Profile: Patricia Gustin, Certified Legal Assistant

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Profile: Patricia Gustin, Certified Legal Assistant and Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator, Harrisburg, PA [by Regan Morris] Paralegal and fire investigator is a unique blend. And Patricia “Pat” Gustin is a unique character. LawCrossing speaks with Ms. Gustin about her varied and colorful career.

Pat Gustin was always drawn to law enforce-


“I take the cases for the expert from start to finish. It’s from when the incident happened

ment. She considered a career as a police

until the time of trial. And maybe even some-

officer. Then she considered becoming a

She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business

corporate paralegal. But the “who done it”

from Penn State in 1986 and worked as a

times during the trial, depending on what

aspect of investigations was her real passion.

legal assistant and then became a state grant

kind of information comes out of the trial.”

Her thirst for facts and knack for solving

program manager, with responsibility for

problems have worked well in her unique

14 nonprofit organizations and an $825,000

Ms. Gustin builds her “Bible” of a case by

business as a freelance paralegal and fire

annual budget. That unit lost its funding, and

reading all the documents involved in a case,


Ms. Gustin decided it was time to move to the

doing a fact review, and, if she is investigating

private sector.

the physical fire scene herself, she writes an

Ms. Gustin became a paralegal for love of

opinion on the fire.

the law. She became a fire investigator by

Ms. Gustin, 50, returned to the legal field full

chance—and she loves both.

time in 1996 when she started working free-

Investigating a fire scene requires photo-

lance for UBA Fire Inc., which investigates

graphic skills and drafting skills too, because

In 1996, Ms. Gustin began working as a

the origins and causes of fires and explo-

the investigator may have to draw a diagram

freelance paralegal for an expert witness,

sions. UBA’s clients include multi-national

of the scene.

focusing on complex litigation involving fires

manufacturers, gas pipeline companies, gas

and explosions. She was handling more and

distribution companies, public utilities, at-

“No two cases are alike either, so that’s what

more cases and fact reviews for them, and it

torneys and insurance companies.

makes this fascinating,” she said. “I freelance

was noted that Ms. Gustin would make a good inspector. She jumped at the chance. “I really enjoy the investigation field, and as I

for them (UBA). It’s kind of an unusual posiMs. Gustin also does contract work for at-

tion. I also offer my services to attorneys as

torneys, but UBA was and remains her chief

well, and I’ve done jobs for a couple different


solo practitioners. One deals with ethics law

said before the paralegal skills, they just fall

and the other one just wanted some research

into line,” she said. “You have dig to the bot-

“I’m very strong in the product liability litiga-

done. But my specialty really is product liabil-

tom of the floor at times. I don’t care about

tion area,” she said. “A lot of our cases, cases

ity, along with the fire and explosion cases.”

the dirt. I’m there to solve a puzzle. Believe

that involve fire and explosions, many times

me, you get dirty, honey, you do. I swear my

involve a product or a service. What an origin

Ms. Gustin, who often writes articles for

coveralls could stand up by themselves a

and cause investigator does is they go out to

“Facts and Findings” and has been active

couple of times.”

a fire scene, and, based on your investigation,

in various paralegal associations, said she

you need to pinpoint what your area of origin

was honored and surprised to be included in

Ms. Gustin, who grew up in Harrisburg with

would be, that would be what location in the

the upcoming book, “Lessons From the Top

seven siblings, started her career in the

house or what location in the building the fire

Paralegal Experts.”

1970s as a secretary and stenographer for

may have started.”

the state of Pennsylvania. She worked for a

Ms. Gustin said fire investigation and para-

state welfare fraud investigation unit, work-

She does not investigate arson fires—that’s

legal work go hand in hand but that the fire

ing her way up to various legal positions

for the public sector, police and fire depart-

investigation world can be difficult to break

with the state for 23 years. She was eventu-


into. She was lucky in that she worked with

ally promoted to Agency Regulatory Review


investigators each day as their legal support

continued on back

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and got a lot of on-the-job training. She also

into it and I’m still hoping, trying to get my

went back to school.

name out there and trying to build a good reputation… My advice would be get your

From January 2000 until May 2002, she

feet wet in the legal field. See if you like that

completed numerous courses in fire science


technology, along with completing more than 200 hours of professional seminars at

But she warns that fire scenes - particularly

her own expense. All the while she was still

automotive fires can be hazardous. And it’s

working with UBA Fire.

important, she stressed, to maintain objectivity on a case, even when people die in the fire.

In January 2001, Ms. Gustin was sent on her

Ms. Gustin said she always remains objective

first independent fire investigation. UBA peri-

but is haunted by fires where children have

odically sent her out on inspections while she

been burned.

continued her paralegal work. To learn more, she often went to fire scenes with more expe-

“I don’t think I know any paralegal out there

rienced inspectors to observe them work.

who has ever said ‘oh these cases don’t bother me’. There’s always one that will

In May 2000, Ms. Gustin also obtained her

haunt you. Because you’re a human being,”

Certified Legal Assistant credential from the

she said. “But you know our goal is to assist

National Association of Legal Assistants.

that supervising attorney in giving the best

The year previous, she joined the National

client representation possible.”

Fire Protection Association, where she is a member of the Research Committee. In 2001, she became a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator through the National Association of Fire Investigators. She did all that while running her own business. Ms. Gustin said working from home was hard at first because she couldn’t stand the isolation. But now she values the lack of distractions when she’s working on a case. “The work is so exciting and fascinating,” she said. “In terms of the legal field itself, boy it’s changing so fast, paralegals have a full time job keeping up with all of that. With the advent of electronic filings and a lot of the other changes. It’s a lot to keep up with but you must. It’s worth it.” She urged paralegals interested in fire investigations to study. There are four-year degrees in fire science, or try to get an internship with an investigator. “Anybody can do it but you have to really have a knack for investigation. You need a vast amount of education and experience. It won’t happen overnight,” she said. “It’s five years PAGE 2

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