the United States Supreme Court ruled

context of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars now

among others.

on the landmark civil rights case Brown vs.

have priority,” he says, “but race relations remain

Board of Education. One of the attorneys who

extraordinarily important.”

Getting into the program is “very competitive,” says Katzman. Students are not required to find

argued that case before the Court, eventually winning that historic victory, was Jack Green-

Even with the high profile of international hu-

placements before they are approved for the

berg, Professor of Law and founder of HRIP in

man rights issues, there are still human rights

internship and its funding, so they start the ap-

1984, just after he joined the Columbia Law

concerns within the United States. Prominent

plication process early. Students must fill out an


continued on back


application; write essays; and then, if they move on the second round, do an interview with a panel of human rights attorneys who are alumni of HRIP. Those who are not accepted into the program can find other summer funding at Columbia—even some who are accepted to HRIP turn it down because they do not need the travel stipend included in the program. For students looking for an international human rights work experience, however, there is “no parallel to getting into HRIP,” says Katzman.


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