Round 1 goes to your supervisor

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Round 1 goes to your supervisor [by Bob Goldman] If you want to know what was No. 1 on my Thanksgiving list this year, I’ll be happy to share - a lot happier than I was when grandma kept bugging me to pass the chestnut stuffing. What I gave thanks for this year is that my manager has not purchased Quint Studer’s new book, “Hardwiring Excellence: Purpose, Worthwhile Work, Making a Difference.”

You should be thankful, too. It is Studer’s be-

- the unemployment office.

lief that in order to be successful, managers

sional development. Talk about a horror-show moment. Studer

should adopt a principle used in health care

This is not the point of view of our author,

suggests that bosses can use their daily chit-

facilities called “rounding.”

however, who could use a little “rounding”

chats to “discover whose skill sets need im-

himself, at least, in terms of the theories

provement.” Good heavens! If you had a skill

inside his pointy little head. For example:

set, you’d get yourself a real job. Studer even

“Rounding is what doctors in hospitals have

envisions a boss saying, “We want to keep

traditionally done to check on patients,” writes the author. “The same idea can be used in

1. Employees want a manager who cares and

you in our organization and are committed to

business, with a CEO, VP, or department man-

values them.

helping you excel personally and professionally.” What would you do if your boss ever said

ager making the rounds to check on the status Studer wants managers to “take the time ev-

something that scary to you? I’d faint dead

ery day to make a human connection with your

away - and then I’d need a real doctor to make

While Studer believes that rounding can work

employees and really listen and respond to


in a business setting, I am less sanguine. Take

their needs.” Never work. How can you make

my word for it; a heart transplant performed

a human connection with the kind of soul-less

4. Employees don’t want to work with low

with rusty pinking shears is a walk in the

android who climbs the corporate monkey


park compared to what can happen after a

bars in business today?

of his employees.”

few intimate minutes with a manager who is

Author Studer believes employees don’t like

practicing his cube-side manner.

Ever watch an overstuffed, overpaid executive

working with people who don’t “pull their

And don’t forget - doctors use anesthetic. In

try to relate? It’s as painful for them as it is

own weight.” Totally untrue! We love people

the office, there’s no anesthesiologist to save

for us, trying to pretend to care about their

who are even more terrible at their jobs than

you from the pain of spending quality time

meaningful, executive problems, like the high

we are. It makes us look better. Still, this

with your manager. (Trust me on this. It’s

cost of oil changes on a Bentley.

could be the one advantage of the “rounding”

amazing how executives get upset when you

philosophy. The bosses will be able to identify

bring a little spray bottle of chloroform into a

And we don’t need daily conversations to know

those of us who don’t do any work and then

staff meeting.)

how our managers value us. We can find out to

they can promote us to become bosses, too.

the penny every two weeks in our paycheck.

Hey, if all it takes to manage is the ability to walk around and pretend to look interested,

What makes Studer’s prescription even scarier is that he expects the doctor/manager

2. Employees want systems that work and the

you can sign us up. It’s exactly what we’ve

to delve deeply into the psyche of the patient/

tools and equipment to do the job.

been doing for years.

employee. Probably true, but if you can’t do your job, the

Bob Goldman has been an advertising ex-

“When done properly, rounding is much more

last person you would ever tell is your boss.

ecutive at a Fortune 500 company in the San

than surface face time put in by leaders. It’s

Even if I’ve pawned my computer, smashed my

Francisco Bay area. He offers a virtual shoul-


telephone and chopped up my desk for fire-

der to cry on at

wood, I’d still tell my boss, “Hey, everything is Exactly the problem. To survive in the work-

great! Never been more productive. I prefer

place clinic we must remain anonymous and

writing memos with a piece of coal. Saves

unnoticed. The more our bosses know about

energy, too.”

our deep, innermost thoughts, the quicker we’ll be lining up at the workplace morgue


3. Employees want opportunities for profes-

© Copley News Service

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