Steptoe & Johnson

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1.800. 973. 1177


Steptoe & Johnson [Joann Chang] Known for its excellent reputation in Washington, DC, this firm attracts some of the nation’s top attorneys, but good grades alone won’t get you a job here -- they also value personality.

A history of forging political ties and abiding

endured during the first Gulf War.

by the Washington standard of courtesy has

Although the starting associates salaries are not strikingly generous, associates at

made Steptoe & Johnson one of the stron-

It appears that the diplomatic environment

Steptoe find that they are well-compensated

gest and most congenial firms in the nation.

has rubbed off on the doorsteps of Steptoe’s

for their agreeable work environment. The

1330 Connecticut Avenue address. Hours

law firm describes its salary offerings as

The firm known as Steptoe & Johnson that

are described as reasonable and fellow

competitive with Washington standards and

rests comfortably in Dupont Circle is actu-

colleagues are found to be gracious and

with such amiable colleagues, so who can

ally a spin-off of the original firm that began

approachable. The official billable hours

complain? Steptoe also springs for extras

in West Virginia in 1913. Founding partner

requirement of 1,950 is easily met at this

such as paying for travel expenses for sum-

Colonel Louis Johnson began the Washing-

firm of hard workers. The firm’s polite and

mer associates, moving expenses for new

ton D.C. branch of the firm when he took up

enjoyable culture seems to spoil its new

attorneys, and living expenses for associates

the position of Assistant Secretary of War

associates and to disprove the skepticism of

awaiting the bar exam. And with the bonus

under FDR. A split in the 1980s resulted in

its lateral hires, many of whom doubted the

system applying after 2,100 hours, associates

the newer Steptoe & Johnson that has five

co-existence of lawyers and pleasure. Social

also appreciate the option to work longer for

offices and is based out of D.C., while the

events sanctioned by the firm include paid

more compensation.

old, and now unaffiliated, Steptoe remains a

lunches for taking out new associates, sailing

strong presence in West Virginia.

in the Chesapeake Bay with summer associ-

In addition to providing excellent legal work

ates, and hanging out in the firm’s box at the

and maintaining friendly offices, Steptoe &

MCI Center.

Johnson boasts one of the most active pro

The 350-lawyer firm is best known for its telecommunications and lobbying efforts,

bono programs in the nation. The firm has

but has received attention for its recent

The firm prides itself on its down-to-earth

a full-time pro bono coordinator and was

high-profile cases. Steptoe has represented

and friendly attorneys and goes to great

one of the first law firms to have this Public

telecommunication giants in several merg-

lengths to keep its offices happy. Steptoe

Service Counsel position. The firm has insti-

ers and joint venture agreements such as

& Johnson looks for graduates from top

tuted many new initiatives including a Public

the MCI-Worldcom, AT&T-MediaOne, and

law schools and officially recruits nineteen

Service Associate Rotation Program, in which

Bell Atlantic-GTE deals. Steptoe’s connec-

of them each year, but will not hire blindly

volunteer associates work at the Legal Aid

tions with policymakers come as no surprise

based on credentials. If you would like to be

Society of Washington D.C., and a Summer

when considering the history of the firm’s

a part of this idyllic firm culture, be prepared

Public Service Program, in which summer

establishment in D.C. The firm lists a former

to show proof of your “excellent personal

associates spend a portion of their summers

General Counsel to the National Security

qualities” in addition to your top academic

at public interest organizations in Washing-

Agency, former Attorney General to the State

credentials. Additionally, though the firm

ton D.C. Associates can also include up to

of Montana, and a former General Counsel

boasts an almost one-to-one partner-associ-

100 hours of pro bono work in their billable

to the Senate Banking Committee among its

ate ratio, achieving actual partnership is just

hours requirement.

partners in the government relations group.

as hard as any other medium firm. Associ-

Recently, Steptoe has been making news for

ates are typically up for partnership after

representing the former general counsel

their eighth year and the firm does its best to

of Tyco International, Mark A. Belnick, and

provide accurate reviews of candidates after

Steptoe & Johnson currently has several

for heading the case of 17 former Ameri-

their sixth and seventh years.

openings in Washington D.C. and Phoenix

can POWs against Iraq for the torture they



including opportunities for experienced

continued on back


litigation and intellectual property associates. More information regarding attorney positions at Steptoe & Johnson can be found in the LawCrossing job database.


1. 800. 973.1177

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