How to Develop an Electronic Resume

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How to Develop an Electronic Resume [J. Murray Elwood] You can easily develop an electronic resume and send it by e-mail, but there are caveats.

Be aware of two downsides to attachments.

Many law firms are technologically con-

image, or text file, of the resume that it

servative and not at all savvy in the elec-

then stores for later retrieval and review in

Sometimes attachments are not sent in Word

tronic processing of their documents. They

a databank. This scannable resume is de-

or a compatible format and the attached file

prefer to receive paper resumes for law

veloped from your ordinary word-processed

is garbled when opened. This file can usually

school recruiting or for screening of lateral

resume, but created with simple typefaces,

be read by some other application already

moves. But sooner or later in a job search, a

such as the kind of typefaces used in this

in the computer, but the process is time-

potential employer or recruiter will ask you

book - Times New Roman, Ariel, Helvetica,

consuming, inconvenient, and infuriating. A

to e-mail your resume. Or it might be that an

Univers - but without italics, horizontal lines,

more serious problem with attachments is

ad in a legal newspaper will instruct: “Apply

or underlined words. Note also that words

that some employers, concerned about vi-

by e-mail and send your resume as a Word

used for section headings (e.g. Education,

ruses, have firewalled their systems against

attachment.” What do you do?

Bar Admissions) in the scannable resume

all attachments to protect the integrity of

are emphasized by capitalization, rather than

their emails. As a result, the phrase “No

written in bold type.

Attachments Please” seems to be appearing

First of all, you don’t need a completely different resume for e-mailing. With a few slight variations, the same text can be used

more and more in corporate advertisements.

An Electronic Resume

for the three most common formats for transmitting resumes:

Read the advertisement carefully or ask the person requesting your resume what e-mail

Your resume can also be sent electronically

format to use when forwarding the resume.

either as an attachment file to your e-mail message that the addressee opens upon re-

As Plain Text. You convert your resume to an

ceipt or as plain text pasted onto the e-mail

ASCII (“ASK-key”) or plain-text format that is

Sometimes labeled “hard copy,” with ar-

message itself. Both methods are widely

then pasted directly on to the bottom of your

resting typefaces and bulleted descriptions

used to submit resumes to either recruiters

e-mail message.

of accomplishments. This is the resume,

or in answering advertisements.

A Paper Resume

To send your resume as part of the e-mail

still widely used, that you have traditionally mailed with your cover letter. When required,

As An Attachment File. If you’ve created

message for Word 98/2000, just follow these

you can also fax your paper resume as an

your resume using standard word processing


answer to an advertisement.

software, say WordPerfect or Microsoft Word 98/2000, after composing your e-mail mes-

1. Open your resume. Choose: File > Save

sage, you hit “Browse” to find your resume

As > Save As Type; Choose: Text Only. You’ll

file, then click the “Attach” button and then

probably get a message saying that the

This form of electronic processing does not

“Send” and your resume goes out as a file

document “may contain features that are not

yet seem to be widely used by law firms, but

with your covering message. If sent in Word

compatible with Text Only format. Do you

resume scanning is employed by the human

and received as a Word document, format-

want to save the document in this format?”

resource departments of major corporations

ting and fonts should appear very much as

Select: Yes

to manage large numbers of incoming paper

they do in a “hard copy” format. For example,

resumes. Clue: The ad tells you to direct

Bradford Bunting’s corporate resume, when

2. A Text Only form of your resume will come

your resume to “Data Processing.”

sent as an attachment and “read” in Word 98,

up on the screen. Select the resume, then

came through exactly as printed on page 60.

Choose: Edit > Copy. Then go to your E-mail

A Scannable Version

The company scanner creates an electronic


text, position your cursor after your message

continued on back

1.800. 973. 1177


and Choose: Edit > Paste. If your resume

design and, especially, the process of web

overheads and other classroom materials.

contained bullets, they will be changed into


Using PowerPoint software, created several presentations for History of Architecture

asterisks. Check your heading to make sure the name, address and phone and e-mails are Kim Isaacs has an excel-

in the proper order, and make sure the Sec-

lent article here on converting a resume to

tion headings are printed in capital letters for

ASCII format. Select: Career Center > Gen-


eral Resources > Resumes.

To test the appearance of your plain-text


courses. ADMISSIONS United States District Court, E.D.N.Y., 2003

resume, it’s easy to open up another e-mail

New York State Bar, Second Department, 2002

address, say in HotMail, and send yourself

436 West 76th Street New York, N. Y. 10023

your resume at your usual e-mail address.

(212) 123-4567


Note the Plain-Text Resume [at the End of


Bar Association, City of New York

This Section]

American Red Cross - CPR Instructor Fordham University School of Law, New York,

The original hard copy version of Tamika


Greene’s resume ... was converted into ASCII,

Juris Doctor (cum laude), 2002

or Text Only format, pasted onto an e-mail and the resume appeared as it does on the next

American University, Washington, D.C.

page. Other than dropping the horizontal line

Bachelor of Fine Arts (magna cum laude),

below the letterhead and looking as if it had


been typed on an old Remington typewriter,

Washington Post Scholar, National Founda-

in 10-point New Courier typeface, the resume

tion For The Arts Award

required no changes or edits. Substituting either a series of asterisks or dashes can ap-


proximate the effect of the horizontal line in the original.

Justice Milton Migrano, Appellate Division of New York, 2nd Department


Law Clerk, 2002 - Present

The Internet contains many additional re-

Electronic legal research using Westlaw and

sources to answer questions and assist you


in creating your electronic resume. Some of

Prepared written memoranda and oversaw

the best:

statistical reporting, document review and file management. This is Rebecca Smith’s site, “eResumes 101,” and it is a compre-

Peace Corps, Republic of Ghana

hensive source containing several pages of

Volunteer, 1997 - 1999

excellent technical information about e-mail resume design and formats, including Key-

Teacher of art in small village school; com-

word resumes, Web resumes, HTML resumes,

munity organizer.

and so on.

Facilitated various agricultural development projects. Margaret Riley Dikel, author of “The Riley Guide” to web career re-

American University, Fine Arts Department

search information, has several pages at the

Student Research Assistant, 1995 - 1996

Drake Beam Morin corporate site with good, common-sense advice about web resume


Prepared bibliographies, catalogues,

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

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