Starting salaries level off

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Starting salaries level off [by Rebecca Luczycki] Economy blamed for associate pay plateau.

After sharp increases for the past few years,

“At the big firms, clients today are scrutiniz-

3rd year associate: 85,700

salaries for new law school graduates joining

ing their bills more carefully and not initiat-

1st year summer: $1,300/week

firms have hit a plateau.

ing new projects as much,” she said. “Some

2nd year summer: $1,500 /week

of the big firms are not hiring, not increasing

3rd year summer: $1,538/week

Statistics from the National Association for

salaries and even letting people go in some

Law Placement, show that median first-year


associate salaries for mid- to large-size

Firm size: 101-250 lawyers 1st year associate: $85,000

firms have remained mostly stable for the

One practice area where salaries continue to

2nd year associate: $87,000

last three years, from April 2000 to April

be robust, however, is Intellectual Property.

3rd year associate: $92,838


Entry-level IP attorneys command as much

1st year summer: $1,500 /week

as $30,000 more than other practice areas,

2nd year summer: $1,500/week

That is in sharp contrast to the almost 30

and that gap widens as associates rise

3rd year summer: $1,500/week

percent increase in median entry-level pay

through the ranks. Firm size: 251-500 lawyers

between April1999 and April 2000. Donald Chisum, a professor and IP special-

1st year associate: $102,000

First-year associates at firms of 251 or more

ist at Santa Clara University School of Law

2nd year associate: $105,000

attorneys today earn, on average, about

in Santa Clara, Calif., said that is mainly

3rd year associate: $110,000


because of continuing demand for patent

1st year summer: $1,925/week

attorneys. “Their salaries are always going to

2nd year summer: $2,000/week

Of course, salary figures vary by firm size

be higher because of their advanced degrees

3rd year summer: $2,050/week

and location. At small firms, median entry-

and their usefulness to the firms,” he said. Firm size: 501 or more

level pay is $59,500, and at very large firms (more than 500 attorneys), the median jumps

Chart - 2003 Median Base Salaries

1st year associate: $113,000

to about $113,000.

Firm size: 2-25 lawyers

2nd year associate: $120,000

1st year associate: $59,000

3rd year associate: $128,417

In major cities like Los Angeles and New

2nd year associate: $64,500

1st year summer: $2,250/week

York, the prevailing salary for first-year

3rd year associate: $67,250

2nd year summer: $2,275/week

associates is $125,000, a number that has

1st year summer: $865/week

3rd year summer: $2,375/week

remained relatively unchanged over the last

2nd year summer: $924/week

Source: NALP 2003 Associate Salary Survey

three years.

3rd year summer: $93/week

Not surprisingly, the economy has a lot to

Firm size: 26-50 lawyers

edition of The National Jurist, www.nation-

do with salaries leveling off. NALP officials

1st year associate: $71,000

reported that the last time a plateau like this

2nd year associate: $75,000

was seen was in the recessionary mid-1990s.

3rd year associate: $81,000

This story appeared in the October, 2003

1st year summer: $1,100/week Virginia Greer, director of career services

2nd year summer: $1,250/week

at John Marshall Law School in Atlanta, Ga.,

3rd year summer: $1,200/week

said she is not surprised that salaries have leveled off especially at large firms, because

Firm size: 51-100 lawyers

many of them are suffering a backlash as

1st year associate: $80,000

their clients’ business suffers.

2nd year associate: $82,800


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