PCs Meet in the Middle

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PCs Meet in the Middle [by Charisse Dengler ] With companies like Eurotech and Microsoft creating mid-sized PCs, it seems the personal computer market may be heading for the middle ground. Larger than pocket-sized PDAs but smaller than desktop computers, these systems combine desktop capabilities with portable convenience.

Perfect for trains, planes, and soccer games,

WWPC has been predicted for use in security,

Like the WWPC, UMPCs possess desktop

mid-sized PCs provide entertainment and

logistics, and emergency-response positions.

power within a 2-pound shell. When creating the small computers, Microsoft hoped to

information no matter where you go; and touch screens make them easy and fun to

Somewhat bigger than the average

build a personal computer that could be


wristwatch, the WWPC fastens easily on your

transported with ease while still offering

arm and even fits over long-sleeve shirts and

users a decent-sized display and all the

Eurotech, which is headquartered in Italy,

jackets. The ergonomic design allows for an

possibilities of a desktop; it seems they have

has created a wrist-worn personal computer

equal distribution of the machine’s weight so


(WWPC). Worn like a watch, the EvryWear

that it is comfortable to wear. In order to educate the public about UMPCs

WL 1000 WWPC features a 72-mm by 55-mm display, keypad, joystick, speaker,

A Li-polymer battery and a central

and gain valuable feedback, Microsoft has

microphone, and headset jack.

processing unit that runs on relatively low

launched the Origami Project. The project’s

power make it possible to use the computer

website includes a forum, blogs, information

Eurotech was founded in 1992 and calls itself

for long periods of time before having to

on UMPCs, and downloadable background

an “idea factory.” Now a leader in the field



focuses on technology that makes everyday

The WWPC features groundbreaking tilt and

“Partnering with hardware manufacturers,

life simpler.

dead reckoning technology, which functions

our goal is to create a small touch-screen

as an inner GPS system, making it possible

PC that people can use in more places for

“The assumption behind Eurotech’s creation

to locate the person wearing the small

more things,” a statement on the project’s

and growth is that the most important

computer once he/she stops moving. Also,

website reads. “In our first release, we are

technologies tend, as they spread, to become

the system has the ability to recognize the

launching with three of our OEM partners

more and more integrated in our everyday

exact position of the person’s arm and can

who are offering Ultra-Mobile PCs with the

life, until they become almost invisible,” the

even put itself on standby when it detects

Microsoft Touch Pack. For the Touch Pack,

company’s website states.

that the arm is immobile by the person’ side.

we focused on making it easier to interact

With an internal USB device and masterports,

Another company getting in on the mid-

the WWPC’s 64K color display includes

sized-PC action, Microsoft recently revealed

a touch screen and automatic contrast

the design for an Ultra-Mobile PC (UMPC),

The three partnering companies Microsoft

adjustment. The pen for the touch screen is

a handheld computer featuring Windows XP

is referring to are Samsung, Asus, and

located on the computer’s wrist strap.

Tablet Edition 2005, wireless capabilities, a

Founder. Out of the three, the most

7-inch diagonal touch-screen display, and

publicized is Samsung’s Q1.

of computer miniaturization, the company

with a small touch-screen computer running

In addition, the WWPC is equipped with

Windows XP.”

USB inputs.

wireless capabilities—harboring GPS,

The Q1 boasts a GPS system, Intel CPU,

Bluetooth, wireless local area network

The system’s touch-screen capabilities are

40GB of memory, digital television

(WLAN), and Fast Infrared technology—and it

courtesy of Windows Touch Pack, a new

capabilities, and MP3 and Portable Music

can connect to remote host systems via Linux

version of Windows Tablet Edition. The new

Player (PMP) formatting. Built for business

or WinCE programs. With the same level

edition introduces users to DialKeys, an on-

and entertainment, the Q1 supports eight

of competence as desktop computers, the

screen keyboard meant for two-hand use.

different video programs, has an AVS Now


continued on back


thumbnail photo gallery, and has an SRS TruSurround surround-sound program. With a stylish black shell, various case options, and a weight of less than 2 pounds, the Q1 can be used just about anywhere, including at the office, in the car, and on the couch. “The minimum requirements for UMPC are a maximum screen size of 7 inches diagonally, a touch panel, and a minimum display resolution of 800 by 480,” the Origami Project’s website states. “Beyond these requirements, it is up to the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to decide what hardware features they want to include.” Prices will also be left up to the individual manufacturers, but Microsoft expects the cost of UMPCs to fall between $599 and $999. For more information on the UMPCs featured in this article, visit www.origamiproject.com, www.samsung.com, or www.eurotech.com.


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