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Southwestern University Offers the Only Two-Year Accredited Law Degree [by Anayat Durrani] Based in Los Angeles, CA, Southwestern University School of Law sets itself apart from other law schools as the only two-year law program offered at an American Bar Association-approved law school.
One of four courses of study leading to a J.D.
integrated curriculum that emphasizes hypo-
learning. The program aims to develop in
at Southwestern, SCALE (Southwestern’s
thetical problems as a teaching method. The
students stronger skills in advocacy, negoti-
Conceptual Approach to Legal Education),
first year of the program uses hypothetical
ating, and counseling.
was created in 1974 by the Fund for the
problem solving as a tool, teaching substan-
Improvement of Post-Secondary Education.
tive concepts of law, and helps students hone
SCALE seeks to educate students as general-
During that time, the Fund was the largest
their skills in the areas of case analysis,
ists in the law during their first year of the
federal grant awarded to any law school.
research, writing, and the use of legal prin-
program. During the second year, students
The SCALE program combines the study of
ciples to resolve disputes.
can choose a specific area of interest through externship placements, allowing for greater
theory and practice through an intense and structured curriculum that is equivalent to a
The first-year curriculum departs from
exposure in that area of interest. Students
full three-year program.
traditional three-year law schools, which
can choose an elective from courses listed in
offer subjects such as torts and contracts
a traditional curriculum such as patent law
SCALE prides itself on its innovative course
in separate courses. Rather, much of the
or family law upon approval from the Dean of
structure and teaching methods. It provides
coursework in the SCALE program is de-
students with unique learning experiences
signed to show the interrelationship between
that offset the theoretical approach of a
concepts and subject matter. The program
SCALE is an intensive program that absorbs
traditional program with practical hands-on
replicates the daily rigors lawyers face and
students into the daily demands and realities
allows students to train in basic lawyering
of practicing law to prepare them for life
skills such as oral and written communica-
beyond law school. Externships are sched-
SCALE teaches conceptual learning and
tion, fact gathering, case planning, interview-
uled once each year to expose students to a
simulation training in the classroom to
ing, counseling, negotiating, litigation, and
range of working experiences and offer an
provide students with the skills and experi-
the interpersonal matters that come into play
opportunity for students to become familiar
ence needed for a real-world law office. The
in managing a successful law practice. This
with what it is like to be a practicing attorney.
program has smaller class sizes, around 30
makes for a much more interactive, hands-
Through the externships, students move
students, which provide for greater faculty-
on approach to legal education.
from simulation in the classroom to practical
student interaction.
learning experience in a law firm, agency, The second year of the SCALE program
or judicial chambers. During the first year,
Patrick Pyle, assistant dean and general
transforms the classroom into a “teaching
as part of their externship, students must
counsel at Southwestern, who is also a
law office” with the use of simulated client
attend California Supreme Court sessions to
graduate of the SCALE program, said the
hear appellate arguments and are required
school was “the perfect program for me.” He
to prepare draft opinions as if they were
noted that “aside from saving an entire year
As a functioning law office, students are
of class time, it’s fast paced, intensive, and
faced with realistic questions from “clients”
contains a strong component of skills work
whereby students are to respond using
During the second year, students are then
that allows you to ‘hit the ground running’
appropriate legal documentation, as well
given an opportunity for an eight-week
upon entering the profession.”
as effective oral communication, such as
externship in a judicial, governmental, public
negotiation or trial advocacy. Through this
interest agency, or law office setting. The
Fundamental legal principles and analytic
approach, students work individually and in
externship is monitored by supervising attor-
skills are taught to students through an
joint projects with emphases on cooperative
neys who evaluate students’ abilities.
justices of the court.
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